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Mortgago Sak. DEFAUI.T having boen mud.. n ,k n mortirage ejocutid by I)TnU.i V t"Jnditi. Kent to Sll. H. l),m,;l,s. Adm'i, , ' "1 fc .-l tote of Henry W. Wdk-B, di-e,-,,", i'"1'" of . twenlv-lifth d„y of April, A. I). lb ."„" C?! the othee of the Hegi-tcr „f JJeed ina1 County, Michigan, on the twenty fif.i .hit,' A. 1). 190:1, inliber 30 of mortinu,.. ' "Wo?? wl.H-1, default the power of,Rt.;ff mortgwje haa bccomo opcmliv on " "1 u, Vj there ia claimcd to br: due ut th duv ó "Wltiï! huiidrud , nd fonyeven ciollar nnd g ,'? "" ff twenty-Bvo dollars a nn Attorney f . T "Tti.; ' siii.l moitgnue, nnd no auit or vtoL-- " í? ohanoery havfcig !„,. d inHtidttnl I to HM l .' N otice l thcrulort, liertby given ,v j?! the power of ule contninnl in suid' ,„, „ 'Hii. Um sutute o iUch cuue mnie ,„a ,'ro íl. gage wil) be forcdontd on Hiiturday T ,'"Mi2f of May next, Bt ten oMock in tín. Lf elrrmtV du. t the outh door of the Court lloul"001'1' of Aim Arbor, in said county ir tt? ?lttn Court House Uingthe Plïe. ol hotóïfl f.ourt forsaid County of Wa„hteni T8 "Cta2 lic auctjon to the higbost bid.Ur „f ,'i y " l2 Knbed in aid mopteag, whichwij LïS All thoso oertain piwes or porcelíoT l.tV'ÍS' the county of Wwhtena. in theHui J''W dejcribed ,. follow, tú: ïhe wt ,"' 3iL foity-sixhundrcdth.i ncres ot the nik ''■ of the nortkwest fraction.1 quarter SHÍ?c"íí four, ,.nd two acre of land in the „S""" of ection number öve, lying botwwï il"2 and tho section line, all being ,n S ? ""C three outh of range number thrw T!'b'l"C right an.l privilege of flowing k rauch ,?:11 eaiit quarUr ui mUos uunber ve f0,5, be overnowcd by niñas the water „t W " C rlrat docribed puicel thirteen feet .ij. ."'■iiii ot lot numbe-r four (4) In block n„mL , "V in tho Tilingo of 8rWn in the co"ñw „f IS P and State of Michigan, .ccordr to tK? H oísaid Tillas, bot.iulcd uul .JeJr k!i2 bounded on the et by the m, l,"?" k? ning thencc west on the north line of Si f mne feet. thence south to n point on th. fc. ...1 lot fifty-ix feet west IZm the „' of naul lot, theur eust tu the juthVÜT1" 8ald lot, unid last dencribed parcel beine Itl "" oonroyed to said Daniel Kent by Lv ïlt wifc by deed. datcd March 5tli, . D um "! Ann Arbor, Midi. Fcb. 12th 18T' SILAS II. UOUULAS8, Admim of tho Ertate of HmÏÏ'vfïï Attorneysfor Mortgagee. 'llr-it - ai Real Estáte for SaC "" OTATE OK MICHIGAN, oounty of Wmí. O In the mntter of thc estáte of SamtTnï''1. Emeline B. Thora, Lewu J. Thora 5 ". Thora, Mnry Thorn, Kiiphcmin '1 hora S? una l'rank 0. Thorn, minors; Nutica u'km!?1 thnt ín purauanco oi un ordcr crantc-d tií." signud, Oiüirdinn of the osUte oí Mi mi!??' Huu Juduuof Vrobatc for tho eouct, STV' on the cleventh ilny of DecembtT j, ,Síte" will bc sold at public venduu, tu the hiKhertii?1 the dwellinc house on the premuní hmJ TT1 ' Kribl, in the county of ',1,1, mJi' Tucuday, the aaxuA ilay of Airil a ■ at ten o'clock in the foronoon of timt (j'r -li'; uil encumbi-nnce by mortKge or otlienme ,,2" ' the timu of ule, nnd nlo .iubjicl to the riiklrf?' of thc undersigneii u9 widow of OnnV. TlLil ceaeedj, the foUowint; dewribcd iel uiT1 ' The undivided eijtht-ninth (8-9] oí ewhof S.P ïngr desenbed parcela of land, viz ■ pm Tf west subdivisión of the southwmt ftactiw.1 ' of section oevcn, twginning at the northtui JÜ snid lot A, running wuth one degree and ik2?' utes cast thirteen olüiins iinc] tun link, t0 , '? thc eiwt lmc of 8id lot A, thenoe wnth eíírl! detrrees and thirty minutes west twmt S I thirty-eisht link to a Miike on the a(S!! ; ection seven, thenee along snid line north m west, thirteen duiiis nnd two links to onut!! comer, thenee ulong the qunrtcr line Txnh,uZ ' deprecs nnd thirty minutes enst twentrS thirty-oue links to the plnce of bnginnin ZSü Iwenty-siz nnd 50-100 acre. Alsolot i jïf0' división of the northwest frnctional oóutïi"i section seven, contnminj? eighty-mieiaiiij. And nlso of the soiith part of the imttrti! southwest f ractionnl quarter of section m ufoul fortv icrfH ; uil in towimhipfonr south oCmZ?! east, la 8aid State. ■ ■ Uated, i'cbruary líth, A. I). 18ÏS. 1361 8AKAH 0. TH0KN, Oiuj,. Keal Kstate for Sale STATE OF M ICniGAX, oounty ol WaAta In the matter of tho CBtate of Piíi t deoensed : Notice is heroby giren, tht ia pmJJr, au order sinnted to the undeniigncd, draai,' the i'stato of snid decciised, the Hon. Juteji.' bate for the county of w ishtenaw, on tht ti l ilny of February, A. I). 1872, there wj Sublic vendtie, to the hiffhest bidder, itt tttfak oiise on the premises licrcmiiftci deimW il county of Washtenaw, in nid Stnte, on Satünin I thirtleth day of Muren A. I). 1872, toneo'tlodhi:' nftemoon of that dny (subject t all nota, by mortpnpe or otherwi&e existiiiK nt thftiwiti dnth of nid decensrd), the folloviog iwtnW- estnte, to wit : The enst huif of the sontbtM' ter and the northwest qunrter of section tañfogll contninin two hundred nnd foity aerps mm tra the east piirt of the west half of the soutbi:t ter of said st-ction twenty-thre, oontaiuuUnf ■■r. ; the enst half of the northtrat i)MrtBi(,. tion twenty-six, contnininK eiehty acmmcttixn and also the wet hnlf of toe northweti qtaw section twenty-nine. contnining eiyhtjr anw mm? lesa, all in townahip three south of range tlw in said Stilte. Uuted, Febuary 12th, A. D. 187Í. JOHN J. r.OBISO.T, 13C1 Adffliaijtiut Estáte of Leonard Feil' OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wadiifflw.i O N'otioo i hereby Rtreii, thnt by nnorderof tbcïbjitc 'oun for the County of iVashteaav.Bideoitk twelfth day of February, h . D. 1;:, sz mmk from tlirtt date wore nllowed for CTcditOTi toprw:: their claims Hgaiüst the rstute of Loa lato of snid county, decenscd, ndtJist hJJ aaiifan tf box) deoaaaed required to prftí íw ííubp ■ snid Probate ('ourt. nt the li-oh;eO&í,ittbeCttji' vnn Arbor, for exnroinutRm nd flmmn, oe 'or f fore the twelfth duy of Au-rust n, m& krt v& claims will 1 henrd bcfort said ïitoCrt,M Bntnrdfty, the twenty-sorenrh (fny ei Aptfl,urf(t Monday, tht; twr4fth dny of Au fruit m. at te o Vloek ín the forenoon of each of thwtdut. Dttted, Ann Arbor, Ftbruary 12th, A. D.'