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"HOW TO GO WEST." Forty yeare sgo,INino1fl was A8 flur Wet a moa peoplc vish?d to su, and joumeys wcre mide íd the logcndary il Prairie Schooner,' but In these days of Progresa and Improvcmont, tlic word Weet has come t' mean lowa, Neuraska, California, and the Territories, and tUo triiveNr reacties ilmost any point Lherein by a Bplendid Line of Il-.iilroad. ThisLiueof Railroadin theBortlngton Route, which starts from Chicago by the Chicago, Bartïngton & Qïiincy Raüroad, and, running throuh tfurliugton, reaohe Omaha, Lincoln, Nebraska City, St. Joseph, Atchison, LeaveuworLh and Kan. gas City, conoectlng witli ih Union PuciilC) Eansas Pacific, and other raUroudu rununig from thoso ei t les. Peoplc oiuíj to Iowa, ZTebrackft) 'Kansas, California, or uay potat in the Terricories, will study thcirownintereuts byffoing M By way orüuniag ton," for the rats of tbat line are always as low as any other, and it is the best route in tbetWcst, therofore you are more uuie of yoar aaftty and comfort. The Bur.ington Route has admirably answered the qucatlon Eow to go West f ' by the publication of an excellent Pamphlet .contrtining a large, irutufui map of tbe Great West, and mtich interestinluforinatioii which can bo obtaiaed, free of charge, by addrefsaiuir General Hasannger Agent, B &M. R. R., Burlington, iowa. FAINTS PRINTS Oils OJls Oils Varnish Varnish Varnish Brushes Brushes Brushes VI IJVER AL I'AIINTS, &c, LOOK TO YOÜR INTEREST AND CALL ON E. W. ELLIS & CO., UEFOllE PUUCIIA.SING QRAND INVESTMËNT. SCIO FLOÜR MILLS AHE NOW OPFEKED FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN, And on rnasonablo terina. Partica wiehing to buy will Hpply at once to N. W. BRIGGS, Scio. 1302wl' jy O N E ï. The etibBcribers are at most all times in a sitnation to furnifih partios wttb money iu surns of Piro Hundred to Fivc Thoutand liollara on unincumbered iarms. COLMAN, KOOT & KIXNK. Ann Arbor. Jan. Ut.lSTft ISBBtf TyANïED. A girl to do general houso work Inquirc nt No. 3S TiioiiipüüH .Street. N. W. ClIKF.VEIt, Fcbrunry 21st, 1S7-:. iw2 7VTOT1CE. Tho note arul book iipcounts ol Arr. Tïcnj. F. Rico uro Dow in ray, hand tor collection, nl immixliatn l.i yni'ü! of the sttmo in demandod. If not paid boon oofta m!1 be made thereon. Ann Arbor, Jouuary Mth, 1ÍJS. 135'Jtf ÏBACY W. ROOT, Assigrnoc. Finest Assortment of Toilet ' öoods in tho City, by fl.W.Dlií&e&j&qggiíte.


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