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A Special Session Of The Legislature

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Governor Baldwin has issued the following proclamation : Wierea, By the provisiona of an act of Congress approvod on the socond day of February, 1872, for tho apportionmcnt.of Represen tati ves to Congress among the sevoral States, acoordins; to the ninth census, tho State of Michigan is entitlod to throc additional Representativos ; And, wlicreas, The rapidly inoreasing population and growing interests of the dili'erent sections of the State are such as to deraand that ro-division of tho comraonwealth into Congressional Districts, conforraatory to the provisión forincreased represcntation, should be mado before tho next general election ; Now, therefore, I, Henry P. Baldwin, Governor of tho State of Michigan, by virtue of the power vested in me by the Constitution, do hereby direct that the Legislature of tho State con vene, in extraordinary scssion. at tho Capítol in tho City of Lansing, on Wednesday, the thirtoentn day of March next, at twolve o'clock noon, for the purposo of dividing the State into nine Congressional districts, pursuant to tho ratio of representation fixed by said act of Congress, and to consider and act upon all suoh matters as may be submitted by special message. In testimony wheroof, I have herounto set my hand and caused to be affixed the great seal of the State. Done at Lansing, the tenth day of February, in the year of our Lord omi thousand eight hundred and sevonty-two. HENRY P. BALDWIN. By the Governor. Daniel Stkiker, Seeretary of State. The advance sheets of the army regis ter shows the number of officers on the rolls to be 2,079; the number authorizet by law is 2,261, so that there aro 182 vacancies Of these vacancies í9 aro ssconc lieutenants of infantry and oavalry, anti the remainder are staff and officers oi i5gh rank. The Northern Michigan Agricultural Society has voted $10,000 for special premiums for its next fair, f5,000 for buillin a fino art hall on the grouuds and $2,000 for the eroction of stock sheds. The Lair will be held the third week of Septeröber at Grand Rapids.


Old News
Michigan Argus