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;read this i , I AM NOW THEPARED FOR THE FALL TRADE ! I U.-Í9E WE I,Alt(iEST AND 1 Finest ikssortment OB1 CLOTHS OP EVFRY PESCRTPTION EVKR BROUGET TO TUIS MAHKKT. BVBBYTHINÖ NEW, AND STYLISH FITS WARRANTED. ALSO A LINE OF rrvTc rrnvicinvr rnnns f liMlo ftnAiMÜAli uuuLíiS i i . E"VER"STBOD"ST W1SHING FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING WIX.L PIND IT TO TH KIR INTEREST TO O ALL ON n JASEES BOYD, 1318tf 24 Jtlain Strce SAM. li. REVENAIGH Copies Old 1 AMBHOTYPES $ DAGUËRREOTYPES in FIRST CLASS STYLE r TO ANY DESIRED SlZtï, Estáte of Williani Johnson. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County ofWashtenaw, ss Notioe is hertb y given, chai by an ordes of the l'robfito Court lor the (muil y of Wa.-hinmw, made on tho tifth day of February, A. 1. 1872, bíz montha from that date were nllowed for crédito to pTeeent tbcir claims npuinst the estateof Wilüaiu Johnson. lnteofsnid county, deccased, und ihat all craditors of said deceased are roquixied to present tiieir claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Offic in the (Jtyof Ann Arbor, for cxaminnikm and allowanoo, on or Wore the iilth day of August next, and nal euch clnims will be heard beftoe suid Probate Court. on Satnrday, Uw twonty-serenth day of April, and J on Honday the fililí day of August nsxi at ten 'i o'clook in the forenoon of eaah of those days. Duted, Anu Arbor, February 5th, A. I. s;'-i. HIRAM .1. BEAKE8, 13fi0w4 JudgeofFn Estáte of Leonfird Feil. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waahtenaw. ss. Notice is hereby given, thaf by onorderofthe l'm1 bate ('ourt for Wiu County ui' Waahteaaw, made on the I ttrelfth day of February, A. 1). 1873, six mo from that date were nllowcd for creditora to present their 'claims against thfl estáte of Jxionarcl Feil, late of said county, deceased, and that uil orediton of said deceased axerequired topreseni their claims to sant Probate ('ourt, at the Probate 4 hu. e, in theCitvof Ann Arbor, for examiaation and allowance, on or De" fore the twelfth dny of Aujrust next, and t!iat li ('laiinw will Im; heaid bofoxfl said Probate ('ourt, on Satuxdayf the twenty-eeventh day of April, and on Monday, the twlfth day of August next, at ten oVlork in the forenoon of earh of thoso lays. Duted, Ann Arbor, February 12th, A. D. I87J. ■ 11ÍKA.M.I BEAKES, 13Glw4 Jndg of Trobiite. Estato of Michacl Kcarncy. STATK()K.MK:iní;íAN-,"CountyotAVílshionaw,Rs. Noticeia hereby friven, that by an order of the Probate ('ourt for the County of WaautenaWi made on the tentït day of February, A. I. 1872, six months from that date. ware aliowed for oreditora to pn'sfiit their claims agnitist the estateof BÚohael Keaxney, late of said county, dfioeaaed, and (iai all creditors of said deoeased are requiréd to present thcir claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Üttice, in the City of Ann Arbor, for examinaron and itllowanre, on or before the tentb day t' Augut next, and that such olainu will bo heara before said Probate fourt, on Suturdny.thetwentietli day of April, and on Wedneaday. Ühe tenth'day of August noxt, at ' 10 o'elock in the forenoon of eaoh of thuse days. Dated, Ann Arbor, February lOth, A. 1). 1872. HIKAM J. BEAKE8, 1361wl Judfoof Probate, i j Cominissionors' Notice. I STATE OF MICH1 &AN. County of Waslitonaw, ss. '■ The nnderoifpied, having beun apiminted by tho Probate Court for Bttid oounty, CommwiOnera to re' wive, examine audadjust all cJLfllma and demandsofal] I persons againat the estáte of James Moore, Hen., 1 late of sala oounty dooeawd, hereby rive notice that 1 six mont.hs from date are allowed. by ordes of said ■' Probate Court, for creditors to present their claims againat the estáte of said decease 1. and that they will meet at the residenoa of WilliamJ. Engliah, in Mani oheater in saidoounty, on Saturday, thefourth day of c -May, and uu Uondny, thotwelfthdayof August next, t at ten o'clock a. m. of caeli of said daya, to reeeive, t examine, and adjuatsaid claims. Dated, Feb. 12th, A. D. 1872. i JOHN nUIÏTIS. 