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Local And Other Brevities

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ffe are Indetfted to II. M. Howar ' copy of VM Kcw ürleiius Picyuru of lilll i'lst" ■ oeüef FlreCompány raS out ycster "1C ollly celL'brallts r the 'flfyoa would In business thrlVte, take ' ' vi amiudvertise:" bolúl trutll 1' Uebeotolpoetry. -Isimanc! the Koran" will be the ' ofKev. Mr. Ukigiiams lecture ón f-vcvenliiguext. %e next regular term of the Circ.ilt ■ wii oom menee on Monday next "aleudar is a larga one, the issues oí Order yur Ií, Cards, Circu ' wiet-toil. &c, at the Argcs Office. MiMck.prstc'a8 work, nd reasonpricM "uaranteed. Exercises iii. the Unlvcrsity were sus"Jjj yestcrilay, and the jiubllc schools íl,,holit1ay : no doubt to the grafllca', oí the Krls and boys, large and small. ffiutcr has his back broken again, and Tío be hoped for the last time this seaKtbe way lie his had of coming down ""oor siuners has bceu cxceedingly disYesterday- Washington' bírthday. ndtle?! hollday: whlch nieaü-S that the JLconldn'tsit, aiul the banks wcre al'Lei W collect thelr notes duo that yonthcprccedlngday. littlic recent meeting of the Grand J„eor L O. tí. T. the following resident? rScity were lected lo office: Rev. Eo T.aioi!, O. W. C. T.; P. D. Wood , " g. W. A'. 8.; Miss Cei-ia. Taylou, Lf.LG, ff. D. Smith has pvirchased the res!ijjjceof L. Noble, oq 3tate street, oppojulhenorthwest corner of the Universlty „luiids, aiul report says is to build a store tbelot, with photograph galiery above. liierial Is already belng dclivered. _Several suits have been commenced 'wier the new Snnday ordinance, and -'minoted by the dcfendants plcading gulljnjpaying thelr tlues : made sinall to be i ■■ -tetseá uext time. Also several sults, -.-f pending, undei the new llcense ordi-At the fourtli atannal touvention of B Yonng Men's Chrlstlan Associations, íEirtSagiiiaw, on Tuesiuy, Rev. S. W. iTTFfltLD, of tliis city, was lected one of uiVice Presidents, and W. A. BitooKS, ol liiiciiiorclass of the Unlversity, one of itEiecutive Commlttee. -The prcssurc havlug provecí too great 'n the law lectura room, the Sunriay I lítraoon lectures of Dr. Cockek will hereiVr- coramencing on Sunday next - be Ijitai In the M. E. Ohnrctt. The change 1 7.11 be acceptable to a large number who ük been unable to hear tlic course 80 far. - Our lectu re-gol ng community was tprgiously sold on Monday cvenlng, by ÏEJDELL Pihi.lips, who rcpeatccl liis stale ■ ' itetore,- twenty or more years oíd, - áireet Sceues Ín Europe." Flowever, a jicrop of ciirious peoplc saw kihI hcard b'lrfwr-toiígned," whlch la somcthlug, Titappose In these days of greenbacks. - Chas. H. líiciñioKD, of our city, has tai ippoiuted Tieasurer of the Detroit, ! Eidale aud Indiana, and of the Eel Rlver iidllliuois Railroads, and has entered updaty, hls office belng at Detroit. He iilmake au excellent oölcer, aud our only sjretít liis appoiiitmeiit s that it will be kelyto cause his rcmoval from ainong us. The Ole Bull concert on Wednesdíy ntuing was attended by the largest aailifoce eTcr conveucd la llill's Opera House; i tutient audience, lor two hours were sed in watin;; the coming performinona delaycd train; and an appreciaítí audieiice, for Ole Bull and each oí Ui troupe wcrc cheered and encored Ín a Buner wliich must have been highly grat-Thnrsday niariiing the troupe vislted lleseveraldepartmcuts of thc Uuiversily, td werc given a rcceptlon and collation at ÍK rvsidcnce oí President The Chief oí Pólice auel two of hls assistutswere hamtsomly vlctimized a day or ttotgo. llavingan executlon againsta sa 10 keeper fiiir-d under the Sunday ordi luce, Chicf Pkehles wcut for the money otHebody. The moncy was refused, and 'edirected two of Iris force to take the Wyand deposlt It In the hotel de Forbes. Be body aked the privilege of Consulting 'awife a moment, which .vasgranted.and üle the pólice walted at the front door He body went out of the back door, pro inhaste to the Jai) and dellvered it fc'fto the keeper. Jk-ing put in good huW with the joke, the body thereafter pald fcine Rnd was cliscliarged. Bkennak m the body. Therc will be a Union Meeting In bcolfofthe Missionary Sunday School work h the new co u n ti es of Michigan, In the , fwbyterian Church of thls city, uext Sun"■ morulng, the 25th iust., tobe addressed Rev. W. D. Potter, Sunday School Mis'aryfor the burnt districts of iluron, ' "'lac, and other counties, anJ by Ilevi 8. Badger, Sunday School Missionary. the Grand Traverse reglón. Much lu "ting information in regard to our new ttlements will be gl ven by these eentle" fresh from their flelds of labor. Rev. I "oinas Wright will also make sorac "fmenu In regard to the Sunday School fk In all parte of the north woods. The ptist, Oongregational and Presbyterian ChMches unlte in this service wlth their J", Rev. Dr. S. Uaskei.i,, Hev. H. L. "Beu,, and Rev. 8. W. Dukfield. Coming through the snow-banks