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Victor Hugo Interviewed

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New Yokk, i'ebruury 4.- Thu Laris ooi-respondent of tlio World has had ani intoryiovv with Víctor Hugo. In answor to ;i duustion regarding the Oommune, ■ iil : " In regard! to the last revo-. lul i. a, I honor tho principies ua which. it was miulo, butl despisa members of the Commune who compromised, by their fullics and crimes, ono of popular sovcrumonis that the ovld has witneued, Only think, if thu. urmy had not boen hounded on by Thiers ,to stiflo tho young republie, and to murder her ohildron, liovv i. :-,i'.y the vagaries of the Comuiuno wouíá ha v-o heen arrestad by theco-opt;ratiou of other gr at towns or centers of eivilization. How thoroughly we should be laying by this timo tho foundation principies of social rogoneration ! " Hugo further said : " I have no hositation in tolling you that I consider Thiera a meaner .spirit than Louis Napoleon. Thoae who cali liim a great states-, man kuovv s little of thti iftai aa they do of French histovy. H(! ;s.a little. man, and a little man iriaapablö ot' loarning auything fioiii the experience of tho past, and incapable of conceiving.a liberal pbui, for the future. His iiituic will go dpwn to postority covfired with the blood of the mis-leí men ha niassacred in th!e streetí of Paris. Tens of thousande i'ull u.n4ar; his ahassepots. Napoleon U rctito hi8 been surpassed by Thiers, le tren petit. If another Chamber were to bo elected toïaorrow, Thiers' power would crinlile in to dust. Iis liöine policy is tö hold" tho ïword of State by the handlo and,giYQ the blade to tho people. Hisforcign,pol-, icy ;s to humor Bismarok hy accediug to all his requesta, and delaying uioasurta lik( that of coinpulsory military serviCjO which :ailit cimlile y,s to lift up our heada agairi. in his concert he iuiy thiuk it tho first duty of every gooti .stript to keep Thiez-s in office, but wliothex he be sincere or not, his goveniment is based on corruption. Lot'it cali iíwjl'f provisional republic or monurohy, its fall is erfcain. CjuíÍ grant that I may bo u, ftilso prol het, but yi b.iu-e as tUc. sun will set to-duy, so sare am I t?iat.jiiititary tyranny will ngaiii bo inflicted. en my poor country. Whcn it beconios a question of o mspimig and uaderhand deating, thero is but one party which has any chanco in such infauiy. The Bonapartists must have it their own way. The Duol)'phambord is an anachronism. 'iiie Fleur de Ï4 would never live in modern Freuch soil. Thu Duc D'Aunialo is a v;iliait suldier iu the Republicau urmy, but he has aíi.littlu charice of receiving the crown as he las of being President of the Republij;, and, Rupposiug either to be probable, lija is not the in. in tn havo auy inriueiicu uvur tho qestinies of Frajice. Thqrx, ia U,ui,


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