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Local And Other Brevities

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Tl,e wood-miirkct Wís decldedly lean jftdneiXluyOurstreets precented a very nntldy 'nr&uctduilii!,' llic brie! Fcbruary thaw plThc (juivcMlty Junior Exhlbltloo Is ,"l„-n ft' Tuesday eveulng, Maren 26th f' 'íi,e uext Medical and Law Commcnce Úm nill tiiku plucc Wednesday, March "''Vednesday -St. Valentlne's day- was 7, very favorable day for the maling of Dr N. Palmbr hns been appointcd eon'of U Lllke Shore an(1 Michigan 'Suero IUilroad at Manchester. The Senior examlnations In the Unl' are " calendared " tor May 27th, and "'j.Pay " for Wednesday. May 29th. The Ano Arbor Local Is the name of Tryhandsome advertlslng sheet, iesued ;he Medical Works of Dr. KeLLoqo, _Tbo Ffbruary thaw took a very sud,M(I very severe cold on Wednesday, bjDtut1 the excellent] sleighlug was irly spolled. . k correspondent of the Detroit Tribune JpWM at length tliat the Medical Facie discounteuance and discourage the "loellns oi tbe seX08 la "le DePartmrillt eieties. - An exchange sys : " Quittlng ad ver ,.,, '„ a dull times is llke toaring out a m bccause the water is low. Either plan ,-i; prevent good times froin comlug." W,o'll takc tl'eblllt? „ [u Tuesduy's Tribune the Ann Arbor „lJCal"aniiou[ices the Hon. Wm. Parsoss „lectureon Mondny evening before the S. i a The lecture bavlng been delivered ,le preeeding evenlug, the anaouncemeut vis i lUÜt lt"_Tbe concert of the Detroit Choral Un, lon.onFiiday evening last, was well atleoded. Some of the rauslc,' both vocal ,ud instrumental, was very line, but the arrtiicraent8 were so bad as to make it a affair as a whole. _Hr. Lkwis Mookk, senior member of the Ann Arbor Agricultural Company, and cveniorof the popular graiu drill so largeinnaimfactured at the iactory in the Fifth fird ofthl city, died at hls resldence icr Ypsllanti, very guddenly.on Saturday, ibelOthiust. II was much esteemed by ,11 wbo knew hlm. _ Handommi Kogers spent lalt Frlday Tiiflit lu our city ; hls last vislt prior to Millng for Rome, whlch is set down for the 21t lust., he havinj; iully completed tJieSoïdier's monument at Detroit, and put tlit last stone and statue in place. Quite i Diuber of bis old frlends were " gatliered 1d"1 Haiigsterfcr's in the aveulng, a good tappor ealcn, a social time had, maiiy old iwloftceuce recaUed.and good-byes said. - .V Terj plrasant entertainment was glven at iilgli School Hall on Saturday eviolug last : ! wo Frcuch plays beiug enacted by tlie pupHs of Mme. QubrfiLLON, teicher olFreoch in the High School ; one play by pdpüs of Wie school, and the otherby ïnembers of her private classes. We couldn't Mhntand the Frencli vcry mach, but those who did connnendcd it. The acting admiiabie. We regret that the atteni&aa: vk not largcT, as tlie procec:ls wtre for ihe benefit of the worthy teacher. - The foHowinit victims have been bulletined for the coming Junior exhibition Uarch 26th, evening: Chas. R. Dooüttle, iidney C. Eastman, Edwin J. Ferdon, Jas R. Gom?, Rob rt S. Gross, T. C. H:xyman, Aibert Jacobs, Judaon O. Pattengill, G. K. Peabody, Geo. F. Robison, Harry Rnssell, Volney G. Spaldlng, Clias. M. Vancleve, Wlllltm B. Willlnins, and Chas. S. Wilson luloss the weather moderates uburban refidtnts will probably lose the usual au" liual preparatorv straing of cloquencc. The"Typograpliical Union," Ihc orgaul ïitlon o! vhkh we noti"ed iwo weeks ago, hucome pcnlily lo Ou Tuesday Üie proprletor of the CourUr office, for reawus no doubt satisfactory to hlmsclf, dlsthsrged oue of tlie employés, whereupon DicIJiiioH iet and, modern Union like, ordwda "strike:" since which the usual illcrts haye been made to prevent the vaont places beiag fllled. Bcyond this, men ioonrunploy, who had declineil to join ttie Union, have been ordered to ttrike on jainof beinjj publisheU as "rats," thoigh do Union bes flxed a scale of prices, aud no Ibsatlsractlou exista ia our oölce on acoount of wages or for ïny other cause. A'ow, " we rine to remark : " tliat we claim, s practical printer, to kuow how to inangeour own office ; that we recognize the figlit of no Union to interfere; that we Jmil uot require our men to join the Untou and subject Ybcmselves and us to its ilicution, or discharge a Union man who hs hls work well and faithiully and miudH kis Oivn business ; and that as to wages and íi ouur mailen we shall consult our cmPlojes, and not Ihe