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J. Walkkb, ProprUtor. R. H. McDonald k Co-, Druggíiu A OD. ALdU, Sti Krniiciiro, Cl., ni 34 Conuiwjrc ItrMl, N. T. MILLIONM llcar Tentlmony to Ihclt Wonclii Inl l'iiriiiivi: KH'ects. Thcy aro not a vilo Fnncy Irlnk, Mude of Poor Rum, Whlskey. l'roof Spirit nnd Bcfuio Uquors doctored, ñpiced and sweetened to picase tho. tnrtó,caUcd "Toiilcn," "Appctizora," "Ue8torcrB,"Jlc, tliat lead.tllo tlpplcr on to drunkcniicmand ruin.but oro ntme Medicine, malo trom tho nativo Roots andllcrba ol Calilornia, freo from nll Alcoholíc Stlmnlamii. ThoyarotlioGREAT 1ÍI-OOD PUHIFlERnml A LIFB CJIVINO l'KINCIPLK, a perfect Renovator and InviKOrutor of the Systom, carryingoff olí potsonous matter and restortiiB thoblood to a healthy conditlon. Ko porson can take theac Bitters according to directiona and remaln long unweU, provided thclr bonca aro not dcstroyod by mineral poiaonorother mcanB, and the viul oraaiu waated beyond tho polnt of ropair. They aro a (icuilr l'urgntlvo as wcll a a Tonlc, poswiaiiing, lilao, tho peculiar merlt of acttnR na a powerful agent in rcllevlng Cungeation or Inflinimatton of tho Liver, and olí tho Visceral Organs. FOR FEMAIiK COMPI.A1NT9, inyonngor oíd, marrlcd or single, at thedawn of womanhood ort Ue tura of Me. Uieao Tonlo Bittera havo no equal. F)r Inllainniiitory and Chronic Rlieuma" iImii and Uout, Dispepsia or Indigestión, Itlllous, Roinittcnt nnd Intermittent FeTor, Dlscnscs of thc Bloqd, l.lvcr, Kldneys nnd Blndilcr.thcso Bitters havo ticen moBt ■uccesaful. Such Disensos aro canaed by Vlllnted Blood, which la generally produced by derangement ot tho Digestiré Orgnns. DY8PEP8IA OR INDIGESTIÓN, Boadacho, Falnia tho Sbouldora, Concha, Tiebtnesa of ttae Cheat, Ditzineaa, Sour Bructations of tho Stnmach. Dad Tute in the Slouth. BIIÍoub Attscka, Filpitation of the Hcart, IuBammation of tbe Lung, Pain in the regiona of tho Rldneyfc and a hundred other puntal Bjmv toma, aro the oBaprinsa of l)f apepala. Ther n vigorato tbe Stomacb and atimulate tho torpld Liior and Bowela, which render them of unequalled effiesey in dcanalae tho blood of all impurltlea, and Impartiog new Ufo and vieor to tbe whole istom. FOR SKIN DISEA8ES, Eruptlona.Totter, Salt Rheum, Blotchea, Spota, Pimples, Puatulea, Bolla, Caxbunclea, Ring-Worma. Bcald Ilead. Sore Ere, Bryalpelaa, Itch.Scurfs, Viacolorationa of the Skin. Humara and Diacuca of tho Skin. of whatovr name or nature, are literallr dug up and carried out of the ayatcm in & ahort time by tbe une ot theae Bittors. One bottle in auch eaaea will convinco tho most incredulous oftbelr curativo effecta. Cleauae tho Vitiated Blood whenever ron find lta im puritiea burating throughtbe skin in Pimples, Eruptiona or Sores ; cleanso it when you nnd it obatructed and alugeish in the veioa ; elcanso it when it ia foul, and your feelinea will teil you when. Keep the Mood A pare, and the he&lth of the avstcm will follow. , Pin, Tape, and other Worm, lurking in thc eystem of bo many tbousands, aro effectuallr destróyer and removed. Says a dlstinnlahed phaioloelat there ia scarcely an individual upon the face of tin earth whoae body is exempt frora the preaence o worm. It ia not upon the healthy clement ol th body that womia exiat, bnt upon thf diaeaacd humon and alimy deposita that breed these Uvinc roonatera o diseaae. No STStem of Medicine, no vennifuíea, m enthelmlntic wiÏÏ freo the aystem trom wonns llki these Bittera. J. WALKER, Proprietor. B. H. MoDONALD & CO. Drocriats and Gen. Asenta, San Franciaeo. California and 3S and 34 Commerce Street, New York. ■arSOtil) LY ALL PRUUOISTS AND DEALKR3 TTEAR YE! E. J. JOHNSON ÏÏAS A FULL STOCK OF HATS & CAPS _. -FOK - FALL AND WINTER Ateo a large btock of ed Ladies' and tients' Furs Hls STYLES A.H.E THE LATES1 ty H1S GOODS " THE 13 EST AND HIS PRTCES THE atw - icr fw.-i , 'BS la tw t- MmS rW " , 3 Also a fu 11 line of Gculs' Furnfchlng Qooda 7 South Main St., Ann Arbo Estato of William Johnson. