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The Pictorial Family Register

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"vTe have just rccüived bom those well-known pubishers of fln&cUwi subscription books, Mans. t1'. Iann uroBD c ('o., ;i copy of their uniquo and beauti'ul novolty, " 7is P üy Rrin's('r.t "We ïaxdly know how to descril it, but may aay it comiln the feature of a very tattefu] Family Photograph Album with a completo and ■yateuiftticAHy arranged family history. Itbu rvidcntly boen preparad with jcreat care ío meet a real want in society.. In evevy füniily tlioro aro Bacred memories conuected M-ith Uic living nnd tho dcad, and a mie, elegant and :usti:ful arrunrcmtnit fov presorriog a fuller record of tliem than ia conveuient in the Family BiMe, is often feit to be Bzandingly dedrable. Tlie publishera of the work beforo us have provided for tlu in adiuirablo „1 j-lo. A GToaf iloal of information both interestinff and ■ valixable ia tho hiatoryjof OTMry family is constantly forgottn and lost, for the want of sonie means, h as lliis Kr.r.iRTEii, for oollecting and proseivncr it. Itt loinis are neatly printed and very siinplo, so thnt any one who can write can enily flll them up. In mldition to these forms, tho " Reotstuk " [four ■ eaeh mdividtuïl embraoos &spMe for miscellaneotu memoranda of iiy kind, nnd a lcaf for the insert.'on of a photojrrnph. Thcre are cnough of these Begtoton to include all desired dates in respect to f.vcnly-flve individual iives and persons. Two "Military KecoKÜ " are also aililcd at. the close of thework, for notiiit' 'he principal evonts in the military life of thosc membera of the family who may onco havo eeTved thcir country in the army. Frora thii brief deneripUon our readers will jiei-ceive that the (' Pictorial Fbmiiy Begiet y " i- really a treasury of home comfort and litiust-huid intniniation, a detiderahtvt and a positivo lumry. It ia as uaeful, too, a& it is ornamentali The enterpritfins publishers, Messi-s. E. Hanxaforp & Co., ;17" West Fonrfh Street, Cinciunati, nnd ;;'i V. Madison St., Chicago,) anuounce that it will be BOld 1; BubSOriptiOD only. They desire agents for it ■iv. We aro not informed in regard to comraissions allowod, but from thü character and fiianding of the firm, we have no doubt thcy are liberal, and if so, tho sale of this most popular work must rove highly rtmunerative.


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