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A Learned Counsel

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Sliortly after Iowa was admitted to tli Union, Congress organized the U. S. Dis triot Court for the State. The first ap pointeos, both Judge and District Attor ney, wcre at the timo of tho appointaaen remarkably " innocent ox the law " - th tfrst being a recent iraportation froin th Old Dominion, who long sinco was callee to appcar bef'ore a higher tribunal, anc the latter ono who has since become on of the ablest and most succossful pracütioners in the State. Soon after the organization of tho court an old settler was indicted for sell ing Hquor to tho ïndians, and on his tri al, which took placo on the 8th of Janu ary, was defended by old Gil P . In samming up old Gil - who carnes the most Earcastic tongue in his head that ov er crossed the Father of Waters - repeatedly alludcd to tho District Attorney a " my learuud friend, iho attorney for th governnient," and he, construing th phraso as reflecting upon his proáessiona aequirements, callea old Gil to order sev oral times, and nnally asked tlio court t protect him i'rom tho insulte of' the coun iel. Whereupon tho Judgo, str;iighteniii himself up, reinarkcd that ho didn't sec any occasion for so much sarcasm. "But, your honor," said the dcfendant' counsel, " I am aot aware that I hav used any sarcastic language toward m; learned friend, tho attorney for the gov een inent," "Iböi-e-:" fcroke out the Judge, "that'h just it. You arejcontinually ringing th changes on your learned friend, and I soe no occasion for it." " But, your honor," said Gil, " I do no mean to bo sarcastic When I spoak o my learned &wnd -).; attorney for the govornment, 1 mean in sober trutiU . j us ■wbat I say ; " and opening tho statute or ganizing the court, ho read that "somo person learned in tho law shall bo appoin ted Juige, aud somo atlier person learnet in the law shali bo appoiuted Distric Attorney." " So your honor will perceivc," ho continued, " that my learned i'rioud, the at torney for the government, is learned, no eim-ply ïn the senso ih which my brothron of the bar are leamed, but he is made so by express act of Congross." Tho attornoy for the government subsided, ant the Judge gottled so far down in his seat that he disappoarcd from sight, and old Gil's cliënt thereaftor solc whisky to tho Iudians without fear o prosecution boforo his oyes.


Old News
Michigan Argus