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Real Estáte for Salo. CJTAÏE Oí' MIOIUU AX, cuunty oí Washtunaw, as. o 0 In tho matter of the estáte of Kliza Jane Osgood, deoeased: Notico i hereby given, ttuit ín pursuance of ot' an urder granted to undersigned,' AdminiCrn(j tjr of the estatu of said deceafted, by the Hon. Judgé of oí l'robalo tur the uouutv ot' Wiwhtenaw. on tho uj ehrhtli day of Jumiury, A. X). 1S72, there will bo sold ut public vondue, tu tlio highest bidder, ut thu dwelling hííuso on the pronises hereinufter described, in the uc cuunty of Washtenaw, in said Stat!, ou Wednesday, tho twcnty-eightU day of Februaxy, A. D. 1872, at ten o'clock in tho tbrenoon of that day, (subject to all enm cumhranees by mortgtige orotherwiao existiría at the a( timo uf the death ol' said decoased), the foUowiug de1 t senbed f cal ottntfl t) wit : The southeast quurter of eí tilo southeuHt quarter of B6ctíOH Blx, in township two srmth of rungo six onftt in stftd State, contttining forty e, acres more or leas. .... D( Uatcd, Junuury 8th, A. I). 1S72. ,, CitSSIrJSM.dSQOOD, el 135fitd .'.ilii.iniatrator. p Keal Estáte for Sale. sl I ttTATli OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, 88. E ij In the matter of theèstato of Heman H. unge, ,. deeeased. Notiec in hereby given, that in puntualice .. of iTï order granted to tho undonigned, administrators ï of the efii.iïi0 "f fli'l deoeswoiUtoy tl; Hon.-Judgeof Probate for the County of Washtenaw, on tho fourtli iliiy if geptember. A. D. 1871, there will be nold at Publio tho highest bidder, at tho late residenceof uid deccased in v!:c township of Shanm, in thecountyof Waaliti naw, in said Statfl, on - day tho twenty-nrtt day of Febrnary, A. D. IS7Ï , at ten u'cluck in the iorenoon of that dny (subject to uil encumbranees by mortgugeorotuól'wíse ?xistinprnt Che i time of the dcaih of said decoawd, and ftlao subject to the dgM of dower of the widow of said deceased c in) tho following described Baal Estáte, to wit ; The Houthoast quarter of the southwest quarter of soction thirly-two, in township two, Bouth of range threo east, containing forty acres more or loas, in said títate. Dated, Juuuary 2d. A. 1). 1871. RT'PSKLT, WHIPPLE, i KUTii A.UAGK, Adniinistrators. i Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF SIlcniUAN, county of Washtenaw, s. In the matter of tho estáte of Samuel Ii. Thorn, Hmeline fl. Thorn, Lewis .1. Thorn, Kbenezer E. Thorn, Mary Tlu.rn, Euphemia Thorn, Alico Thorn, and Frank -'. Thorn, minora; Notice is liereby giren, that in pursuance of an order (rranted to the undorsigned, Uuardianof the estáte of said minora by the i Hon Judge of l'robat for the couuty uf Waohtenaw, on thu elevi:iilh day of December, A. 1). 1871, there will bo oíd at public vendas, to the highest bidder, at the dwelliiiK house ou tho promises hereinafter de' scribed, in the county of Washtenuw, in said títate, on ' Tuesday, thc twentieth day uí lVljiunry, A. 1). 1872, it ten o'cloek in thc toronoon df that day, (aubjuct to t all encumbrana by mortgiiRe orotherwise oxistiiur at tho time of ale, and aluo wageet to the tigbi of dower of tho undersigned as widuw uf Charles TUorn, deceaBed), the fullowing deseribed real estáte, to wit : The undivided eight-ninth (8-!)) of cadiof thofollowiii described paleéis oí lamí, viz.: l'art of lot A or 9 weat subdivisión of the southwest fvnctiunal quarter lf of section seven, begínning at the northeirft corner of 'r said lot A, running south ono degree and thirty minutes east thirten chains and two HnVs to a stake in '" the eoat line of said lot A, thouce nouth eighty-nine " degrees and thirty minutes west twenty chaina and thirty-eight links to a stake on the west line of said d section soven, thonco along said lino north ono degree d west, tbirteon cl, mus and two link to a quaiteriioction corner, thunco along the quarter line north eighty-nine degieeaand thirty mniutos oast twenty cnains and thirty-one links t tho place of bcKinning, containing lt twcnly-six ml SO-lOOueras. Also lot A, or west subdivisión of the northwest fraetional quartcr of eaid bmUob soven, 'containing eighty-one and 55-HK) acres. And also of tho south part of tho weat part of the '„ outhwest fraetional quurtor of seotion six, oontnining r forty acres : all in townahip four south of range three h east, in said Btftte. JDated, Ueoomber llth, A.I). 1871. 