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Mortgage Bale. DF.FAT'LT hoving been mul" in the eonditioni oí a mortgage exeouted "by Daniel iv nt andMarttia !■■:. . Douglaes, Admiinstrfttor of the esi;iii ni iiruiy V. WeU L, bearing dfïte tlie tweniy-ilftli day of Ai i t, and recordad im the office enaw (onnty, Michigan, on the tweflty (ifth day of April, A. D. 1863, in uber ;0 oi' mortgagee, ön page 716, by whicli defttult tlm jki.. mortgage has beeome optrative, od whioh mart) tlicru in clamu'd to be duo at tliis dal hundred and fort y -Beven dolían and sixty cents, and twenty-ilve dollars as on Attornoy toe M [n n i-ii d in ■aid mortgageaad no auil orproceedingat law m in ohancery na ving been inaüfented to reoover the debt seennd or any paï t thep o) Noticti u tlu ■ ' j tiivi-n, tbat !v Mu6of. the powei oL sale oontained in udof the statuti tand providi u, said mort-1 age will unluv, the cleventh day ot' May ïiuxt, ut ten O'olock in the íorenoon oí' Unit day, ut the south door of the Court House, in the i-ity of Ai. ii ArlH.r, in Baid rounty oí ! (,'ouit HoiiHf: being the plaoe of holding tbe Circuit Court for aaid County ol washtenaw), by sale ai p ilic auction to toe hignest bidder, of the pfï mises deacribcd m said mortgage, which ssdd mnxtgAged ptemUei are deoenbed in Baid mortgage as follows, via : All thoe certain gieces oí pareéis of land útuated m the county of vVoshfcenaw, in the State of BXiohlgmi, described m fbUows, tÏï: The west twenty-aix and forty-six hnndredtbf) acres oí the northwest qnarter of the northwest fractional quarter of section number tour, and two acres ol land i.t ilie northeast corner oi section number'flve, Lying betweon the mili pond au'l the seel on Line, all being In totrnahip number thrce aoutb of range numLür Ihroe eusí i I-" the right and privilege of flowingso mueh of tlie nortlieast quartü i i lid as muy be overfioved by raisitur the water at tho dam on the firtt desoxibed purcel thi i o the eaei part oí lot mimi" r foor 1 1. m block mm.mi'ei r thirteen [181, in the TÜbige of ByWan in the oounty of v7&jthteuAw, and fStiite ot Michigan, acoordiiif? to the reoorded pi ut of said vil' i ■■■, bounded and deecribcd h foUows: bouiifk'd on t ie eist. by thfl easi Line of Beid lot, run nutg thence weet on th; nnrfli line of Raid lot liftyU nine foet. thence south t a point on the m ttfa line i'i ni aaid lot fifty-six feet west from the Boutheast corner of said lot, thenee east to the BOixtbeast corner of siiid lot stiid last deecribod paroel being t he same land ñ conTeyed to said Daniel Kout by Beckei l'rati uud - witëby deed. dated Mareh 6th, A. I). 18G3. 5 Ann Arbor, Midi. feb. L2th, LOTÍ. 3 S1LAS II. U0UGLAS8, Adininitrator Ü of the EsUte of Qenry s'. Welles, 2 Felch & Grant, ' deceosed, Mortaee. z Attorneys tor Mortgagee. 1301 Mortgago Salo. 3 TEFATJLT having been made in the condition of a 1 mortgage executed br David DeForestand Mari oo ánnDeJtorest to Philip Baeb, bearing dato the 20il o day of Novcml"n'r, A . i. Ifi . orded in t i D ofiuse of the Re ids for Waahtennw oounty u Miehiyan, on the '2'2 day Of November, A. D. 1863 tn inliber ;'' of mortgage, on page IW8, and tluiy as2 BÍgued by Bald Philip Booh to Bui ■ , b] 9 aasignment bearingf date the third day of May, A. D p Ï870, umi reoorded in Mie olïioe ot' the said ltt'i-it er O L Deeda for Wnsht n.iv. oounty, on the 7th day ot' May O A. IX 1870, in Uber - nJ aaswnmen ea, 01 g pajit: 511, by whieh defaoli toe power of sale oontainec - in uid mortgftsc hwj become operative, on wbicl mortgage there ia elaimud to be due at this date the O Hura of three thonsand Hve hundred and thirty-flv( 2 dolían, and ftfty doUanasan Atl ispro vuiril in suul lito? i . Bdlng a law or ín chancei y in mg b thadebi Becured by uid mortgage or any part bbDseL ol ; Notioe ia thetefo i. thai ! y c of tho power ' : -lili mortoage, am 3 of the Btafeute in smh case made and pxonoea, salí 2 mortgage wil! on Öaturdy, t'no twenty o sevfntli day of April next, at ten o'cIock in the fore c noon oi' tlíat doy, at the south door of the Court 0 Ilousf!, in tlie city of Ann Arbor, in Bttidoountyof