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TïïSlNESS DIRECTORY. " g?,ooodi Carpet and rocerle. " . mioWV. Aarnt tor the Finkle & Lyon I ftiS5"8wiig Machine They re fnt k'tJilX,,yilm ke the lock tltch No. , :,[„ Street. A nu Arbor. 134"y' iï" SCHIHIA, UchIits in Dry Good, MerUoíiery.k. No. U South Main SIKft. .11 nis II ME, Wt. I., Residencc and Office If0 18 coruer Wiiliams and Thompson StreetB. 'ííter ProoJ. Feit nud fcompoBUlon Gravel Í ', nntonto order and warranted. Beildenceon (ïnon StreetAnn Arbor. ;T"wïriïïs & CO., DmsgisU amldealerB R.Tp.totr0U,etc. No.ü South Main streel, AiAtbor - rñ rACRSOS, Deutist. nuccessorto C. B. ff. Rrterfofflce corner MatamdHuron.trejUi, Jr the tore of E. W. Ellle & Co , Ann Arbor, i"b. nesthctlc administered ïf reqalred. '„dlMTision Street. flrt door east of Presby JÜm , Chnrrh . Ann Arbor, Mich. E i inirVKOX. Dealet in mts and 'ups, . ftrs.8trawOooa.aenU1 Kurnisimii; Gooda, „ o 7 Soutli Main Etreet. Ann Arbor, Mich. "Tiïïrïtl A"VI A; WHEDOS, Life and SV""su" u a "nttand dealeen It'cal Estáte jSceon Huron Street. p TttmS O. BISDOH, Dealer in Hardware, LsSvS! Hoom Furni-Hiug Gouds, Tl Ware,&c. jo.SI South Maiu tlreet. iTIcIT ABEL, Dealers in Dry Goode GroBw".c. c.,No. M SouthMain.Hreet.Ann ttbot. n7VSi'V & SO"V, Groccrs, Provisión and Stommtoion Maichanta. d alrl [WaWr Line.Und Placer, aud Plalet Paris. No. 16 haet Bnron sïreet. . .TVdhËiM, holeesle an4 Ketail Dealer iicidv Made Clothing, Cloths, CspsimcrpB, ratiDmaGont' Punïïhfig CtooS. No. l South Kilii Street. . "wAii-MiB, Dealer in Roady MadeCloth?Clobi, CaSlmen, Verttopí IlaU.Cap, fcuUTcarpetSags, 4c. 21 Soath MMn treet. 30! nr.d HtacellanooM Boota. No. 3 North Main (fert. Gr-sory Bluck. Aun Arbor. rTiXLEÏ7: MS WIS, Dealers in Boote, ShocB, f UHiter, S'lppern, &c. No. 'i East Uurou strect, inn Arbor. ÍJOAH W. CHEËVE K, ATTOENEY AT LAW ! OBw with E. W. Morgan , Kust side of Conrt House iqwre. . '3S1 Teacher of Mtisic. G'-es inetruction on the PIANO, VIOLIN AND GUITAR, it hl office, No. 57 South Main struet, (Mooro's taildiu jj , or at the resideaee of tbc pupil. PIANO TUNING, miiesspcciality and sntisfaction guarautecd; ISMyl jiEOCKEK Y. GLASSWARE & GROCERIES, J. & L Donnelly Hiic in store a lnrgo 3tock of Crockerj, Glafeware, . arc.Ciulcry Orocencf, &c, c, all tobe aasaally low priece. No. Easí ll-.inm Rtroct, Ann Arhor. :itf . J. & V. O!VKIL,Y. JOHN G. GALL, FRESH AND SALT MEATS, I. Iti. SAUSAGKS, Etc, Ördcrp solicited and promptty filled with tliebcet mesli in the market. 31 Kast Washington street. AtnArbor, Sept. 16th, 186D. 1285tf T TTlJÏÏÖ!SS7" Manufacturcr of (1RUIACES, BIÍ6CIE8, l.l '!!(.R HV:OS. SPR1SIÍ W1G0S8, tl ITERS, SI.F.It.lIS, c Allwirk wnrrantci nftlie best matcrlar. fiepairladone promptly and reasonab'e. All work warWel to gire perfect ati'faction. Gi S uih Main '-■■:■ 1343yl Minutactnrcr of Oarriages, Buggies, Wagons, 4XD SLEIflIISof every slylc, made of the beet 'terial, aod warramcd. iorse phoclng and KcWrms done promptly and prices roïBOnahle. "olt Street, near U. R. Depot, Ann Arbor.Mich l82SyJ )R. U. tí. PORTEE,, DEISTTIST. "ntheSAVIlSGSBANKBLOCK, Ann Arbor. Operations on the Natural Teeth PERFORMF.D W1TH CARE. ï!fSÜRPA8SED FACILITIES AND BXPERIENCE UTTltiii ARTÍFICIAL TEETH, TO GIVE KACH INDIVIDUAL; rioftke proper sizc, tkafe , color , Jirnintsi and na al ezpretêion. 1244 Q C JEÑKÍÑS& H.RANDOLPH WHITE, H. D. IDENTI8T8. !'KHER OP MAIN AND WASHINGTON 8T'S. AU Operations peiformed in the Most Thorough and Sclentific inanner. Uroug Oxide Gas constantly on hand, I11 dminlstercd with perfect safety. ____ 1320-yl. HEN Y OU WANT pINE PÏIÜTOGRAPHS, GO TO 5M. B. REVENAUGH, IVo. 30 Ilurou Stroct. QotoR.W.ELLIS & CO's for choice Wines and Liqunr f for Medical Purpos es .


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