Union. We recognize oor nelghbor of the Cou rier as having the Mme right, and Bhall not chcerfully subtolt to an attempt to dragoon our raen luto sliortcr or lougei Vacatíon to enable the l'ülon to bring liim'to terms. Besldes, our Ben can not afford to stop work and go on "strike" or to contribute to the support ("etrikers:" il otlurr men can, it is thcir ii8ness. It is our prívate opinión, howTer, that it wou't pay. The flfth animal meeting of the Michigan Btitc AssocUMoa of Couuty Superintendent wil! be held at Port Huron, commen% t 2 o'clock P. M. of Tuesday next, February 20th, and closing Thursday aflernuon. Tuesday cvenlng an address wlll k lelivered by Düane Dott, Esq., the Ihonaghly competent and justly popular Ssperiatendeot of th Detroit schools ; and "" Wednesday exnening President Anöbll, of'lie Unlversity, will address the Assocla'0Ii. The programme Includcs papers and "llscusslons upon Important topltís con6ctcd Intimately with our schooHnterests, uch as " Retntion of Tedchérs to the ComttUDity," The Wants of our Coinmon Sciioo!s,"_Why not use the legal and bvt " term, Primary Schoolt f "Relations of Educatlon to Labor," " Dutics of Ekainoers," ' What tneans can we devise to teach Tecliers how to tea-Jh J" " The Teachers or times deinand," etc. The SuperlntendMí and Principáis of cicy and vlllage 'wools are Invited to particípate in the exclscs, and the latch-string of Port Huron 11 promiscd to hang out. Tle Mies or thls oity and viclnlty Just "w flnd CoiiEK'g, 47 Main street, a very "Tictlvc shopping place. He is Belling "nthls Urge and well-selccted stock at "ï hvn priees pt'eparatofy to reffiovlng, 'reh lst, to 33 Main street, a few doors ortti. Kou, ú the time .'or baraainï. Jsiaei, Mowry, an old resident of thls Ti but (or several yenrj past engaged In .:' tobcco trade in Detroit, dled on he tlvM 'nstê He bM lare clrcle of rela" tlnlt Dd Wrm 'rlen1s 'n thls zHï ancI Oi.k Boi.l U coming, and Ole Bcli.'b n'putulluu lias so long preceded liliu thai It Is scarcely necessary to do raore thau cali alUutloii to time and place Wcdnea ilay cvening ncxt, and Hlll'e Opera House Yet as Olb Buix's troupe may ncrt be so well known to the public we take plcasurt In quotlng from the Scianton (Pa.) liepublican of theSd iuat.: " The entertainment was a grand success From the opening piano solo by Mr. Alfred luchter, to the closing duet by Miss Gertrude Orme and Mr. Candidus, the audience were held spell bound, and tbc spell was only broken by the ceaaing of the music, to bu followccl by contlnned and hearty appliuisi'. Air. Airred Richter as a pianist is uperb, and hls cxccution proved hlm to be master of the Instrument beforc him. The piano solo was followeil by s song by Mr. CJaudlilus, which was exceedingly well ren dered, displuying a volee of great capaclty. Then appered the lion of the evening, Ole Buil, a plcasing old gentleman, who was receivcd with muclicntliusiasm, and.during a breathless tillncss, perrornied witli his m-jgic bow ' Paganini' Allegro Maestroso.' The applause whlch followed hiin as hesteppcd trom the sage had liardly subsuted, wheu Mis Gertrude Orine, a very fascinating young lady, plegantly attlred, was iutroduced : and couslderina the fact that the young lady was suffering with a severe colil, slic rcndereil 'Inquesto Shnpllce ' In good style. 8he is undoubtedly possessed ol a riel volee of rare capaclty. But we will not attempt to follow tbem through the entirc progrararae, as our praise could not do thein justlce. Mr. Buil was encored evcry time he made Mis appearance upon the stage, aud we do not know of any distlnction in his performances, as all ol them showed the mystic power of the vlolin in his hands. Hls Carnlval of Vcnice was rapturously jrand, and the encoré of a melange of selpctions showed hls powers of execution, and with ' Home Svveet Home' as a finale, impressed Indelibly upon the audlence the soulstlrriug iutlnence of music, as brought from the violln of Mr. Buil. A bailad, 'The beating ofmy owu heart,' by Miss Orme, was wcll rendered and well received. She waj praulogl; encored, and gave another bailad, ' Beautiful bird iu the wlndow secn,' wiilch was in perfect style. Mr. Candidus, on rendering the bailad Kl-joletto,' in a very good tone, was voclfcrously encored, and despltehis inclination to retire with thanka, was compelled to return, and gave a verse of the same." The lecture before the Students' Assoclatlon on Momlay