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leuj &&vtxtistmvte. VINECAR. 25 Barrels of Apple, and 20 Bárrela of Pure Cider Vinegar for a!ï b j m: i ii T. OTIS. Feb. lSth, 1872. 1361w2 Ánn Arbor Opera House! Mr. T. B. TurnbuU reapecUully nnnounces the flrst fipTwnrnucc in this city tinee his recent severo índisposition, of tin: WOttLD UENOWNED TIOLINIST OLE BULL IN GRAND CONCERT, Wednesday Even'g. Feb. 21st Asmstcil Ij y tho followin Eminent Artista : MISS GERTRUDE OR.VE, t-oprano. MR. CANDIUUS, Tenor. MR. ALFRED RICHTER, Tha Kininent Pianiat und Composer. ADMISSION, - ONE DOLLAE. NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR RKSKKVKI) SEIA.TS. The sale of Rraerved Soats will commenc on Fridny, Fobrunry 16th, ut the Book Store of UILMO11E & FIBKK, ut 10 o'clwk a. M. The Grand Piano used at theae Concert' U from the oelebrated faotory of Chickering & Sons, Hos'.ou aad New Yorlc. TO COMMENCE AT . O'CLOCK. I NATURE'S BEMEDY.v lOTülpn .The .OreatBlood ?mntRr V i'.úij u Mv ih iii.uic L-xclusiviMy ft o in thejuice of carnfully ie.ected barks. mots and herbf, and o strongly concenlrvted that it will elTcctnally e aliC!it [rom the eystem erery taint of Scrofula. Scrofulous Humor, Tumors, Cancr Canecrous Hnmor, trysipelas, 8alt Rheum. Syphilltic Disea?ef. Cankcr, Faintnets at ibeStomn'h, nl all thut nrlsc fr"m impurc blood Sciatica, Inflamnj.tory and Chronic Rheumatiam. Neuralgia, Gout and Spinal Comslaints, eau ouly be effcctually cared throuiih the blood. For Ulcers nd Eruptivo Direnses f the skin, Puïtules, Pimples. Blitchet. Bolls Tetter, Scaldhead anü Ringworm. VEQETI NE has never lailed to effect a permanent care. For Pains in the Back. Kidney Compliint, Rropsy, Fcmale Weakness, Lcuoorrheea. ariulng from iutornal ulceration, and utcrion dipe and General Debilitjr. VKiETINK acts directly tipon thecau)cd of theso compluintM It invigorates and strongthesn the wlioK' syasiira. oct npon the secre(ivf orans, allays lnformatiD, cures ulccration and rcgulates the bowelsPor VATAHKII, OYX'KPSIA, UARlTüAL COSTlVÉtfKSS, Palpilation uf the lleart, Htxiaehc. I'ilis, Xermutncss nnrl Gentral prostration of the Xervous SjftUm, no medicine has ever jjiven such purfect atIsfncllou as the V3GETINE. Il purifles the blood, cleanscsa)! of the orans.nnd postiesses a controlé intr power over the Nervous System. l'hc rrmarkable cures effected by VEGETINE have taflnCMi mnny physicinns and apothocaries wiiom we know to presciibe and use it lu their ow families. In fact, VEOETINE a the beit remedy yct discov. ere I for tbe ab .' e dieeaHes. and ia thO only rellatjlc Klood Purifier yct p];iced before the public. Prepared by II. lL. Stcvcnv. Boston Mass. Prke 'S 1 .25. Sold by all ürugUta. UUm8 Estáte of Ezra Cominins. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, M. 0 ílX ■ imlon of tbeProoate Cuurt for the County 01 Wushtenuw, holden t the Probate Office, iuthe City of Aun Arbor, on Fridny, the ninth day of Februnry, in the year one thousnnd eight huudred and seventy-two. , t Present, liiruin J. Beake, Judge of FrobiUí. ín tho matter of the estáte of Kzrx Commins, incompetent. Ou reading and Aling the petilion, diily veriüed, oí Nelson Commins, (iunrdmn, praying thnt he raay be liceuseii to sell certa iu real cútate belonging to suid incompetent. TJiereupon it is onlered, that Monday, the deventh day oí Murch nt'xt, it ttin oVJork in theforcnoon,bc iwííijíiied íor the hearing of snicj petition, and that tlie next of kin of mini incompetent, and all other persnfi iaterestod incaid estáte, are requiretl.toappeaTntaíe sion of suíd Court, then. to he húldm at the Probttte Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if iny tlicre be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not begranted: And it is furtíier ortlered, that anid petitiouer aive notice to the persons ïnterested ín s:iíd estáte, of the ueiidency of said petition, and the netirintf thereof, ty cuuing a copy of tlüa onler to be published in the Michigan Argus, n newspaper.printed ind cirotiliitiiifí in snid county, three Buccessive weeki previous to snid day of hearing. (A truecopy.) 