Waslitunaw, (said ('ourt Houw; Ih'íují tlio Dlace of r holdinp the Circuit Coart (or Baidcouniy of washtenftw), by talo at public auction, to t hlghetot bidder, L of the pTomisos dMcribed in eaid mortgage, which SQ said mortRaged premisee are deaeribed in tmid mortia bllows, via: All the fottowing pieces of land, hitunted in the city of Ann Arbor, Viishteniiw county, Michiían, via: oommencing at 1 fl the inteneotion of che aouth Une of PTorthstrei jn the east line of División etreet, In aid eityof Ann y2 Axbor, and running eaat on the south linu of streeft about two bondeed ■- lot, thence outli five roda, thenoe wesi parallel to North lireet ( División rtreet, north to t hu place of beginning. Ann Arbor, Mich. Jan. 30th. 1R7?. aiLAS 11. DO1 OLA8S, Assiffnee. Fkh-ii ft Gbant, Attornoya Era Aeafgnee 1359 Mortgage Sale. DEFAT'LT having been made in Ihe condition of a certain morí .:■■ p o cecuted by Catliarine Wall. oi Novthfteld, in the oounty of Waahtenaw and Btate ol Michigan, on the 27th day of April, A. I), l "t7, to uu Pray, of Superior, in Baid aonnty and State, and recorded in the BèjEiuter'a otiloeof the county of Woshtenaw, thethirdaay of Siay, A D. 187, al OJ o'cloolcA. M-, in Uber 3(3 of mottffnoea, on page 171)' which said mortgage wae ftuly aaagncd by George B. WTieeler, Adminutxatox of the ■ Sally Ann l'ray. late of Superior, Washtenaw county, 7athan S. Pmy.ontho 17thday of -Jan14 uary, i. o. L87Í, and rdoordea tibe Iftth day oiJajonury a. i), 'i S7 1 , in liber 2 of asignment.s of mort) page60è, that there ia olaimed to be düe upou aaid mortgage and note at this date, the nun nf one lmndred and forty-two dolían and thirty cents, ulso :i rt-aeonable SolioitorB or Attorney's fee, hhould any otoeeediii I o torealose this mortgage, uud nirther mstallmenta to become duo on eaid mortgage, and no proceedingB at law ot In equity having been had te recover the sam or any pait tliereof ; Kotice is in ïti. y ííiven, that by virtue of the ppwei of sale oontained in said mortgoge, I shall seli at pubUc anctïon, to i!1 highest bidder, on the ninth day ol Bfarch next, at 2 o'olook r. m. a Boid dnjjr, at the Couri Etou , in the city of Ann Arbor, in Baid county, tbat being the plaoe oi holding the Circuit Cour) County of Washtenaw, aU that certain tractor par oei of land knuwn, and desoríbed ae foüowB, t: wit: The northeaat quartw oi thesoutheasi quorUi , of section nnmbex three in township number on south in range niunber sík enst lyintí in N in the county of AVashtcnaw, in the Biate i I g,in. iffCoinWrTth, 1871. i NATHAN K. PRAT. John X. Gott, AmiSTice (C5Iorlgagce. Attorney for Ausignee of Mortga4?ee. Mortgag, Bale. DKTATLThiivin(r been made in theconditioiwof i-. p ftin na n Marvin ai Ann -i. M p- m to Hilan Olovei [now dooeased), boa ing date the twenty-third ano eitfht hundfedaud eixty-t I the offlee i Üig Regifiter of Deeda for W oounty, Miliipan. onthethird day of December, a i. L868, In uoer SO of mortgages, on page 410,i which mortfl fivo hundroa and twenty-two dolJnra ($22), alao i Attorn f ■- ol twcnty-ilve dolJarH na provided i Baid morteage, and no suil or proceeding al law or ohanosiT having been iustituted to reeover the del . pe, or imy pu-t thereof; Notico is therefore licrebr ffiven, that by virtnoo thO power of aalO oontained in anid mortgAge, and n tbeatatutein such case made and provideo, I Bhullse atpublic auction, to the highest bidder, at the bou) door of the Washtsnaw County Oouri House, m tl city of Ann Atbor, in said county [that being tl placo of holding the Circuit Court for Baid o Batnrday, tlie nxtcenth dny of Malch, A. D. 1872 i eleven o'cIock a. m of said day, the pwmwea describí in said mortgage, to-wir : A stiip of Lando and fourteen links wide, and extending acrosa il northeaat auartez of Beotion twenty-om-, m three BoutL ï range fiw i btenaw count.j Michigan, tho "west Bide i whioh ie parallel to an aeven rode easi of Ihe wi st sideof saidquartera etioi TT and tbc cast sidc BlxteOQ chaina ;uid flfty links vost if tbe east half qaarter line, eontainin four and K-10 i acres, more or tesa ; alao a pi tion-twonty-two, samótown :ind