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Xf.w York, Feb. 13th. The war cloud nmy now be said to have completely seattered, for that unfailing political baroinetea- jold - has given tho ccrtain indication. At tho board to-day gold waa extremely dutl. Some transactions were made at il1', but yet lower raten wuuld not tempt heavy gpeculators. Money is easy at t'i'u," per cent., and all kinds of securities have a tendeney t0 rebound from the inactivity brought about by the threatened uupleasantness with Lngland. Cotton ia bteudily declining- oow 22. Wool has a hardemng tendency. Dry gotkU are quiet uulyss in u few leadug staplea. Th ■ weakness of cotton and indifferonoe of wostern buyers are likcly to put un end to the marking up of priecs. lietailurs, it is understood, ïiiw guuerally stock coough tu open spring ti ade with and prefer to tuke the chuncos fur the future to buyng now at top-notch priecs. Flour is quiet and unchunged. Wheat in a simde flrmcr : retí western. 168 : white Michigan, 1.79. New corn, 72á@73. Oats, üim at 53:gl56c. Mess pork advancod to H.2.V3H4.5O. Liird, kettle, BX Western butter, 22c. Eggs, 26c. toffee, finn. A, refincd nugar, lilac. Detroit, Feb. 14, 1872. Business ha not been pnrticulurly active vincethe date of last letter. There are, however, active prepirations making for an carly and (jood Bpring trade uid this, with the atrong vulue attaching to all commodities, keeps merchants from rusting. Paintiug oils, usually about tho íirst anieles to move, is already going up. Iiniweds art 2c, and turpentine 3e highcr, ■-(NithtT ís rather atrong- particularly solo- and a rise % looked for with the adveut of tha spring demand. All kinds of dry goods are flrni, but cot as active as might be oxpected Irom the terrible hubub which Eastern jobbers have made. Nuils have aUvanccd 25c per keg, sheet iroa 20e per 100 lbs., aad glaas 6üc p"er box. Nail rois as well as coppür of various kinds ïave advanced, and manufactured hardware of all linda tend upward. The produce markets are growing in.actirity, oats excepted. Flotir in unchanged in price, but in good ■peculative demand. To-day a lot of 700 bble., and yesterday a lot of l;b00 bbla.. very choice country branda changed hands at 7.00. Fancy city and tho best known country Üour 6ells readily at 7.25@7.5O. There Ís no uch thing now as begging for customer at üld prices. This mcaused moro particularly by the tone of the wheat market. Since last Wedncsday afternoon wheut has beun, except one day, on a steady ad vaneo. To-dny, on account of the wires being duwu, and no dispatchos recoi ved, little was done, but the foUowing offer was made (same a yesterday's pnces) : for extra; 1.61 ; No. 1 white, 1.55 ; amber, 1.48. TrcadweU ia nominal at 1.64. Corn is uteady at 50c. and oaU dull at 40c. Barley is unchangod, namely, 1.60 per cental. Green applcs, dull at 3.25 ; dried flrm at 8'4@8jc. Feaches, quiet ut 18@20c. lïeana are better, we quote ál 2.11(2(2.15. Buckwheat flour Btcudy at 6.50. Buttbr, dull ut i.l6620c. for roll. Packed do. flat. dover seed is offcred at 6. 70. Drexsed 'hogs, heavy, 5.33; light, 5.75. Eggn, scarce at 2324. Foultry, scarco : chickena 12c, turkeys 15c. Tallow, 7)C. Aun Abbob, Thcssdat, Feb. ÍS. Aivi.- 5O@60c per bu. Beef- Bringa 7@8c. BoutF.D Heal- $2.00. BoTTürt- Priee romain at H@S0c. Buckwiieat- Pricoa have declinod to 80c per bu, BEA5U- i.76 per bu. is paid for good quality. Con- firing 56@60c per bu. ChickeUs- Dresaed 10c. Eog8- Are Tery acaree, and oomiiiand 93c. Floub - xxx. $3.70 per cwt. Hat- 13@lfl per ton, acebrding to quality. Honey - Ín cap, 18520c. Labd- The markot stahds ot 7@Sc. Oats- 33@35c. POTATOEB- 93c. I'om-In Drcssed hOgt the marVet is placed out. Tdbïetb- Wfa. Wheat- The market u quiet. White #b quote at $1.4001.45; amber, 1.36@1.40; red $1.3i(S1.38.


Old News
Michigan Argus