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenuw, a O Notice is liereby yive, bv monk-r of the Iri bate Court for the County of Wiwihtennw, mndeon t) iifth (Iny of February, A. 1). 18T4, ix inontl from that dutO were nllowcd for crt-tlitora to musí tlieir claims aiiinst thf igtotoof Willinni Johnaoi s ltttr of said county, dcoeased, and that all croditoim sid deoeased art; rwiuired to present their claüi IC to Bftld Probate Oomf. ftt tlie Probate OiHco, Ín tl: (ity of Ann Arbor, lor examination and allnwnnee, o or U-fun the linli dn y of August next, nnd the such (;liiinirt will be heunl befnre: said Probate Conr on Baturdny, the twenty-wventh dny of April, nn m Monduy tho Hfth day of August next at te o'clock in tlwï forenoon of ouch of those duys. Datctl, Anu Arbor, Febrmuy 5tb. A, 1). 1872. IIIUAr.T. BBAKBS, 13fi0w4 Judgcof Probate. Estitte of Priscilla Sherwood. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waabtenaw. as O Notice in hereby ivon, that by an order of the Pro e bate Court fnr thc County of Wa-shtenaw, made Ob th - eighteenth duy of Jauuary, A. D. 1872, six njtb from that date were allowed for crcdíttíra to pret-ten e their claims n-ainst the estáte of Vriioilla Shenvood 4 Lftta of aid ctmnty, decoascd, and that all croditorH o srtid il. iv;iy tl are required to jnvseiit th;ir claim ti said Probate Court, at tbe Probate Offloe, in the City o Ann Arbor, for examination and allowanee, on or bc foro thc eiiihteenth day of July next, and that snel claim will to. henrd btïforw said Probate Court, oi Suturday, the tlnrtieth duy of March, and oi Thursday, the eighteenth day of Jnly next, at tei o'clock in the forenoon of eaeh of thoue dny. ' Iutcd. Auu Arbor Jaauary lHth, A. 1). 1872. HIKAM.T. 1ÏEAKKS, 135ftw4 Judge of Probate. Sheriff 'e Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Wfwhtcnaw, ss. liy virluo of one execution, issued out. of and tinder the seal of the ('ircuit Court for the county o. Waflbtooaw. State of Michigan, datad the l!th day of SeptemU-r, A. D. 1871, and to nie directed and deüvered, ngainst the good, chattles, land and tenvmonts of Daniel h. Gatea, I did, on the sixth day of i Novemler, A. T). 1871, for want of ffoods andchattles, levy upon all tho ri-ht, titlc and interest tht Daniel L. (itit bus m UM follrtwiiifí deseribed real estáte, to wit: The eust twenty-wvrn rodi in width of the soutli ixty-one rods in lonpth of the west half of the southweat quarter of w?ction inimber two, in township No. two KOiith .in ranfre six eaut, containinpr ten a'i is of land, in: tho Kitrao inoro or less, all of Üie abore decnbcd Ituxl befng in the townthip of Ann Arbor, county of Washtenaw, and State of Sfichicran, which luml I ahall exposé for salo, at public auction, to the hijjheat bidder, at the aouth door of tho Court Houbo, in the city of Ann Arbor, on tho 13thdayof March, A. T). 1S72, ut 11 o'cl'Kik a. m. of wiid duy. Daled, Aun Arbor, Jjknnaiy I7rh, A . P. 1872. MYJ.ON WKim, Sheriff, 1357 By Jobtin Fob bek. Undor-Sherin. Shei-iff's Salo. JTATE OFMICHIUAN. county of Washtenaw, ra O By vfirfoe of one exeoutíon iasued out of and nnder the böhI of the Circuit Court for the county of Waahtenaw and Btate of Miohifran dated tht Sth da; of October, A. 1). 1W71, aiul t( me din'ettíd and deliv .■ie!, against the gooda, ohattlea, tanda and tenemeni of Merchant II. Goodrich, l Hd on theslzteootl) dn y o November, A. 1). 1991, for want of goeds and rhattles U'vy i]Kjn all the rlgbi, title and interest that Mer obant H. fíoodrich Iihs in the following deaoribod ron aftate towit: LotÉ 1. 2, .', , 5, f, 7 nnd , in block onenorthftf Hmpji atoeet. range fle in the city of Arni Arbor, crtunty of Washtenaw, fltntr of Uteht?xu, wliifh buyl I liall v BOle ut ptlblic UOtjium U thc bJiflwut bidder, at the south door of the Cou-rt House, ii the city of Anu Arbor, on the Wth day of March, A. D. 1872, at W u'clk a. nf, csl SAÍd day. Datcd, Jan, ífid, A. D. 1W9. MYRON WEHR. Nheriff, 1358 By Jobtin Fokbks, Under-Sheriff. GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO's for 3trictly Pure Drugs and Medicines, Paints,0ils,&c.


Old News
Michigan Argus