13Glwl THOMAS Hul. MES, Cümmisüioners. Commissioners' Notico. STATE OF MICHIGAN, eounty of WashtenAw, . The undersigned, having been apnointed by the Prdbate Court for said county, Commisaionera ceive, examine and adjust 11 claims and demanda of nll poraona againat the estáte of Charles Behr, late B of said county, deceaaed, hereby givo notioe that six months from date aro aüoWttcl, by order of said Ptobate Courti for ere liton to present their claüns againat the estáte of stid d& oased, and that they will meet at the store of Bacl & Abel, in the city Oí Aun Arbor, in saidoounty, on Saturday, tho twenty-seventhdayof ï' April, and Monday. tho tlflh day of August next, ] at ten o'elock a. m. o' each of said days, to reoeive, ■-, and a Ijust til claims, Dated, I'ebruaryOth, A. I). L872." " I M LNUELMANN, l PETER H. ABEL, 1 3G 1 v.A CommUsioners. J Comzuissioners' Notice. ■' STATB OF MICHIGAN. County of VVaehtenaw, sa, The undersigned, haring been nppointed by the ;', Probate Court for said omnty. Commissioners to rOc:, examine and adjost all cuaima and demanda of J all persons ogainsi the estáte of Ouroline D. Freer, lal o of said eounty, dooeased, hereby gi-e notice that six months from date are ollowed, by oxdex ii said l'robate ('ourt, fox orediton to present tluir claimf against the estáte of said deoeased, uul that they wiH meet at the olfice of the County Clrrk, in the city of Aun Arbor, in said county, on SiiiuvUiy, the thirtoenl ii day of April, and l'uesday, bue thixteentii day of Augusi next, al ten o'eiock a. ic. of eaoh ofssia in , bo i . ■ ivu, examine, and adjust said claims. Dutwl, February Ulh, A. 1) 1872. k JOHN J. BOBTSONT k BDWABD R, SLAWtíON, d 13Clw4 Commissioners . - o1 Cominissioaers' Notico. rr tJTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of VVaahtenaw, ss. S The anderajgned. baviag been apppiuted by the y l'roiniíc Court for aaid ouunty, Commusionvrs to , oeivQ, examine, and udjust all claims and demanda "t" aü persons agamst bhe estáte of John Bhaugliniss, ! late of said county, dooeased, lien bs give notice thai 2 tix months from that date are allowed, byoi said Probate Court, Por credltonto present their claims "Í againfit Ihecstateoi wifd deceased(and that they will . meet at theresidenceol Sf icbael Cowan, in Ann Arbor. . In said county, on Batuxday, the thirteenth dy of . .April, and on Wedneaday, the founeenth day of ■■ Augusi next, at LOo'olock h m. of each of said days, U i( reoeive, examino, and adjust said cluima. Dated February lith, .U. 187S. SETH4 OT M. MOWEY, BELDEN W. BHTTRTLEFF, 13G2w4 ComnüssioxLers. Commissioner's Notice. s STATE OF MICHIGAN, county of "Washtenaw, sa. The undersigned, haring been appointad i-y the Le Court for said eounty, Comnussionon totoo ceive, examine and adjust iii olaims and demande of (;r all persons against the ostate of Bfatthew Sohaible, o late of ssid county, deceased, hereby give notice that ( six months from date are oHo,wed py orde) ti said i „ Probate Court tor oreditora t presenl theii claims' l,[l against the estáte ut' said deoaaaed, and ihai they will meet at the residenoa said deoeased, Is said úuunty, on Saimday, the iwrnty-st' day of April, and " on baturday, the sttTentotmth day of August, next, a ten (tVlork a. it "i each of said days, to reoeive, L:t examine and adjust said claims. ,!„ JJaled.i'ebruary l7tb.A. 1. 187. V aEUüais k i :■(:, JO1ÍX SCHAIBLE, amI362w4 Com miss ion ers. . . , PÜYSICIARS1 PBËS(]RIPT10NST f VCCUKA'. ELY AND C AREPULL Y PREPABED ( BY Ji. W.KLL1E & C0.,DRV8BI818,


Old News
Michigan Argus