whlch p so long blockaded the U. P. U. It., the 'rtruary number of tlie Ovtrland Monthly M t last rcached our table, and with a tl of contenta that has not spoiled by ï- Among lts papers are : Wineklug in California, ni.; Proccsscs and , lr'ctlfcs ; The Glelchen Legend, n. and ; The Palace and Torahs of the Czars ; plr of Ears, frora the Germán ; The 7"7 31 a öpanlsli Exile ; From Astoria 'te Cascades Woman Suffrage- Cui í Joaquín Miller ; The Commerce of ndOceana; and Seth Dene's Reve"n. partí. $4 a year ; two copies, $7. ""i. Caumany & Co., Publlshcr, Sn 'Pitisco, Cal. " March number of Food1 HounehoU ♦íft14"1 annouilces a " new lcparturc ÏM GAIL JIa""'ton as edltor-iuchlef pl0' dollar magazine shows reraarkabl to employ gnch wrlters as lts new 'or. at f3,000 a ycar,- wouldn't Mrs ottt0" h&Ve al' the g]t]s turn cdltor8 " i oL"6'611"10"' BlIgay. Becch ttl Merit and circulación- tbc capi S "lnce Woo') Co Kew The Marcli nuinbcr otBmtntr't Is brlght witi; picture, story and poem. George Al Vel Tovvnseud fflvM Üa igllmpse luto tbat pictiiresque and romantic, but hltherto little knowu región, the " Chesapeake Penllisula," the illustrations fctëiüg paftlcolarly briglit and attractive. Buyard Taylor lias an interesting article on " The Heart of Ar abia," with cfleetive plctures; Mr. Townlcj contributes enteftelnlng sketches of the celebratci' artlsts, Page and Blerstadt, In his illustrated series of " Living American Artlsts." Noali Brooks's account of " Tlio Cruise of the Balboa" is a curious and grapblc talë, fbünded upon fact ; from Sus au Coolidije we have a tender little story, ebiltlëd "In the Brook." The thtrd of YVarner's delicious " Backloi; Studies;" " Statistics of Statirá," by Airs. Sherwood, and an article by Wiiliara O. ei tod da rel, lirowiug limlit, by meaus of the Suez Canal surveys, upon the Red Sea crossiog of the Tews under Meses; President iSamson's pa per on " The False Claim of Mormonisro," -in vh!ch he denles that polygamy is justlfled by A.slatir. or patrlaichal customs, Mojanunedan or Mosalc statutes - all these re suggestive in different ways ; but the rtlcle in the present number llkely to atract most attentiou Is Col. Knox's account f" That Grand Jury," of wuich he Is a member, and vvhlch has achieved such disinclion for its fearless action in the raater of the city frauds. He tells several moslng and pithetic incidents of the sesion, and lndicates the ingenious manner In vhich witnesscs were obtiinieil ;to testiTy i t,!ie fraud cases. II. II. and Hiram Ulch re the poets of this n amber. Ml. 011liant's" At Ilis Gtttc" is continued Wlth rowing interest, and George Macilouald's Wilfrul Cumbermedc " is concluded. The ssit papen are "Topics ol' tle Times," The Old Cabinet," " Home nud Öociuty,'1 iid "Culture and Progress " at "Home'1 nd " Abroad " are, as alvvays, of seasona1 Interest, f4 a year. BCBIBVCB & Co., 54 Broadway, N. Y. - Scribiur and the Augus, $5. The Atlantic Monthly for March opens vith the tliird part of Nathanicl Haw horn's Septlmius Felton, or the Elíxir of Life ; and also has part m. of Diversión of he Echo Club ; part m. of A Comedy of Tcrrors, by Jami's De Mille ; Baba and Bibl, by J. W. Palmer ; Our Consular Ser ce, aml not complimentary, by Geo. M. Towle ; part in. of Parton's Jefferson ; part i. of The Poet at the Breakfast Table plritualism NewandOlil, by Heury James; low Santa Claus came to Slmpson's Bar, y Uret Harte ; aml poems by Airs. Celia 'haxter, The Watch oí Boon Island ; by Vm. Wallace Harney, Jlilklng-Tiine; by iora Perry, Out of the Wind ow ; by John G. Whittier, Klng Vülmer and Elsie ; and lenry W. Longfellow, The Baron of StCastiue. A promising bilí of fare mostcerainly. $4 a year. Jas. K. Osqood & Co. Joston. - The Atlantic and the Argus, $5. The March numbeï of Qodey't Lady' Book is profuse In illustrations, glvlnjt. ne steel piale, " CInderella," "MrBÜiOll" wp's Party," a doublepagc colored fashion het, an "Etruscan Slipper Patteru," Gathering E ster Esgs," patterns for the work room, etc. TUe contents include torics by Marton Harland, Petit Licheu, nd other wcll-knowu wrlters. It is a model numbcr. ?3 a yelí. Addraü L. A ijoDKv, Phüadelphla. - Uodey and the Akgus far $4.25. We have received tlie World Almanac for 872, and after a carclul exaoiination can onluleiitiy &ay that its 14S pages contain nore informatiou, social, political, legisla Ive and fioanclal, than cuu be found In my olhcr almauac of the ye:ir. lts elec ion tables are full and complete, and wlll )e found a necessity to the politlclan ; in act, itisa perfect hand book to anyone who ïas any interest in the comiug cainpaisn. Single copy, 25 cents ; flvu copies, $1.00 - im - -- - v-m- The Surterg for March Is on our table wlth pictures and stoiies In prose and verde which wlll inake the littlc folks good ïatured for many a day. It onglit to be in very fainily. $1.50 a year. John L. Öiiohey, Boston. Wlth the Augus, f8.


Old News
Michigan Argus