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antedT A ,'irl to do general house work. Inquire at N'o. 38 Thomnsou Htrect. N. W. CHEKVEB, I'cbruary 21st, 1872. 13G2w2 MiAND INVESTMENT; SGIO FLOUR MILLS ARE NOW OFFERED FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN, And on renaonnblc tcrms. Partios wishlng to bny will apply at oucc to N. W. BRIGGS, Scio. I362w4 NEW SPRING GOOOS FÍNLEY k LEWIS. .Aro no w rccciviüj the most completo and ELEGANT STOCK OF M GOODS UI THE LINE OF BOOTS and SHOES EVER BROUGHT TO TUIS CITY. HATIKG THE EXCLUSIVE SALE OF THE WOKK 01 ALL THE FIKST-CLASS .1! Vl! Ai II ItJ'JÍS IV THE OM V1KY. WE OU OFFER TO CASH EISTOJ1KRS GRKATER INDÜCEMENTS THAN ANY OTIIER HOUSE IN TUIS CITY. We carry complete Unes of work from i:. C. Bt'RT, CÍRAY BROTHERS, si iivvi:i.i. brom. In CIIILDREN'S FINK SHOES, of which wo lavo hy far the larj;etU and llnost asnortmeut erer rouxht to Ann Arbor. J.-is. M. Burt' Gent'u FINi: II AND-MADE Boots and Shoe, nncqualed forStyle,D:irability and finish. Jolm W. Itiiri' Boys Fine Sho, and In Tact a Completo Stock of STOK and PLAIN Goods, euitable for this market. 1362 Chancnry Notíoo UT ATE OF MICHIGAN. Th. iw.„ MAK b. COVKIiL, lonipUinuut, f HBKBY KCOVELL, Dtfaftjht tlmt tho drfendant, enrv Ti. (Wi 1'" b "Bi,, of thi. State, but remide in the !&LV.t motion of Zina I'. Kuut, S.,hcitur for ' n. is ordexed that the d.-tendant w l&. '5l' ,. bc enterod within Ilim loonth fioin il.iT1"' .' order, „n,l duit in cune oí hls api„,„," ' ,"'? óf tL ftbwei to the implainnt'fi bill to l. h{J 3C thercjM (o be scrved on tho comnliL!z,"U rentydywaftw nervio. orTeSPi8 ot ootophdut and ifttico ol thia oil,.r ''„', V' "uit,, thereol tl.,.i. the uid bill be taken aCli", d"n UÜd flOfl Ddaftt : And il is t'urtli-r inderï4 lÏU. (went y dáyi t "e "tid compliiinant c,lusL , thílt ilL order to puttiabed in the .ii,(„v„„r M.ifS : ; totêd tn said coumy of Wartrtwiï'1 v the publicatieni continue t lenst oni . " 'r-l ( weeki in oucoeuion, ot that &h rauw ''i order to be personally terved on the H 7 4Ïi wcinling to the rules nnd prattiee uf thi. e ""Sil" Dated, February 20tli, 1S72. """Uut"1 P. K,., SnSg, CompUUnant'a Solicite. i?1: Keal Estáte for Salë; """ CTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of mL,, 0 In the matter of tho estáte of Jacob a-,?, line Hauser, und Elilabeth Hauser, min".1"' -i hereby gtven, that in panuance „f „„ 0J!; Ki to the underngsed, Guardian of the cm ""tw minors, by the Hon. Jude of Probat f„,a "'M ot ashtrnnw, on the twellth dar of vil "b 1). 1872, thero wül be sold at public 4í """U hlghest bidder, at the touth door of tl, r !''4.' in the city of AnnArbor, in the coWl1 tonaw, in said State, on WcdnosduT ,, ? & of April, A. D. I8-.2, at ten o'clock in tl . ,4H of tlmtdny, (subject to nll encumbran!.). to or otherwise existiiifc' t the time cl „ui?,'"! vided three fourths of each of the f r,Uo wiüi i "1pareeuof land, to wit: Thenorthcaat snii. 7"W of the wnitlicast tliirty-six ftet wide of lot Í31 the southwest twoteet wide of the south J ' "J mx fcet long of lot niuc. in block six i,, „ ' 'Rj. i-r's a.Mition to the city of Ann Arbor , ""'' county. ' jj Dnted, Fcbruary I9th, . D. 1872 ' FKKDEBICK ALBER.p Eeal Estáte for Sak - VTATK OF MICHIGAN, County of WML,_ ' l:i the matter f theestilte of Danirf ?' deeeaned. Notice ia hereby given, thnt in Jrwa,' 01 in i.rdcr granted to the mulersigned olmnSSi' of the catate of nid dcofived, by the Hnn jü?"1 l'robate for the County of Washtena m,S'"t teenth day of February, A. D. 187a, Uien in u1' at PubUo Vendne, to the highest bidd.-r tia., inn house on the premisos hereinafter ij,JÏï theommty of Cachtenav, in uid BtohTS" day the sixth dny of April, A. I). m;j .