range, to wit: Tl T Bouthsixteen ohivina ai ñ Beveaty-onelinks wide, an J ' tbc east Bcventeen chaina and ninety-nine links alon - theaouthaide, and seventeen chaina and nini links almijr the north nido of Uie pit-rc. in the west ha of the eouthweet quarter of acotton twenty-two, con tainins thiity arres, and being ftll the land owned 1' th said Belden Marvin and Ann .T. Ifarrin in sai oounty of Woehtenaw at thetime wld mortgage wi made and executed. Dated. Ann Arbor "Deo. llth, 1871 Mll.AN' ÖLOVEE, Mortgagee. TELINDA 3L (VEB, AdminisB. Osasob, tratris of said Mortgagec Attorney for said Administratrix. L85S Estáte of William Johnson. STATK OF MICHIGAN, County of Waantenaw, sa KoÜceie hereby given, th1 l v nnordi r of the Pm ■ bate Court Por the County ofWashtenaw, madeon th fifth day of Fébrnary, A. D. 1872, ix month I fromthai datewere allowed for creëitors to prwen A their olaims etgainsi the estateof William Johnson late of Bafd county, deoeaeed, and that all creditora o said deceaeed are required to proRo-nt their claim to aaid Probate Court, at the Pi-obute Office, In th City of Ann Arbor, for examinaron and allowanoe, o or before tli(' rifth day t August next, and tho such claims will be beard In fore said Probate ronrt on Baturday, tlie twenty-seventh day of April, and on Hunday the ftfth dny of Aufrust next at ten oVloek in tb( foreuoon ol eooh of those dnys. JDntcd. Ann Arbor, February 6ÜL - D. 1872. 1II1ÏAM .1. BEAKEB, 1360wf Judgeof Probate. Sheriff 's Sale. C OTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtenftw, re ö By virlue of on execution, iaaued out of and un der the seal of the Circuit Court for c Washtenaw, State of Michigan, dated the iMh da; of September, A. 1). 1871, and to mo dfareoted and de Uvered aoninst the moda, chatüee, tanda mui tene T menta of Daniel L. Gatee, I did, on the sixtu day o NovemlMr, A. T. 1871, for want ot" poods and chattlcs levy utionall tlmrif?ht, title and interest that Danie Ti. QaCeñ has in the CoJlowing deecribed real estáte, ti wil : The east twenty-eeven rods in width of the south sixty-ono rntls in lont'ih of tho weet half of the Bouthwest quarter of sectíon immber two, in town ship -. two flouth in range six east, contaifiing tei 2n neros of land, be 1 1 1 same moro or leas, all of the ábove deaoadbed land being tn the townahfri of Am Arbor, county of Waahtenaw, and State oi v whioh land 1 shAll exposé for sale, at puWio auction i tothehighe i bidder, lUhtiW south door of the Cour House, Ín the city of Ann Arbor, on the Kïth day o: 5farch, A. Ü. 1872, at 11 o'cIock a. m. of said ilay. Dated. Ann Arlvor, Janunry ITth, A. D. 1R72. M VKi'V WKP.I!. Slirritr. 1857 By Joiitin FoBJaaa, Under-Sherítf. ■ Sheriff f8 Sale. STATK OFMICHIGAN, connty of "Washtenaw, na By virtue oí one oxecution iseued out of and nnderthe Beal of the Circuit Court for the eountyof ■ruw and State of Michigan dated the 5th day of Oetober, A. 1. 1871, and to me direct ed and delivered, agri" ihe goodsi ohattles, tanda and tenementa r ofMerchani Ë.Ooodrich, i didonthesixteenthdayof November, A. D. L87!, for wftni tf goode nnd chattlen, - levy upon all the riffht, titlc and interest Chat Merehant 11. Goodrich bas in the following described real estáte to wit : lte 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, (i, 7 and S, in blook one north of Uuron treet, range flve, fn iïi' city ot' Ann Arbor, oounty of '.ish:-naw. Btate of MichiIgan, which Land i bal] expose for sale b( public ojaotion, to Uie higheal bidder, at the sonth door of the Court Bouso, Ín tíie city of Ann Arbor, on tho 13th day of March, A. D. 1872, ut 10 o'cIock a. II. of said ' ated, Jan. a3d, A. T). 1873. MVKoX WEBBj Bhorifl. 1358 By JoitriN Fobbes, tTrtder-Sheriff. ATOTICK. The notos nnd book nccoiml ; of Mr. Tij. F. r.ii-c ure now in my honda Uur oollection, una immodiste paymantof thamei dnonnded, Uaol iüiUI hooii custs vill be in:iiU' Í !iT'ii). Ann .rhor, Januarv SOth. ÏT2. , 13SDtf THAfiT W. ROOT, Assiftnoo. PHYSICIARyTiisilRIPTIOSS V.CCi:HA'. KLY AND C AREFULL Y PHEPABED BY R. t CO.,DRUUGIS1H. m


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