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Another Downfall In Prices Previous To Removal Into My New Store

Another Downfall In Prices Previous To Removal Into My New Store image
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GREAT REMOVAL SALE ! As I intend to remove on the lst of Marhli into my aew Store, Nö. 33 South Main Street, previonsly occupied by JVIartin's Furniture Store, I will offer my remaining Stock at still greater redueed prices in order :o make room tbr the Largest, Finest, and most complete Rtock of Millinery, Fancy Goode. Iiibbons, Laces; Dr 88 Trimmings, Handkerchiefs, Embroideries, White Goods, Table Linens, Ilosiery, Gloves, Daaiasks, Kapdns, Towels, Ladies' Ready-Mado Garmcnts, Shawls, Fans, Parasols, Sun Umbrell as, Gents' Furnishing Goods, vnd all other Gioods usually kept in a Firet-Class Store of the kind. ïhankful lo the public of Ann Arbor and vicinity tbr past patronage, and hoping for a continuanco of tia' same, I reniain, yours, &c, 47 South ATain Street. 1362 LOOK HERE I To my fríen dn and Patrons in the AYS OF AUL1) LANG SYNE, Ami to the Public gonoraliy, I take thiH method f aortas, that havíiií? puichnsed the interest oí r. L, M. Taylor, in the old and well known rOBACCO STORE'. ON HUEON STREKT, no door went of Cook's Hotel, (at the slgn of th g Ini;ln,) I am preparud to offer tben au good a tock of " CiCARS ! rOBAOCO BNTJPTSS JPIPES, &c. At as reasonaWe rates os can be foand at any Store In Ann Arbor. By keeping a full stock and payine: etrict attention to basinees, I bopc to merit and roceive a fair share of public patPLIAI 61VBHB A CALI C. L. PACK. J867m3 ' iilr6rNf J ' i ;í' IIARRISOIV'S l.ou'-iluwn and Ralscd Fire-Cirulcs and Cias-Lofrs, misil r pass rï in Beauty off Dosïpii and Finish. Harrikon's indirect ribbed Sï'KAtl RAJBIATOR for Ilicli and I.ow l'rcsure. P. A. III I.l.l ;s, Detroit, 13J5mS Solé Agenta for Michigan. A NEW REMEDIAL AGENT, Bccontly dlscovered and brought in nse by one of the most eminent puysicians in New York. KENNEDY'S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT OF PINUSCANADENSIS, A pure, aqncnufi Extract, posaeseing fluperior aeringent nnd tonicpropertiPP, and recommended by ho hilieut medica: authoriticu in the country as au UNFAILING REMEDY n all chronlcdUeases of the mvcnns sarface, and a pt'CÏGc in the removal of morbid discharges, of whatever nature. Prescrihed by the Medical profession wlth piirunl nd uniform snecese in the treatment of Chronic Diarrhcea and Dysentcry, Nlght Sweate, Utcriue nd Pulmonary Ilemorrhago, in cough attended vith profuse Expectoration, and aa an injectionin jeucorrheea or Whites, Ulct-rationa of the Vn Uterin ud othjr vacinal diseases; in Catarrh, Piles, Fis irea of the Auna, Buras Scald, Kxcoriationa, obtina'te Ulcers, and u uil cusen roquirin a powerful Btrinpent and tocic remcdy. Thoso afflictcd wlth any of the above diseaaes, nd not wiahing to cali upou. thelr phyaician, can mrchase from their druit one or two dollar mekaes of the medicine, wlth physicittu'a full diectiuue fur une EXAMINE TUE AHTICLE OP J. MARIÓN Sí MS, M. D. From tho Medical Gazotte of June 24, 1871, I have nscd Kennedy8 Conccntrnted Extraet of PinusCanadcnals forabnnt cighl monthe ín aomo affectionB of the rectum, vaglni. and cervix uteri : I tave used it, conslderably rHluted as a vacinal wash, withgreat fiuccess; bot I prefer to apply it o the ostiucie ou cotton wool either pure or mixed vith tfiyecrine, orglycerlne and roee water. Thuu applled, it should remaio iutact for two or three or eveu fwurdays, and then bo renewed In this way have setin chronic granular vaginitioe reuiydied in a few days that had rMifitwd thu ordiuary remediPB ór weeke ; and I hiive ecn granular eroslous, with fticorrhosa, disappenr very rapiUy under its une. I lave not time to do more than cali the nttention of my profesional brcthren to this new Kxtract, which ara sure will soon bo recoguized as a valuable addition to "ur materia medica. 7 MadiMiu Avenue. For sale by all druggiats. FARRAND, WÏÏZlAMS & CO., 135Cnt3I) State Agenta, Detroit, Mich. yiV!. WAGNER IS NOW BEADY FOR TBE FALL TRADE Havtng Recelvea a Large Stock of FALL AND WINTER O-OODS, 1NCLÜD1NG CLOTHS, CA8SIMEREB, VE8TINGS, &C. of the BEST STYLES and aUALITIES, W1IICU HE WILI. MANUFACTURE [on terms to 6ult; Also a full Une of READY-MADE CLOTHING AND Qents' FUBNISEENG Goods, I3EST SI T "Y ILm 33 , AtSO LADIKS' AND OENTS' MOROCCO SATCHEL8 No. 21 South Main Street,- Eait Side: CALL AND SEE THEM. WILMAJI WAGNER. AnnA!bor,Sept ,1811.


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