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- In tlio fnmous Tichborne case the jury on Moiulay lust informcd the court tbat it had board evidenco cnough and was rcady to rcndor a verdict, wherouposi ii rccess was taken Wedncsday, On the opening of the court that day the ciUiimant's counsel announced, in substance, tliut hc " smelt a inice," and withdrow his case. The withdrawal was fol lowed by an order for "tho lato" Sir lloger's arrest on a charge of perjury, and ho was assignod to rooms in Xuwgato. What are ïiohbornc bonds worth ? - - Mrs. Harriet Bccchcr Stowo met with a singular and serious accident on the 'ii'ith uit , at her hume in Florida. Standing upon a table to arrange a curt:ün she feil backward, her head striking tho edge of a bedstead and her back across a bathing tub. She was insensible when taken up, but last report state her ü recovering. - A Genevan astronomer nnmed Plantamour gives timoly notice that this earth, and all that therein is, is to be " knocked into a cocked hat" on the 12th day of August nrxt. A cornet is to collide with it and do tho terrihlo deed. But whnt will becoine of the cornet ? that's our ansiety just now. - Señor Roberts, Minister froin Spain to the United States, has proposod a tre;ity of coimnercc looking to free and untrammclod trade between this country and Cuba : which will bo much better than to purchase the island and attempt to assimmilato its mixed and ignorant population. - Tho followiug paragraph is going the rounda : " The favorite mode of ' haziug' practiced by tho feminine sopho mores of Michigan Univcrsity is to seize Mimi' good-looking freshman, bind hirn hand and foot, and theu kiss him in the most terrible marnier." Who wouldn't be a freshman ? - Tho charter framedby the "Committee of Seventy," passcd by the lower house of the New York .Legislatura und now pending in tho Sonate, reads more like a work of riction than a practical business paper. It is a visionary scheme. - Does Mr. DeTjong, American Minister to Japan, draw full pay while acting as uvajor-domo or hoad-waiter to tlxe Japanesu Embassy, and who paya his traveling expenses. Those are questions just now agitating country debating schools. - Lieut. Fred. ürant was in London and visited both housos of Parliament on Tuesday, but we don't read that ho was toadied to as would be ono of the Queon's boys should he visit the halls of Congross at Washington. - Before too much fuss is made over the Iwakura-DeLong Japaneso Embassy il might be woll to cali to mind tho Burlingame-Cbinese of a few ycars ago, which was totally unproductive of any good rosults. - Don't fail to read " The Colored Memher," on the first page of this Akgus. It is a graphic and life-like description, scarcely a fraction overdrawn, of " how it is dono" in several of the reconstructed States. - Caldwell "gotup on h3 car" in the U. S. Senate on Tuesday, and m:ide muuy ïnouths at tho Kansas Invcstigating Comniitteo. Subsidy Poraeroy also put in o plea of innocence. - üladstono has written a letter to the London correspondent of the Xow York World, which the English papers denounce as below thodignity of the Prime Minister. - Peter Schwab, chargod with stuffiuj; the ballot-box at Hamilton, Ohio, in October, 1870, and defeating the election of Gen. Schenck, was acquitted on Saturday last. - Horace F. Clark, of N. Y., has been elected President of the Union Pacifio liuilway Company, anrl tho Vaaderbilt interest prepondorates in tho directory. - The telcgraph says "Gov. Holden has declined the ministry to Peru." Who offered impesohed, conviutcd, and dograded "Gov." Holden the Peru mission ? - In tho trial of the Stokes grand jury, Judge Cardozo in&trnuteti the jury to render a verdict in f.ivor of the defendant - the people, Stokes' counsel appeal. - At New York City on Tuesday morning the morcury stood 5 below zero ; at Detroit, 7 below ; and at Toledo, 11 beknw. IIow's tliat for Maroh f - A destruetive tire oceurred at Pliiladelphia on the evening of the 4th inst, originating in the fine granite building of Dr. Jaynes, on Chnstiiut street. - Goorgo Francis Train was delivered of his 800th Presidential campaign speech, at Jackson, on Saturday night last. About 200 victima were present. - Henry L. Hall, of Hillsdale, Mictiga'i, a nierohant, has boen appointed and confirmed as Consul at Valencia, Spain. - Qucen Victoria has presented a gold medal and on annuity of L2,000 to her faithful groom, John Brown. - Tho Kansas Legislatura adjourned sine die ou the 2d inst., and wil hout passing an apportionment bilL - The election in New Hampshire is to take place on Tuesday next. Both parties are sanguine of success. - On Saturduy last eight inchos of snow feil at Washington, D. U., thegreatest dopth for many ycars. - The Itepublicans now claim Governor Palmer, of Illinois, as in favor of Grant s uoiuination and ro election. - The Custom-houso whitewashing committeo commenced its invostigations, so-callcd, on ITouduy. - The Centennial Commissioners met at Independenco Hall, Phüadelphia, on the 4th inst. - D. W. Voorhees declines to rnn for Governor of Indiana on tho Democratie ticket. - Sovon steamers were burued at tho Cincinnati landing Ou Wednesday night last - Alexis, model Prince, attended a chicken disputo at Havana on öunday last. - The Xorth Pacific Eailroad was opened on We&nesday to Ked Kivor. - Cari Schurz was 43 years old on Saturday last. - Mayor Hall's trial is still in progress.


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