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I (. A, SfcNSJLOrtS' fflSDRAHGS AGENCY. His Companics Are Souuil. pHCENIX INSURANCE CO., HARTFORD, CONN. CAPITA L AND ASSETS, Joit 1, 18T1 . . . . $l,tsl ,000 CniCAGO LO8SE8 740,000 lili: I'iki:mx la theboat conducted Firc Inrarancc Companjrln theirnltod States. Always prudcut and sound, and alwit) prompt in pui wn t of losINTERNATIONAL INSURANCE CO., NEW YORK CITY. The flrst Compan? to pa the ordeal of the New York Inanranc Commlssloncro alooe the Chicago Fire, coming out from thaavvure tont TRIUMPHANT ! Araoclated Press Dlspatch, NoTember 2,1971, TUE INTKnNATIONAL IHSCBANCE COMPAHT. The Soperlntendent of the New Tork State Insnrarice Department, who Is making acarefnl official examlnttlon of the New York City Companlei to-day, certifico that the International Company'i asaetfl of $1,500,000 ar aecurelj inrested, and Ui capita] of f 500,000, after proriding for all liabilltie, inclnding the Chicago flre, la wholly nnimpaircd. Thia Company la paying all lts Chicago lotaei ani isaonndand relUble. Folíeles lseued at fair ratea at my office, No. 11 East iluron Street, Ana Arbor, J. Q. A. SESSIONS, Agent. lMTtf. p"ELIABLE INSURANCE! I 8 - North British and Mercantile Insurance Co. OF L0ND0N AND EDINBÜEGH CHABTERED 1801. Capital $10,000,000 in Gold The American Managen of the above Compan 1 have recelved the following telegram from the Lon don Board : ! "Subscribe Five Thoniand nollnr forChicagro suffvrers-settle all losse prontptly- Draw at ttaree siBjbt-Amer ' Uuu assets nrill mot be tvuched." 1 ■ ■ 1 l Springfleld Fire Ins. Co. OF SPRINGFIELD, MASS. Capital $500.000 Thelosaes of thi Company, by the Chicago fire will be promptlysettled dj cash payments made hi the Stockholders, leaving the Compauy with thei Capital unlmpaired, largo asseti, and an uninter rupted business. TheaeCompanics are sound and reliable beyom anv doubt. liinks takeu in theabore Companies at adoqnati ratcs, H. D. BEJfXETT, Agent 134tf -THE FARMERS' STORE WILL COMMENCE THEIB CREAT CLOSIIMG OUT SALE ON AND ATER THI8 DATB FOR TWO MONTHS. Our Sales to the present time having been more than we anticipated for the year, we propoee to sell for two months -A-T COST SAVE YOUR MONEY S3T BUY YOUR GOODS OF jl LIVE HOUSE, Where the Stock is always complete, and Pnces the Lowest in the City of Anp Arbor. Don't fail to cali before making your parchases elsewhere, as WE ARE B0UND TOSELL Ann Arbor, Jan. 25th, 18?2. G. HAYS, Sup't. 135Sm'i gAM. B. REVJEJVAÜGH KEEPS ON HAND A. LARQE STOCK OF OVAL AND SQUAEE BLACK WALNUT ANO GILT FRAMES ! OF ALL SIZES CHEAP. No. 30 HURÓN ST. Finest Assortmen t of Toilet Goods in the City, by


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