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Follies Of Fashion And Politics

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A Washington correspondent of the New York 7'rihine says : The atmoHpherü of Washington does not suit serious work. The íife of tho wholc city, hom. thü Capítol to tho White ■House, from tho comniittee rooms to tho fashionable parlors, is a lite of dalliance and pretenso, busy büt fi-uitless, energetic but unsteudy. One day isa patteni to every otlier - an idle morning ; an afternoon of debate at one end of the avenue and vi8iting at the othor ; an evenmg of dinner and reception. I suppose some of the people havo homos, but thoy can lüu-dly be said to live in them. I know that Congress has work, but it is not in a hurry to do it. In the social sphere thore is a -vreary, unvarying round. To-day you will go to everybody's reception, chat about the last ball and tho newest street improvemont, sip punch and eat cake in the back parlor, then to ,v stately dinnor, and one or two dancing partios afterward. To-raorrow you will throw open your own doors, an-1 the sajne people with whoni yon have just oxchanged omptv couii)liments will troop through thom. Everywhere you see thu same faces and hear the same conversation ; and tliere is only one " set," and that includes overybody. Every day you follow tho same occupations ; carriages tumblo over the same uprooted streeta; ladies climb up tho same dirty einbaiikment to get into fashionable houses, and the same wonders of nrillinery and glories of silk and lace are displayed for you in a scoro of' drawing-rooms. So tho groat chrouiclor who supplies society intelligence for the Washington newspapers has an easier taak than the Jenkins of othor great citios. Tho report of one entertainment will do porfoctly wcll for another, with a little shifting of the couples. On ilonday it is Secretary Quelqu'un who receives at diuner the Chief of the Bureau of Sealingwax aad Matches, with the Hon. Elijah Pogram and ladies, and the Senator from the Indian Territory. On Tuesday it is the Hon. Elijah Pogram who entertains Secretary Quelqu'un and wife, with the Chief of the Bureau of Soaline-wax and Matches, and tbo Sunutor from tho Indian Territory. On Monday tlie Hon. Elijah Pogram and ludios, tho Chief of the Bureau ot' Sealing-wax and Matches, and Secretary Quelqu'un and the Misses Q,uelqu'un diño with tho Senator t'roiu tho Indian Territory.


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