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NEW SPRING GOODS mm lewisl Aro now receivliïL tho most complete and MM STOCK OF FINE GOODS IN TUE LINE OF BOOTS and SHOES KVER BR0U8IIT TO THIS CITY. HAYIÏG THE EXCLUSIVE 8ALE OF THE WORK 01' ALL THE HltST-f I.AS8 JU. IMiiTREKS IV THE OiVTRY, WE CA.TÍ ÜITKJl TO CASH GMTOHEBS GRKATER indücements tiian any otiier house intuís city. We cirry complete lioes of work frotu E. C. HIJJRT, QBAT BROTHERS, STi'uwEix imoM. In Cini.DIiKN'S FINU RIIOES, of which we have bj far the larcost and Bn8t MWrtment rer bronijht tu Aun Arbor. JTits. ITI. Burt's (t'iit's PINK ÜAND-MAÜE Boota and Shnes, unuqualeil orStyle, Durahility sml finish, .lolm W. Ilurt's ííoyy Fine Shoes, ml in fiict a Comilto Stock üf yiNEnndPLAINOoods, euitablefor thia market. 1US FALBK .REPORT ! THAT A. A. TERRY IIASG0XEOÚTOP TRADB HE STILL LIVES, AND HAS A LAKGE AND COMPLETE STOCK OP HATS & CAPS ! JUST THE STYLE, AND AT PEICES TO BUIT TUK TIMfiS. ALSO A PULL LINE OF GENTS' FUEMSHIIÍG GOül)S! DO.N'T PURCHASE YOÜK SPRING ANDSÜMMER OUTPITS UNTIL YOU g-i "V "E i-a: 1 3vr .a. o a. tl, j_,. 15 South Main St., Ann Aibci. r:,-i,.:i. SAM. B..KEVENAÜGH PHOTOGRAPHSR MAKES ALL KliDS OF PIDTURES FROM THE SMALLEST LOCKET TO TUE LIFE SIZE, AND FINISHESTDEM IN INDIA INKI Olla, O'FL WATEB COLOEs ! IN A SÜPPERIOR MANNER. 1319-ly. Na. 30 Hl'BONSTBEET. LOYEJOY, TOBACCONIST ! Deals in both FINE CUT AND SMOKING TOBACCO, Snuif, Pipes, &c, AT 'O. 7 BAST HUROX STREET, Next to the Express Office, ANN ARBOR, IHICH. 1345tf DETEOIÍ ÁDVEaTISEKENTS ÍOTjDS.Vtl'X'Hl'S Bkyavt k Stratton Bes ivkss Univkrsity, Dfjroit - BiiHinees practically tuupht a f ter the Coaotlng House system, the only trneand prartical ytem for illust rating real bn?iDess, reQUlrlng Ilank, toeï, BariQ6?fl Houset, Offices, Board }f Trado, etc. No iustitution ever took ii premium for Book-keoplng and l'-'i-iuc- ; Practicv over tblfl institurion, and acy Hsscrtion to checontrary is fnlne. Pleuse address ae abuve for paprfl and document. 1 will plnce$50'i In the v1 bands of asy reaponslblfl part; whenecr any BHIlardTable mfurafactnrer fa wllllngto test tho me rits of his Rillianl Tables, as XadurabilUu. taaet toorkmanship and riyfe, rnry.rtur.': and quickntn of i'ushüiTK, ite Tentarfng alike amoanton the decisión. And I fnrther p-oposc tliat tlm winiirr sIim! I dispose of the mouey w. u by giviug it for eome charitable parpóse. C. SCHULKNBURO, llillii.rd Tnbie Manufacturor, Detrott, MIch. HBY GOODS, WIIOI.CSAIE. ALBEHT D. PIERCE & CO., WHOKSALE DRY GOODS, :; ■ woodward avenue, detroit, mic iiigan iaipmi:li,, li nu v uu., UEAI.F.IIS IN DRY GOODS and MILLINERY lïl Sb 118 Woodw&rd Avenue, coruer Cougress St Detroit, Midi, DRESS MAKING A 8PECIALTT. PUY8ICIAKS1 PBESCRIPTIÜM" VCCURA". ELY AND CARBFUIiL Y PHEPABED BY R. W.BLL1E & VO.,lJItUOai838


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