.KJ.HIHAMJ B Commissioners' Ne tice. OTATE OF MICHIOAX.CountT of WuMam i' The undersigiied. (Tinif been srooinyilij;1 Probate ('oiirt for siiicï ormnty, Commarenent1ct.'ive, examine and uil rlaimr .ind áctciá' nlllx?isoi)H agninstthc estáte of f'iiroline D. of snid county, dewnsed, hereby give ootwüii montba from date are allowed, by order otmi'rbate ('ourt, for creditors to pnwot tbeir b íijíaint the estáte of said deceflsed, od thattW1moet üt the office of the County Ork, in tw :.;■ Ann Arbor, in said county, on juturday. tb? '.; teenth duy of April, and Teday, the thiriMlv of August next, at ten o'clock i. m. of(éi dnys, to receive, exumine, and ndjust úl aa Dnted, February 13tïi, A. 1) 1872. JOHN J. KÜBIW EÜ1VABD It. SLATO. i3ciw4 tywm ■ Estáte of Michnel Kearney. STATE OF MICHIGAN', i'ounty of WssMmn Ñotice is herebv given, thnt by nn i Probate Court for the County of Washteoa.niú the tenth dtiy of FeVwuury, A. D. !&■ c months fi-orn that date wyre tilïtnrwJ fw prenent their claima tigaiust the wtate Í Mi1' Kcurney, late of siiid connty, áeceMti,ttd tl1 cretiitors of snid deceaited lire wjuirfl their claims to said Probate Coort, at the rr , Ottioe, in the City of Ann Arbor, for eiMaotkH ullowanrr, on or bofore the tenth doyW AT next, and that eunh olaims will b henni Wen Probate Court, on Suturdj,the twcntiethdijtiiFand on Wednesday, tho tt-nth ly of Aufwtw!. 10 o'clock in the forenoon of weh of thowni1 Dntod, Ann Arbor, Februarr lüth, A.D.WI UI KAM J.B 1361 w4 Ju'iierfn Cororaissioners' Níicc STATE (r MU-lIK.AX.eoimtyofW The tmdcrnetl, htivinp bcvn ijdwi; Probate C'ourt foi ;iil rounty, Comali"1 ceive, examina and ndjust uil claims and dflMi? persona aninst lho state of .Ihium M?. late af snid county deceiiKcA hcrebr t&t six months from dftt ni-e llowed. fty ld 'y Probate fowt, ior crwlitor to prcwnt tkw ligninst the eítaíe of said decesiseu, and that UK! ■ meet st the resfdence of Williami. Eb1.11' chester in baid county, on Satïirday, tbf íouiu May, and on Mondny, th twrtftVÍlujrotAoí'' at tpn d'clock a. m. of cach of nl (ly, examine, and adjnst faid claims. Dated, ïeb. Kth, A. D. 1872. JOHN BURTI;;-. 13Clw4 TJIO3ÍAS HOUTO ■ - ' CommiswoAers' Notice. STATE OF MICHIfíA N, oounty of !";.'.. The undereigned, huving bof app 1 Probate Coitrt fnr nid county, CottmMW''?', ceive, examine and adjuat all cinim nd l'rlj all persons against the estnte of Oiari N1 of aniil county, deceaned, hereby Rive i 'Í p, months from date nreallowed, by orde" ""L, bat Conrt, for creditors to pi-oa-nt thrird!"' " the estáte ef sid deccased, and that the "% the store of Bach & Abel, in cily o( "VA,, in saideounty.onSiitiirday.tlie twentT""'" April, and Moadajr, the Éffth dar of &%, at ten o'clocfc jk. m. af ent) f mAI dPi '" examine, and u'ljust Hitid claimi, Dated, i'ebrtmsy 5th, h. 1. 197f." PBTER H. ABE JJK.C. A. LEITEK CONTINÚES TO PUT UP AS tfü Pliysicians Preseriptio At all honrs,at No..l Gwgorr K C. A.LEITBB AnnArbo. Dkc. 2K1 38T1. _-!"' PARM FOK SALE. The nnderalgned offer for ! 'b' S. W. i of S . W. K of Seetion S, In D"1'"' S. K. S ofS K. KÍ of SecUun 3, ?. N. E. M of N. W. 'i ofStctlonlB. o N.W. M of N. W liofSectionll. f N. #of S. W. OÍS. E.,'0 CoiiipTising ISO Acres Land. Known as tïe MIÏ.LMAN M&r'L:: wnel nnd occopied bj s. V8nfloct-l.rlDs ' , . niles northwent Irom the Povf r iiIK "" 0' mnth from the Village uf ia le and r Sood Farm, Haudsomely Sit31 Good for WhMt, Corn. nd othor ""'"'L,1 (op Yard of ieveral! ocres on it ?,„,' TllrAMOF WATER, Ihc onllel of -' tf unnlngacroMit. A good title lllll.;0[f I will b kiIH chehp, and libers! l' aica ven Cifdelwa ior two third "f t"' ' Ano Arbor, Janj. loth, 1878. ' Finest Assortnnt of T"il; Goods in the Cityrby


Old News
Michigan Argus