11 (KAM J. IiEAKKR, 1S61 Jue of Probate. Estáte of Rufus Knight. STATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtena-w, bs. At a aossion of the Probate Court for therounty af Washtanaw, holden ut the Probate Cffire, in the city ot Ann Arbor, on Monday, tho tifth day of Fcbruary, in the year one thouand eight hundred and stïventy two. Present, Hiram J. Beakes, Judpe of Probate. In the matter of tho estáte of liufu Knight, (tofmntfl. Ou i-eiiding and fllinp the petition, duly vcriiied, of LaniirH Kni'j-ht and Harriet Knight, Executrix, pniyiug that they may be liceused to sell certain real cstnto wkereof taid deceaaed dicd scizt-d, for the purpose of payiuKleguciesbequeathedby hisiast will aud tetament. Tlieroupon it is orlered,(hat Monday, the eighteenth dy of iManili next, at ten o'elock in tho forenoon, ba ained for the hearing of siiid petition, and that the legatees, devisees und heirs ut lur of said deceased, and all other peraons interested is aid estáte, are eQiiired to asmar at a Marión of snid court, then talie holden, at the Probate Offlee, in the city of Ann Arbor, und show cause, if uny there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted': And it is further ovdered that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in mtid estnte, of the pendency of saifl petition, and the hearing thpxcof, by cíiusing a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Arjus, a nttwapapwr printed and circulating in said county, four ucoeiMivft weeks previous to aaid day of hearing. (A. true-ecpy.) HIRAM J. BEAKE8, Wöi Judae of Probate. Estáte of Henry Canfield. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, su. O At a ses-sion of the Probate Court íor tho C'ounty oí Waohtcnaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ana Arbor, on Saturday, the tenth day ot' Feoruary, in the year ono thousand eight hundrod and seveuty-two. Present, Kiram J. Boakes, Judge of Probate. In the muttor of. the estáte of Hcnry Canñeld, deceased. Charles H. Kempf, Adrainistrator of said estáte, comes into Court and representa that he is now prepared torender his ttnal uocount nssuch Administrutor. Thereupon it is ordeieA, that Tucurliiy, th twrlfth day of .March next, at ten o'clock in the forenoo, be naugnol ior examininp and aliuwing such arooqnt, and that the heirsat law of said dce;ised, and all other persons interestcd in said estáte, are required to appear :it i süssion of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate otllce, in the city of Am Arbor, in said County, and show cause, il any there 6c, why the said account should not be allowed : And it is further ordered, that said AdminUtrator give noticc to the peiTsons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said account, uud the hcarinp thoreof, bv causing a oopy of this order to be publiiihed in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper priuted ani circulating iu saU County, threc succcsslve weeks previuus to Huid dav of hearing. ' (Atrueoopy.) HIRAM J. BEAKK8, 1861 Judge oí Probate. Estáte of Thomas J. Brooks. OTATE 01' MICHIGAN, County of Wanhtenaw, s. ir At a sesaion of the Trobnto Court for the ('ounty of Wiuihtenaw, holden at tho Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Saturday, tho (enth dny ot t'cbruary, in the year one thousnnd eight hundred and aeventy-two. i'resent, Hirain J. lieakes, Judgc of Probate In the m.itt.-r of tho catato of Thomas J. Urookn. deevased. Charlea H. Ecmpf, Administrator of aid estáte, , come into court and represent that hc is now preparcd to render hiB final account ns such Adniinistrator Tliercupon it i ordci-ed, that Tuesdny, the twelfth day of March ni'xt, nt (n o'clock in tht forenoon, be assigned ior examining and allowln suoh account, and that the heirs at law of mud dcceaMed and all other persons intfrested in s;uil estáte, are requireil to ippcnr at a sesion of siiid Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in tho City of Ann Arbor, in said ('ounty, aud show causo, if any there be, why the sai.l account aliuuM not be allovvd : And it i furtbcr Drdtnd that soiil Aduunistratur inve notice to the perHOns intereated in snid estáte, ot the pendency of siiid iccount, and tlic heqrülg thercof, by causing a copy f this order to bc published in the MicMaan Argut, i uewspaper printed nd oirculatinf; in Kn'iil (onnty, hroo sucefssive weekapravioi t id l,iy of hearing. ( A tme copy.) H1UAM .1. I: SA K Kg, 138 JiKige of Probate. Go to R. W.ELLIS & C0's for choiceWinesandLiquort for Medical Purposes . _. - _


Old News
Michigan Argus