( Í? - in the afteniocm of that day (ubjct 't0 j Ol branca by mortgapeorotherwMe exuüg. títi of tbe dentb of uid deceased), the 10110??? ren] ortate, to wrt : Tho west huif of th ï fï? quarter of hection eisjlit ; the east half of ÏÏTï of the aouthoiut quarter of section seTeniSir west half of the northeast quarter of the inoü quarter of section twenty, in towníhip tlirfí!!?5 ranse three cast, in said State, contahuiw o!kLdred and forty acres moie or less. "':' Uatcd, February 19th, A. D. 1872. EUBERT P HAEPB, lliCi Admiiii,7w Commissioners' Notice. QTATE OF MICHIUAN, county of -WMh,, . O Lho undcraürned, huviny been apnointtikT Probate Conrt for 8ojd county, Commúaiosmí" cuive, examine, and adjust all claiion nid dnaJl") all penou iii;:iinst the estáte of John SlitSí late of suiil county, decunsed, hereby give notiaïïüï hix nionths from Üiut dute are iiilowed br aaid Probate Coart, forcreditorstoprescnt'üieortí apainst tho estáte of taid deoeased, and that tiwrfl meet at the rosidence of Michael ('owan, in AnnlrW in said county, on Saturday, the thirtanU ÍVJ April, inil on "Wednesday, the founwmh di August next, at 10 o'clock a. m. of each of ml to receive, examine, and adjust said ciainu Uatcd February 14th, .1, 187L BETUCOT M. MOWRT SJiLUEX W. SnUUIliFp 13C2w4 Commioi Commissioner's Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN', county of Wajhtn,, ■ Th,; undenigned, having been appointed trt Probate C'ourt for said county, CommiMionrntK. ceivo, examine and adjust all claims and immit i all persons aguinst tho estáte of Matthew Séubi' late of said couuty, deceased, hereby giye aotiet üi; six months from date are allowed by orde of tU Probate C'ourt for rreditore to present tluiitko against the estáte of said deceased, and that Uier rj meet at the residenee of said deeeased, ia wid wrati on Satui-day, the tweuty-eorenth day of Jtpnl, on baturday, the soventei-nth day of August, w rit. ten o'clock a. m. of each of said dayt, to ntan, examine, and adjust said clnims. Uated, February 17th, A. D. 1872. GEOBGE KECK, JOHN' SÈHAIBLE, 1362w4 Commúsimm. Estáte of George E. Goodiag. STATE OF MICHIGAN, CoantybfWMhitíiM. At a session of the Probate Coiirt for the Conti of Wushteoaw, holden ut the ProbatfOfflttJitl City of Ann Arbor, on Salnrday, the teiAJi; of Febrnary, in the year oue thonuml (iíi hnndred nnrt seventy two. Present, lliram.I. Beakcs, Judseof ProbiK. In Hie matter of the estáte of Oeorre K. Oaxhr;. deceased. On ra'ading and filing the petition.dnlr reriWci Anni S H. G 'oding. prayiue that a cerüin nitrn. ment now on flle In Ihls Court, pnrportinj 10 bt the last will and testament of sutd deceageil, mnj admitted to Probate, and that she mat be ippoitied ole Kxecutrix then-"f. Thereupon it is ordered, that MoníJ, thí latí teenth day of March next, at ten o'clock in the fwrf. noonbe assigned for tbe heiiriii'-of siíAV'ú1 that the leuateee. devteeeaana lieir a A said deceased, aud all other per.ion.1 iuwmudiii snid estáte, are required to appear atioiio[ said Court, tben to hc holden, at the ProbaitOBlce, in the City of Aun Arbor, and show cniwe, ilioj thorebe, why the prayer of the petitiunTdm nol be granted: And it is fnrther ordered, tbuiri petltioner gire nottce to the persons iutercHed io Mldeetate, of the pendency of said peiitloi ui the luiirin.' thereof, by causing a copy of thii o to be pablishod in the J#cAtofi Areu!, a newípapc urlntad and circalaling In suid Comity.three iscohp Ive week urevious to aaid riay of henrin. (A trnecopy.) H1KAM J. BÊAKBS. 1362 Judue olProbm. Estáte of Charles 15tuck, Sen. STATE O F M ICH1GAN, County of W.-whtfM, At a si'ssion of the l'robate Court for the CoB? of Wauhtcnaw, holden at the Probate Otüce, i:l I ity of Ann ArlMir, on Monday, the titlfth ii; of lebruary, in the yeur onc thousand eighthaii ■■■nty-lwo. Trc-Hi-nt líiiain J. Beakes, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the Estáte of Charle Stnck, Set deecased. , ( ):i roading and füing the pc-tition, duk Ttriflea,! Churloa Slm-r, Adminlstrator, pnying uut be ■( !