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The Indiana Republicans

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At tlio Republioan Stat. ; ! nventionof Indiana, liclil on tbc 22d inst , the folio wLng Candidato weTe nominated: For Oovcrnor - Gen. TuoilAS Brotne. Fbr JJeitt. Goi'ernor - Leónidas 8EXtox. For Congrettman at larce - Ilon. Godlof S. (Jktii. Nominations rore also made for State offlcerg, and delogatea atlarge appointed to thu PbiladelpMa Convention, whioh tc8W8re instructcd to vote for the nominatioo of Guant and Coi.i .x. The platform is long and complex, rtipcussing everything under tlio sun, and fully ndorsing Congress and the President, " without a why or whorofore." On the question of tariff, one of tho absorbing subjeets of the day, it "squints both ways for Sunday ; " cummending in one resolution the proposcd " reduction of tho tariff and internal taxos," and in another requesting " Our Senators and Representativos in Oongress to use their influonce in any revisión of tho tariff to secure to the coal and iron interests of our State all tho incidental protection consistent with a due regard to the principies of reducing the barden of taxation." "Vhich " reminds us of a story," tho story of the huutor who, doubtful of the nature of tho gaine before him, was advised by ored servant, sharpcr probably thnn liis master, to " shoot so as to liit it if it is a deor and miss it if it is a calj:'." Tmk doty on printing papor is 20 por cent. ïho importa of paper for the fiscal yoarl870 71 amounted to only $69,0u0, or whioh tho government collectcd Y1;,800. ïho total consumption of paper for tho game year aggregáted $72,000,000, tho consumera paying for.thc saine - owing to the tariff hut going to lbo manufacture! -tho enhanced prico of $12,240,000. This is one vcry substantial reason why the bill of Mr. VOOEHEES putting paper on tho fret list sbould p;is5 Congross. It is a dttty levied almost cxclusively for protection, and as suuh violates the corrfict principies of political eionomy. The bill of Mr. Vooruees also abolishes the duty on typo, ink añd othor jiriiiting material, Bofore the war we bought Long Primer type for 32 cent.s a pound ; duiing the war it went up with gold - and a combination grounded on the tariff duty - to 62 cents a pound ; and since tho war, though gold bas gono from 280 to 110, the samo size of type has boen kept up by tho tariff and the combination to 50 cents. It is not the cost of manufactnring, butthe combination mado practicable by the tariff duty, which kf cps up the prico and wrongs and düfrauds tho cmploying printers of the country. Tako off tho duty and tho price ruust come down. A few days ago tho dcmagogue of tho Houso, by the aid of a few "innocent-;," made hastc to pass a bilí abolishing tho import duty on tea and coffeo, a duty levied solely and exelusively for rovenuc, a duty which put annually aboui $20,000,000 into tho treasury, and not a singlo dollar into tho pockuts of sick and languishing producers or pampered and fattened monopolista. On Monday last Mr, Cox, of Ohio, moved to Bospend the rules so that a resolution miglit bc introduced and put on its passage instructing the Committco on Ways and Means to report a bilí reduoing the duty on pig iron to ö por ton, and this sanio House, by a vote of 74 to 99, refused to suspend tho rules and pass the resolution. The duty on pig iron, like that on ïuanufactured iron, and unlike that on tea and eoffee, isnominally levied for revenue, hut rmlly and largely fur praticioii, and every dolbir it produces for the government it puts an extra J-t into tho pocketa of the manufacturera. Cheap tea and coffoe, and dear tools and machinery, steamboats and railroads, housca and sliups ; that is tho aim of the House. What say the people ? The Kansas Pacific Railway Company has memorialized Congress, asking logislation protccting it against the discriuii - nating charges and arbitrary exaotions of tho Union Pacific road. To compel all travel to go and come by tlie way of Onialia, and all froights to sook that line, .'" al rutes are charged for passengers and freignt coming from the Kansas Pacific at (,'!ic rune, and also on casternbound passongers and frciglit between Ogden and Choyenne. This is done to prevent tlie Kansas Pacific competing for traffic througli frora or to the Pacific, or froni Kalt Lako or points intermedíate betwoen Ogden and Choyonne. Theso tvvo roads wero built onder tho samo original charter, and the interests of tho traveling and business public, the interests of the country demand that a passenger bc permitted to go tui the Kansas Pacific, stopping off if ho chooses or finds it nocessary at Donver at through rates. To compel all travel to cross the Omaha bridgo is an Injustioe and outrage and Congress should afford the relief asked for by tlie Kansas Paoific in tho interest of tho public. tH the Senato, on Tuesday, Mr. SHtTRZ adniinistered cousolation - homeopathie consolalion, purhapa - to his Republioan frionds who havo beon so anxious to know wliat ho was " going to do about it." Tho telsgrapb. reporta hini aa s;iying : "It ha beon Baid that I ara on tho poíi'fc of going over to tho Duiuocrats. Lel n.'1 set ut. rest tho souls who made that KUügtstion. I shall not go over to tho Demócrata. I have never tboaght of oing over to tho Demócrata, aud I do not think of it now, but what T do think ís tliis, that thexe nríll be an opportunitj of oppomng tho ro-election of the Prcsidont without voling for a Democratio candidato. J tliink thero will be an opoi-i miity for voting for a,s good a Repuolicun as thore i on this Hoor without voting for General Grant." [Applanse in 1lii"till(ri(!S. The presiding officer direotfrd the Bergant-at Aruis to arrest tlupersona who applauded.] "Tlio people," siiiil, " werc grateful ti Genera] Grant for the capture of Viokeburg and other places, but thoy were st.Jll moro thankful that Vioksbnrg and tiioee otlier places were no longor to be oaptured, and what thoy wantod now was a freo, honest and pure government." Now let tho GttAN'T Republicana "be aisy! " they know SoHtTEZ won't ruin his prospoets by supporting him. One of tho best temporance sormons ivii deüvered is this scn'.enco by the late Rt-'V. Bunnel J. May: " If it ia a small sacrifico for ycu to givo up drinking wine, do it for the Bake oi others ; if it is a great Bacriiioe, do it for your own sakc.


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