1314 SARAH C. THORN, Guardián. n _____ - ■ v Keal Estáte for Sale. ? CTATE OF MICHIOAN, county of Washtenaw, ss. " rt In the matter of the estáte of Charles A. Goodyear, 0(1 minor: Notico is huroby givon. that in pursuanco of an order grauU-d t tin; urulersined, Guardiun of the be estáte of said minor, hy the llon. Jud(;c of Probate ed for the couuty of Washtenaw, on the eighth day ol January, A. Í). 1872. therc will be sold at publio vcnha luc, to 'the highest bidder, at tho Manchester Hotel, of in the villago of Manchester, in the county of Washhe tenaw, in said State, on Tuesday. tho twenty-eventh ►r day of February, A. D. 18;2, at three o'clock in the ' afternoon of that day, (nbject to rll encumbranncs ly Io raortgage or otherwise existing at the timo of sale), the follovintr deaoribed real wtate, to wit : Ixts „ thirteen and fourtecn in block twenty-nine, in the vil" lage of Manchester, according to the rucordod plttt thereof. Dated, Januan' Sth, A. D. 1872. B. JOUN GOODYEAR, Guardia. Keal Estáte for Salo. STATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Waktenaw, f& In the matter of the estáte of Jacob, Maehrle, deccased : Notice is heieby given, that ia pursuance oi an order granted to tho undersif:M, teiinistiatoi ,. j..iii mn with the will anncxedo said deceascd. by tho Hon. Judgo of Probate for thwcwnity of Washtenaw, on the twenty-flfth dy f July. A. IX IS71, there will IjC sold at uubli -endae, to tho hi;Uit bxldor, at dweUing imusc otVe pjemises heninuftvi doscribed, in the eonnty of WoaírteBiiw, in sakl State, on Tuesday, tlw tnenty-ixiventh day of February. A. 1). 187i, at one o'clock in the afternoon of that day {subject to ill eagumbwaoe by mortgan or otherwia existing at tlk tijuo oí t'e dith of said deeeased). thc foUowins doneribed mil estáte, to wit : Tho west hall of thc southeast qii,rter of seotVon teu, in towuship fonraoth of range four east contnming eïghty acres mure ur Leas And also all that puit of the southeast quafter uf the southwost quartcr of seetion tlnen, same township and range, lying south of the outlet ol , Culumbia fjiVe, (except tlmt ju-t fnxcrly sold to John Aroirtst), contaittinfl t-írht ncn-A oí' land, boütvdwl on the south by u ditch, uud ou tho west by a pond of water. Dated, January 8th, 1872. JAHOB HAUER, Administrator 1356 de bEmis non with the wili annexed. Mortgage Salo. DEFAULT haviog been mftííe m the conditions uf mortgage executed by David DeForest and Mari-. ] annDcForcst to Philip Baoh, beaiing date the soUi [{ . day of November, A. D. 18C7, li reeordcd in thc Offlceof the iteiiiti.T of Decds for Wushtenaw county, Slichigiin. on the i2d day of November, A. D. 1SG7, in líber 3G of mortgogea, on page BW, and duly asrigned by said Pliili] Bacil to siias II. Douglass, by avigninent hearing dato the thiid day "f .May, A. 1). 1870, and recorded in the office of thc snitl Rcyutd ol Deeds for Washtenaw county, on the "ti dy rf May, A. U. 1S70, in libcr 2 of BWÖnments "f mortgages, on page' whichdefault S ! in said mñrtgage has beeome ojorfttive, on whidi mortgage there is claimed to be dae t this date the sum of three tliouwind nve hiuidred and thirty-tivi dollars, and flfty dollars iu an Attornoy feo a provided in said motteage, and no snit or procecding nt law or in ohañoenr havuig leen instituted to recovei the debt Becuied by Baid mortgage, or any part thereod ; Notice is thereforeheroby givcn, that by virtue of the power of siüocuutuiiied in said lüortgage, and __ of the sttttate in such case made and provideu, snid mortgage will be foicloscd on Satunlay, the twentyseveuth day of April next, at tel o'clock iu the forenoon of that day, at the south door Of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said eounty of Washtenaw, (said Court being lbo píate oí holiling the Circuit Conrt for unid county of WashlcI % naw), by wvlt! at public uuetioli, to the hlghest bidder, 1 of the premises described in said mortgace, whieh said mortgaged premisos are de.scribed in said mortgago as follows, viz : All thc following deacribêd pieees of land, situnted in the rity of Ann Arbor, Washbcnaw county, Michigan, viz: cummencing at ' thc intersectiun of the south line of North streel with the eaet line of División street, in said city of Ann Ar bot, and running east on the south Une oí North Street about two húndred fect to the ('utholin 1'lmii'h lot, thence south üve rods, thunce west parallel to ' Nirth street tu División Street, thtucc north to tho place of bcginning. Oí. Aun Arbor, Mich. Jan. 30t.h, 1R72. HILAS H. DOITHTjASR, Assigneo. Fklch & Gbant, Attomeys for Assignec. 