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Sturdy British Beggars

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An Amorican, on reaohing London and walking along any of its Btreete, Is painfully astonishod at the wretchedness aud rags that are nonstantly before his gnze. Hu is annoyed by Eagged and ( ven by well-dressed beggan that meet hiui everywhero- not only in the streots, but in the hotels, diuing-rooms, theaters, und places of amusement. Everywhere, too, by night and duy, he meets with drunken men and women, aud dirty, ruggod children. Tho hotel keeper is oxpected to churge for attondance in bis bilí ; yet weü-dresed beggars, in tho shape of waiterfi, deinand udditional nioncy from tho puest who is leaving. An American learns that there are in the world atrong, ablebodied men who actually pay monoy for, and work hard in situations, in order to obuhi good opportunities for begging. It is the same in tho tlitviters and places of amusement. Paymcnt is made for the entertainment ; but. respectably-drossed beggars, in tho sliape of box-keepers and other attnndants, are not ashamed to beg on their owu account. It is the same in tra veling, the guarde and milway porters beg i'ov mouey, if not in words by signs equally intelÜgible, and, if not satgfied, wül veonlygrudgingattendance. Even in ehurches tho similar systcm of begging Irom strangera is practiced. Ou seeing the nuraber of blind and other afflicted people in the streete, a fortflhecl to learn that the national government, which is so lavish oi itsmoney to many who neither deservo nor need it, giveg notliing toward tingor Bupporting aayluma for the blind, the 'li af and dunlb, and others hopelessly and helpleesly afflicted. Thoro ure hospitals "sustainedby vol untar y contributions" professing to give relief to the poor, but, with very few exceptions, H is with tho Vttmost difliculty that nny benefit cari bo drived from thein. Accidcnts aro attonded to, but othor case.i of distress can obtaiii relief only througli letters of recommendatioil and troublosomo processes of eanviissing and voting. Crimináis are treated in iv princely way, but tho honest poor have hard liaes.- ■


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