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A Pair Of Western Nabobs In New York

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In Xcvada tbere used to be current the story oí' un ad ven tui e of two of hor nabobs, wbich m y or may not havo oceurred. I give it for wliat it is worth. Col. Jini had soen soniewhat of the world and kaew more or loss of its ways. But Col. Jack was from the back sottlements of tho Statee, had lud a lifo óf arduous toil, and never Reen a city. These two, blessed with sudden ivealth, projeoted a visit to New York- Colonol John to seo the sighta, and Colonul Jim to lyuard his unsophisticated friend from mis fortune. They reached San Fiancisco in the night and sailed in the inorning Ar rived in New York, Colonel Jack said : " I've heard teil of carriages all my lift-, and now I mean tu have a rido in ono. I don't care what it costs. Come along." Thoy stepped on to the sidewalk and Oolonel Jimcalled upastylish barouche. But Colonel Jaok said : " Go, sir .' nono of your cheap John turnouts for me. I'm here to have a good time and monoy isn't any object. I mean to havo the noblest r ; that is going. Xow here coine tho vcry trick. Stop that yellow one with tho piotureg on it. Don't vou i'rut - 111 stand all the expense inysclf." Üo Colonel Jim stopped an empty omnibus and thoy got in. Said Colonol Jack : "Ain't it gay, though? O!i : no, I reckon not. GuehicuBi tyiadowb'and jjictures till you can't rist A'hat would the boys say if thc-y co-ild see us cutting a Bwell likethisiu New York? ByGorge I wish they could soe us." Then be jmthishead out of the window and Bhouted to the dnver: " Say, Johnny, this suics me - suits yours truly, you bot. I'm on it, old man. Lot 'em out ! Mako 'om go! Wo'll iuake ït all right to you, somiy." The drivor passed bis hand through the stray-hole, and tappod for Iiis fare - it was before the gongs caiuo into corarnun use. Oolonel Jack took the hand and shook it cordially. Ho said : " You twig nis, old pard ! All right between gents. Smell of that, and see how you likc it." And he put a twenty-dollar gold piece in the driver's hand. Af'ter a moment the drivcr said he could notmake ehange. " liothcr the change ! Rido it out. Put it in your pocket." ïhen the Colonol, with a soun ling al ip on bis thigh : ' Ain't it style, though? Hangod if I don't hire tliis thing evorday for a week." The omn-.basstopped, anda yotnlady got in. Colonel Jack started for a moment, then nudfxi'd Colouel Jim with lus elbow. " Don't say a word," he whispercd, "let hor ride ifshu wants to. Graciüus, there's room enough." The young lady got out her portmonaie and handed her fare to Colonol Jack. " NVhat's this for? " he said. " Give it to the driver, please." "Take back your money, madame. We ran't allow it. You are weloome to ride here as long as you please, but Iho shebang is chin toiüd, and we shan't let you p y a cent." The girl shrank into a oomer bewilderd. An old lady with a basket climbed , ia and profforcd her fare. " Kxcuse me," said Colonel Jack. "You arj perfectly weieome here, madame, but w.; cnn't allow you to pay. Hit right idnvn there, mum, and don't foei the least uneasy. M;ke yourself as freo as it you were in your owu turn out." Within two minutes three gentlemen two fat women and a couple of childryii entered. " Come right along, Iriends," said Col. Jack, "don't mind us. This is u fre blow-out." Then ho whispered to Colonel Jim, " New York ain't no sociable place ; I don't rockon it ain't no name for it." He resisted every effort to pass farps to the driver, and mude overybody cordially welcome. Tho situation dawned on the people, and thoy pocketed thcir mouey, and delivered themselvcs up to covert enjoyment of the episode. I [alt' a dozen inore passengers entered. "Oh, Hiere is plenty of room," aaid Col. Jack. " Walk right in and make yourselves at home. A blow-out ain't worth anything us a blow-ont unless a body has company." Then in a whisper to Colonel Jim : " But ain't these New Torkers friertdly? And ain't they cool about it, tooi" Iceliergs ain't anywhere. I reckon they'd tackle a hearso if it was going their way." More passengers got in ; move vet, and still more. Both seats were filled, and a tile of inen were standing up holding on to tho cloats overhüad. Partios with blankuts and bundies were ulim'tiing up on the roof Hali'-suppressed laughing ripplcd up from uil sidcs. " Woll, lor clean, eool, out-and-out clicult, if this don't bang ftnythiug I ever saw, I'm an Injnn," wllUpered Coloue] Jack. A CLinaniau crowded lm way in. " I weaken," said Colonol Jack. Ilold on, driver ! Keep your eeats, ladies and gents. Just malte yourselves free - everytbing'8 paid for. Driver, rustle folks iiround as long as thoy're i mind to go - friends of ours, you know. Tiftke them evcrywhero, and if you want more mullí y come to tho St. Kicholas, and I'll make it all right. Fleasaut journcy to you, ladies and gente] go it as long a yim please - it Bbon'tcost you a cont." Tho two coinrade got uut, and Colonel Jack said: " Jiinruy, ita tho socialblost place I or saw. Tho Chimiman waltzed in as comfortable as anybody. If wo bad sta d awhiln I reckon we'd had soiue nigg( ra. By Gcorge, wo'll havo to barriendo our doors to-night, orsomo of tliose ducks will be trying to sléop with na."


Old News
Michigan Argus