1.S59 M Mortgage Sale. 1 " I EF A1JT.T havuig lccn made in the condition of a the y oertain mortgage oxeoated ty Cuthtirmo Wall, of ths Nnrthneld, in the county of Washtenaw and State of ent Michigan, on the J7th day of April, A. D. 167, to on, Sally Ann l'ray, of Superior, m said county and State 3 of and recorded iu thu Iiegiwter's otlice of the eounty of Ims Waahtenaw, the tlütd doy of May, A 1). 1867, at 9% thc o'clock A. Ji., in hhcr ?Ji of mortgapea, on page 479 on which said mortgage vhs duly assigned by liat. iiem-gf S. Wheeler, Administrator of the estáte of irt. Snlly Ann Piay.lute of Superior, Waahtenaw county, ind deceaaed, to Nathan 11. l'ray, on the 17th day of Janten uary, a. d. 1871, and recorded the 18th day of January a. D. 1871, in líber 2 of ussignmeuts of mortgages, on page 693, thut there is claimed to be due upon said mortgnge and note at this date, the snm of oae hundred and two dollars aud thirty cents, also a , sonable Solieitor's ur Attoxocy's fee, should any pro ceodings be takeu to foredose this mortgago, and furthcr installroents to beoomedue on said mortgage, and no proeevdingit at law or in equity having been had to fts. recorer tbe sume or auy part thereof; Notiee is hereby given, that by virtue of tho power :he of sale ooutained in said mortgage, I hall sell at pubths lic auetion, to the highest bidder, on the ninth day of Mit March next, at il u'clock l'. M. of said day, at the Court xl. House, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, that of ltoing the placo of holding tho Circuit Court for tho to County of Washtenaw, all that certain tract or par of cel of land known, and described as follows, to ■- wit : Tho northcast quartor of tho southeast qnarter ch of section number threo in township number one on south in range number six east, lyiiu? in Northfteld, on in tho county of Washtenaw, in the State of Michien fnn. December 7th, 1871. NATHAN H. PRAY, John N. Gott, Asaúrnee of Mortgagce. Attorney for Assignee of Mortgagec. Mortgago Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the conditions of a certaiu mortgagi executed by Belden Marvin and " Ann J. Marvin to Milán Glover now deceased), bearf ing dato the twenty-third day of November, one thouBXY and eight hundred and sixty-eight, and recorded in the office of tho Register of Deeda for Washtenaw e" county, Michigan, uu the tliird day of Docember, A. o' I). 1SC8, in líber 30 of mortgages, on page 410, on '8, which mortgage there ia claimed to be due the sum of cl flve hundred and twenty-two dollars (3522J, also au t Attorney's fee of twenty-flvo dollai-s as provided in 1L' said mortgago, and no suit or proceeding at law or in ltí chancery having been institutod to recover the debt secured by said mortgage. or any part thereof; ■u Notice is thereforo nereby given, that by virtuc of 'e the power uf salo eontained in sakl mortgage, and of n thc fttatute in such case made ttnd providel, I shall sell :1 at public auctioji, tn the hitfhest bidder, at the south , door of the Wjwïitenaw County Court House, in the rt city of Anu Arbor, in said county (that boing tho jf pltice of bolding the Circuit Court for said eounty), on Saturday, U sixteenth day of March, A. D. 1872, at alaron o'eloek a. m. uf sjiid day, tho premises desoribed in said mortgage, to-wit: A strip of land one chain and fourtoen wide, and extoiiding across the a northcast quartor of section twenty-one, m townshii) threo south of range Hve east, in Wachtanaw county. Michigan, tbc ivest side of whieh is parallel to and i soven rods east of the west side of said quurtt-r section, and the east side is sixteen ehains and flfty-seven f links went of the east half quarter line, containing t't.uv and 62-100 acres, more or lees ; also a piece on . tion twenty-two, ame towu and range, towit: The south fjixteen chuins and sevtity-onr links wide, and [ the eaet seventeen ehains aud ninety-nine links nlong the south side, and seventeen cliuina and mncty-MX j links aloiig the north. side f the piece, rn thc west half ( of the suthwcst. qunrter of sectim twenty-two, contamina tliirty acres, and being all the land ownod by th said Keidon Marvin aai Ana J. Marvin in Huid conntyof Washtenaw t the time saiü laoiigage was Binde and extfiti.ii. Dated, Aim Arbor T)oc. llth, 1871 MII.AN CI.o KH,Mort(tasee. CEIJNDA SLOVER, ( D. Cuamkb, tratrix of said Mortgagec " Alturney for said. Administratrix. 1352 P1IYSICIARS' PRESCRIPTIONS VOCl'RATELY ANn CAREFULLY PHEPABED BY B. W.KLL1E A C0.,DRUGGI818.


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