evening, by Hon. Wm. Parsons, au Engllshman, was decidedly the best ofthe course thus far. fli subect was " Richard Brintley Skeridan" and ie presented to the audience a vivid picture of the leading fcatures In the life aud character of that great genius and wit. Aa s usual with the lecturers, however, he overestimated his subject, mnkhig Slierkinu one of the greatest of Englishmen. In thls we thiuk he was mistakeu. Remarkable as Sherida.t was, therc were several Euglishmen of his own day greatly superior to him, lntellectually as well as morally. Shbridan lackcd moral seuse, utterly. He acked the feeling af gratltude and of obigation, no matter how great the favor recelved. He never pald a debt, and seemed :o believe, like oue of the ch&ractcrs of Shakespeakb, that " honcsty Is a fooi." The lecturer made one statement, surprislng, probably, to hls audience, to the eflfect that Öueridan received $150,000 from the American government, for services rendered the colonies In the Brltlsh Parlia ment during the Kcvolution. A Rimllnr statement was by Moore, in his lile of SneniDAN", published forty ycars ago ; but the probabiilties are all against the truth of the story. SnERiDAx mlght have arcepted brlhes as a member of Parliament, - he certalnly bought au interest in the Drury Lane Theater, for whlch he paid a large sum of moucy, and uobody knew' wlmre lt canie from, - but there !s no evldence that our fathers bribed him. In tlie tlrst place, Siiekidan rendered us no particular service durinj the revolutlon; be entered Parliameiit towards the close of the war, in 1780 ; aud only aided as indirectly, like Hurk and Bmike and a huudred others, by opposing the admlnlstration of Lord Nortii. In the second place, - the Immoraütv Of the thing aside, - our ZatluTs did not have the inoney to pay. Our tinaiiccs were so desperate at that tUne, that our soldiers had to be paid iu a curreucy so depreclatwd and]worthless that about a hsif bushei öf tt was required to buy a paif of suoes. Mr. Parboks is not an orator in any sensc of the word. His manner is jerley and ner. vous, his veicc oot particularly inelodious, and hls enunciation indistinct; prosentiug n all these respects a strlkln? contrast to the calui, pollslied, silver-tongued Phillips, who Is to lecture ue$t Wednesday ng. The audience was small, which we hope wil open the eyes of the officers of the association tothe fact (wh'ich we hear every day) that our people are gettiug disgusted witli the stupkl, trashy and wortliless en tertalnment9, as a general thlng, which the association has ivcn ua the past two lec ture stasous. Q. ■ -- - Prof. Tiua lectured at Le Roy, N. Y , on the evenlng of the Oth inst., and uere is what the Gazelle of that place suys of lecturer ïnd lectüre : ' Prof. Moses Coit Tyler, of Ann Arbor, addressed a very lurge audience, in the regulur course, at Starr Hall, on Tuesday ev enlng of last week. The Professor is a flnished orator, a line scholar, and a most agreeable speaker. He iired off hand (without notr-s) and interested hls listiíuersequal to any of the distinguished nnnien that have preceded him this wiuter. His subject was ' A Day and a Night in Conjiress,' giving a vivid and laithful picture of the scène in which some ol the most noted of Congressmi'ii took a part on the occasion of the San Domingo disCussions, last winter. The theiue and the execution were rare and extremely intcresting. A Le Hoy audience will be glad to hear Mr. Tyler a a future season.' The following Washtenawlan have been drawn as traverse jurors for the March term of the United States Circuit and District Courts, Eastcrn District of Michigan : Allen Crlttenden, Pittsfleld ; John C. Mead, Ann Arbor town ; John Nowland, Sclo ; Byron R. Porter, Manchester. The flrst Commencement of the MichiKi" Homeopathie Medical College, Lanslng, ii announcect for Thursday next, Ftbrúáry 22d, at 7.30 P. M. A Bprlng course of lec tures is also adverthted, toopeuJMarch 12th, with a full Faculty. Lecture fee $10. C. Br-iss & Soss say they geil "genuine American watcheg, ia solld coin sllver cases, wltli sil ver cap, for $13.50," at which prlce cach Individual of the body politie eau afford to time himtelf, and put a check on hls fast Go and see them Dr. WikchblIj will give a lecture at the Jrl. E. Church next Sabbath evening, on 'The unlty of nature as lliustrating the unlty oi the divine character."


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