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J Q. A, StSSlOÜVS' INSURANCE AGENCÏ. His Companies Aro Sound. pHCENIX INSURANCE CO., HARTFOHD, CONN.l CAPITA T. AND ASSKTS.Jci 1, 18T1 ... .l,TSl,000 CHICAGO LOS9RS 750,000 THi; PIICEMX is tlicbpst cnndufled Flro Insurniico Compuuy in Hip United Statrs. Alwiiyi prudent and sound, and ulways prompt in paymcnt of loÜCS. INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE CO., NEW YOUK CITY. The flrst Compnny to pss the ordenl of tho New York Iusurance Commlsstoners elocc the Chicago Firc, coming out Trom thesevero test TRIUMPHANT ! Associated Prese IMspatch, Norcmber 3.1871) THE INTEBNATIONAL IKBURAHCE COMPANT. The Superintendent of the New York State Inaurance Department, who ie making a careful offlclal examinntion of the New York City Companie todfty, certifica that the International Compfiny's UMtl (f $1,50,000 are socurely inreeted, and Ha cnpltal of $SOO,000, after providlnp for all liabilitiea, im:lmlingthe Chirago flre, is wholly miimpaired. Th ie Company is payiug alllts Chicago lossee and isBoundand reliable. Policios ÏPPued at fair rates at my ofBce, No. Il Kust lluron etreet, Ann Arhor, J. Q. A. SESSIOXS, Agent. 1347tf. DELIABLK INSURANCeT Xorth British and Mercantile Insurance Co. OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. C1IÁRTEBED 1800. Capital $10,000,000 in Gold! The American Mnnnfrers of the above Company have recciv((l the following telegram from the London Board : "Subscribe Five Thousnnd Dollars forCbicnsro suftercrs-Nettle all lossea promptl)Draw at iurli( - Aincrican aiiseta will not be touched." Springfleld Fire Ins. Co., OF SPKIXGFIELD, MASS. Capital $500.000. Thelosses of this the Chicago fire, WUI bc prfimptlyscttled bj cash paymentn made by theStöckholdere lmvinK the Company with their capital unïmpaired, lnre aesetö, and an unlnterrupted busincñs. Thcífof1ompaníeB are sound and reliable beyond iur doubt. lïisks taken in the above Companiee at adequate ratu?. H. 1). BEMÍETT, Agent. I346tf yil E FARMEKS' STORE WILL COMMEMCE THEIR CREAT CLOSÜMG OUT SALE ON AND ATKR TUIS DATE FOR TWO MONTHS. Our Sales to the present time liavÏDg been more tban we anticipated for the year, we propose to scll for two months T OOST SAVE YOUR MONEY BIT TOUR G00D8 OF A LIVE DU, Where the Stock ís always complete, and Prices the Lowest in the City of Ann Arbor. Don't fail to cali before making yonr purchases el6ewhere, as WE AKE B0UND TO SELL Ann Arbor, Jan. 'J.v.h, 1672. G. HAYS, Sup't. I35Sma ÜAM. B.REVENAUGH KHEFS ON ÍIAND A. LAEQE STOCK OW OVAL AND SQUARE BLACK WALNUT AND GILT FRAMES ! OF ALL SIZES CHEAP. No. 30 HURÓN ST. Goto R.W.ELLIS& CO's i for 3trictly Pure Drugs and Medicines, Paints,Oils,&c.


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