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The Japanese Embassy

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YTaskixutoíí, Mareh 4. - The Japaneso Embassy werc presontod to tho President to-day, and a eomplinent.iry 8ict;ch wns mado by tho Japauuso Ministor, intreniucing tho Embassy, followed by an address frora Iwukura, and a responso by President Graat. The meiubers of tho Cabinet wero present, together witli all tlie arrny and naval diguitarios in full uniform, togetlmr with Vico-Prosident Colfax, Speaker Blaine, etc. Tho following is tho address of tho A:nbassadors to tho President dolivered by Iwakurn : His Majcsty, the Empcror of Japan, our august sovereign, has sought, sinoo tho achievement oí' our national reconstruction, to attain a moro perfeot organization in the administrativo power of his government. Ho has studied with interest the results attained by the Western nations. Ha ving a sincero desiro to estab lish permanent and friendly relations with foreign powera in a still closer footing, he has commissioned us hisAmbassadors Extraordinary to all powers having treaties with Japan. Upon the soil oí your country wo first prosont our credentials, delivering to you personally the letter of our august govereign at this public official audionce. The orders of the mission witli which rre aro charged by our government are somewhat set forth in this letter. We are authorizud to consult with your govurnment in all international questions, dirocting our efforts to dovelop wido commercial relations aud draw into closer txnds the strong friend ship alroady osisting between our rospective people. Thus we hope to gain a fresh impulse in tho paths of progreas, gaining good from every torta of civilization. This we shall aiin to do, while in the exercise of strict integrity to our own national interests, so trustinglj' confided by a generous sovoreign, and shall earnestly hope to recoive your kind co-operabion in facilitating the task assigned us by.our government. We gladly avail ourselves of this happy meetiiïg-to-eonvey personally to your Excellency our sincero wishes for your continued prosperity and iiappiness aud as tho nation's represen tatives w extend the same wish to all tho people of the United States. The President then responded : Gentlemen- I ara grutified that this country, and that my administration, will tte distinguished in history as the fint which has received an Embassy from a nation with which the United State3 wero ;he first to establish diplomatic and commercial intorcourse. The objects which you say havo giren rise to your unssion do honor to tho iiitelligenco and wisdom of your soveroign, and reïeet credit on you irv having boon chosen as tho instruments for oarrying thom iuto effuct. The time must be rcgnrdcd as gone, never to return, when any nation c;m keep apart from all others and espect to onjoy prosperity aud happiness, which dopend more or less upon tho mu;ual adoption of improveiaents, not onl v n the science of government, but in thoso other scioucea and arts which contributo :o the dignity of mankind and to national woalth and power. Though Japan is one of tho most ancientof organi.idcomnunities, and tho Unitod iatates rank among tho most recent, we íiatvr oúrselves that we have mado somo improvomonts in tho political institutions of tho nations wiiom we aio descended. Our experience leads us to beliere that the wealth, power and happiness of a people are ad vaneed by their euoouragement of trade and commercial interconrse with other powers ; by the elcvation and dignity of labor ; by the practical adaption of science to the manufactures and arts; by inercased facilitios of freq'ieut and rapid communioation botween different purts of the country ; by the encouragemont of immigration, which brings witn it tho varied habita and diverse genius and industry of other kinds ; by a freo press ; by freedom of thought üod eonsciencc and liberal toleration in niatters of religión, not only to citizens, but to all foreigners resident in tho United States. It will be a pleasuro to tho United StatrS to enter on that consultatiun on international questions in which you say you are authorized to engage. The iniprovement of relations between our respective countries is important and desirable, and can not fail to strengthen tho bonds which unite us. I willheartily co-operate in so desirable an object. Your kind wishes forme personally, gontlcincn, are cordially reciprocated. I trust that yc-ur abode with us luay be agreeable, and may to. more intimato acquaiutance and intercourse between our respectivo people. The utmost interest was manifested by a large company present in these exercises. At tho conclusión of tho ceremonies a lormal íntroduction was given to all the officials present, those representing sevenil departmouts presented in groupstothestrangers. At theconclusion of the courtusies the members of tho Embassy wero escorted into tho bluo parlor to be introduced to the ludies of the Exeeutive Mansión and of the Cabinet officers' families, together with others who had been invited to be, present. President Grant, with Iwakura on his arm, led the way, followed by Cabinet oificers escorting othcr members of the Embassy. Some time was passed in the blue parlor in the exchange of social courtesies, au interpretar being present to assist in the conversation. The Japanese Ambassadors had a recfiption this aftemoon at their hotel. The jjarlors were handsomely decorated with United States and Japanese ilujs. Many distinguished persons wcre present. The Embassy have accepted the invitation of Speaker Blaine to jiay a. visit to the House of ltepreserrtatives, and have namud Wednesday for that purpose. Thcy will be recoived on the floor-. A recess will bo callcd and the Ainbassadoxs introduced to the members. Hon. James Brooks, of New York, gave a reception to the Japanese Ambassadors this evening. It was a grand affair. The Japanese entered socially into conversation, either in our own language or through an interpreter, and exprossed themselves delighted with the receptions everywhere extended them. At the banquet speeches wero made by Iwakura, Mr. Brooks, Gen. Banks, Kido, Imperial Counsellor, Gov. Ito, Minister Delong, Mr. Sori, Congre8smen AVood, Sargent, Kelloy, Dawes and Kerr, and Ben. Perley Poor. The entertainment continued till a lato hour, and was in tho highest degree gratifying to all present.


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