■ Uauued to aeU oertain real estáte whenof 1 died seized. Thewupon itisordcred.that Monday, the twentj-m" day of March next, at ten o'clock in the forewn. broed fot the hearing of said petitie. L that the heus at luw of said diteased, ano al] ■ persons interested in said estáte, are reqmrMtoipjM at a session of said Court, then to bc hoUen,"" Probate Utnoe, in the City of Ann Arbor, mJ" cmisc, if any there be, why thcf pruyerof tbepm" shoiildnotlie granted: And it is f inther onkteitw said petitdoner giyo notice to the person nteIi vai.l ■state, of the pendency of suid prtitwn, w ' hearing thereof, by causing a copy of thi orëet . publisbod in the Michigan Argot, a newípap" P uid circulating in wtid county, four sucii''f11 pr,vi,.us tosaiilday ol hearing; „„. (A trae oopy.) UIRAM J. BIAW U(i Judk'eof 1 Estáte of Ornon Fullcr. LÍTATE di' MICHIGAN, C.milyof WashtcM. i a sesaion of the Probate Court for I " of Waahtanaw, holden at the Probate Offieem Um of Ann ArlKr, 011 rriday, the ninth dny Vj ruary, in the year oue thousaud eight Iiiubi11" evt-nl y-to. Present, Hiram J. Beukes, Judge of rwboe. In the matter of theestate of Ornoa UH"i" Martin Grny, adminintrotor of faid I"}! into Court and represents that ht i o PV1 render his llnal account a sucb adminiitratot. I Thereupon it is onlered. that Monduy, 'K , tenth day of March next, ut 'en ocios I forenoon, !. aaógned for examining ",, I ng Biich account, and that the heire J"j. I said deceaBd, and nll othcr persons rat""J I aiil estáte, are nxiuhvd to appear at a "JJL J said Court, then to be holden at the l'ioby n the City of Ann Arbor, and show can. herebe, why the said account should ";J, owed: And'it is further ordered, lh:tlsn, „Srator give notice to tho persons interestea", I ate, of the pendency of said account, aira '"jSJ hereof, by causinfr a copy oí t hi order tOjM ?Zp n the Michigan ,imi,s, a newspapcr printcd anooj ating in saiil County, thiec successive ween F" to suiit dav of hearing. ,-,t?ivWÏ. .Atruecopy.) mRAjg Estáte of Caroline Kettncr. CTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of V"sfjls ö Ataaeaaionof the Probate Court for "fTJi f Washtenaw, holden at the Probate [1 jty of Ann Arbor, on Tuosday, the ■?!;L, lay of February, in the year one thousMid eig' ,n'd and scventy-two. . f Present Hiram J. Beakes, Judge of Prot j. In the matter of the estáte of Caroline K"' cased. flid'eW' Gottlieb F. Ilauser, administrntor O'."", pr comes into Court and represents that he 1 ,f& pared to ronder nis final necount as suca W"""riiereupon it is ordered, that Monduy, S .!■ of March neit, t ten o'clock in the ""TT,, d aaaigued for exaiuinina nnd allowing sucli ",1 Lt hat the hein at law of said deceased, m 0 leraona interested in said estáte, are rem "rij ar at a sossion of said Court, then tu " j „rf be Probuto OtHcc, in the city of Ann Ar uw. „ ounty, and show cnuse, if any there v") (ur-,l crount should not bc allowed: And 11 0 f nl,i, .1, that said Adminintrator pve ""„„t i amona nteroetedin said i-.tat.'. „I '"'."aöl' said account, and thi' hearing then-ot, ' uy 1 copy of this order to be pubüshed in l ■ S trans, a newspaper printed and circuí"". é onnt y, three succeSBive weeks previou I" " ''ri'ecpy., HlRAMJBEAKfö 1362 Judsej__-' VBWEGAR. 29 Darrds of Applos, aud 20 Barrel of Frt 'inegarforaalebT __, .r oTISl Feb. 15th, 1872. __JZ- - "" ! rR. C. A. LEITElt CONTINÚES TO PUT UP AND FIIJl Physicians Prescriptie At all houre, at No. 1 Orafiory W Ann Arbor, Doe. 22d 1871. j__-1 GotoR.W.ELLIS&CO'j forstrictly Pure Draff 'B Medicine s ,Paints .Oilsv


Old News
Michigan Argus