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Civil Service Reform--a Formula For Candidates

Civil Service Reform--a Formula For Candidates image
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The following is given as a test of fitnpss for positions in tho Treasury Dopartnient, adopted uudor tho Civil Servico Iteform System. It was preparad by Mr. Elliott. The applicant ia roquired to answor the following questious, giving writtoa answera iu all cases : 1. Name. 2. Qrade for which designated. :. In what office. 4. Residence. 5. Place of birth. 6. Dato of birth. 7. State as to elementary edy,cation, uiathematics, languagos, booyf-.k(ieping, scienco, art, &c. 8. What subsequent exporieuce ia business ot profession. 9. What clorical experienco. 10. State the nature of the -work and givo an examplo üluswati.v of accounts or coniputations in which you have latoly had practical acquaintance. 11. Wri te in figures tho numbers : Six hundrcd thousand and two hun drod. Ninoty thonaapd and fehty ; One Uu,idrod thousandth ; Ono ten-thousandth ; On.e tonth. % Wri te at length the numbcr expressod by the following figures : 40050, 800401, 4050GO7OOO, 100. .011. .11 HO 13. Aild the following number and ' certain the por cunt. of each to thojr sum : i H567 82124 i 56714 32196 43187 24685 96517 14. Add 1.87; 0.087; 31.8705; 2.4759; 9.0102, and 0,0004 lo, From a3H7.y suMract 0.9982. 16. Multiply 31.000489 by 200.35. v 17. Divido 24.75 by 89.123. 18. Add 2-3 to 3-5. 19. Subtract 4-5 of 5-6 from 6-7. 20. Multiply 2-3 by 1 2 of 1-3. 21. Divido 3-5 by 1-6. 2'J. If tho premium on gold relative to currency is 20 per cent., tlmt is, if one hundred dollars of U. S. gold coin is worth one hundrcd and twenty dollars oi tf. S. paper curroncy (Grooiibuoks), what is thc valuó of ono hundred dollars of U. S. paper currency 'i 23, If tha premium on gold is 17 1-8 per cent., what is tho valué in gold of one hundrcd dollars in f urrency 't 24. James Williams is a disbursing agent. February lst, 1S70, there is in bis hands ?8,4G3.32 ; March lst he pays out $.i,498..)5, on which ho is eutitled to a conimission of 1 .'i-4 per cent. May lst he receives $2,9(5}, 50, Juno lst he pays out $3,942.00, on whieh he is entitled to a comniissioii ot' 2 2-3 per cent. Stiito this in form of an account. 2"). Whtn was tho Declaratiou of Indopendence adoptod ' 2(i. Who commanded tha American Army duriug the war of the Kovolution ? 27. into what is the V. S. Government divided? 28. Stato tho duties of each branch. 20. What chain of lakes on or noar the northern frontier of the United States, and by what river and gulf do their waters reach vho ocoan ? dl). YYhataro tho principal rnountain ranges of tho United States V 31. Writu oorrectly tho words of tho following s,orttoucoa ; 1 iriiion peal cuntains a peculiar asoid. I had a leaf go as hav hini go. Tho belles rang out a morry pool. Ho raised 500 pounds from tho floar. Coniplinients aro seldom sinsoro. Punctuality is almost a virchoo. Gold is not comparable to steal for utility. 39. Correct tho following sentenoes : Tho man is prudent which spoaks but littlo. A variety of pleasing objects charm the eye. Man is not such a machino as a clock or a watch, whioh move merely as thoy are move'd. I bought the knives at Johnson's the cutiera. It could not have been her for she always beha ves disoretely. Good ordor iu our agairs, not mean savinga, produce great profits. Ignorance, or the want of light, produce sensuality, covetousnes and thoso violent contests with others about triflos which occasion so much misery and crimes in tho world. Avoid using your oyes when tho use begins to give pain ; lot them havo rest. Batho tho oyos in tepid water. Don't uso woftk oyes by an artificial liglit. If tho oyes aro mattod togethor ufter sleeping, the most instantanoous and agreoable 8olvent in nature is tho application of saliva with the fingors bcforo oponing tho oyi!. Nover piok it off with tno tiugt.r nail, but wash it off with tho ball of the fingors in quito warm water. A correspondent writes ia tho New York Sun thathis mothod of killing stuinps when cleariug new land is as follow : " As soon as I cut down a troe or aapling, I gplit tho stunip in various dlroctions, two or three inches from tho bark. This allow the sap or live wood on tho outsido to becomo thoroughly seivsonod, and thereby preyents sprouts from being eniittcd horofrom.


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