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READ THIS ! I AM NOW l'REPARBD FOR THE FALL TRADE ! . _ I HaL THE LARUEST AND Finest Assortment OF OP EVFRY PESrüIPTTON FVETÍ UROUGHT TO ÏIIIS MAKKEr. KVEKYTHINQ NKU, AND STYLISH FITS WARRANTED ALSO A LINE OF GETS' FLRMS1IÍX6 GOODS ! EVERTBODY W1SHINQ FALL AND WINTER CLOTHTNC WILL FIND IT TO TriIÏIIÏ INTEREST TO CAI.L ON JAMES BOYD, 1318tr 24 MnJii Stree SAM. i. UEVENAlllil Copies Oíd ' mOTYPES & DAGUERREOTYPE! IN FIEST CLASS STYLE T 3 ANY DESIPED STZR, DAM. B. REVEKAK.H KEEPS ON HAND A. 3L.ARGE STOCK OW OVAL AND SQUARE ' BLACK WALNUT AND GJLT FRAMES OF ALL SIZES CHEAP. No. 30 HTJRON ST Jétate of Michael Kearney. QTATK UK M KÏIIGAN, County of Washtonnw, ps 17 Notieèifl h. rt-ïn' ífívcn, tl int by an ordor of tli i .'■ ■ i 'mn-t for the Counly of W ashtenaw, made ot the tenth day of Febrnory. a. 1). 1872, ?i months from that date were ullowed for oreditoi tf present thr-ir claims jiuainst the rsinlr of Micbae Kcarney, lato of aaid roniuy, deceased, and thnt. al creditora (t s:ii t deoeased are reauired '■■ ■ tbeir olairaa to said Probate 'Ymrt, at the Probati Office, in tb City of Ann Arbor, tor allowanoe, on or before tho tonth day r.i Augus noxt, and that such claims will be lie-mi b Probate! knrtfOD 8&tuTdaf,tbotwezitietb day of April anrl oti Wodnosdfty, the tenth day nt Avanat m t. u 10 o'i'lnck in the forenoon of each of lliuw days. J)atcd. Ann Arborr February lüth, A. ü. Iöï2. III KAM J. ItEATCKS, 1361w4 Jiulgeof Probírtf Commissïotiers' N"tice. STATK OF MICHIGAN, Ooftnty of "Waehtflnaw, The nmlcrpijinerl, lmvin bt?en appftinttii by th I'robiite Ooiirt for suid county, fommisftionors to reCL'ive, exHmine and adjust all Quima and il'-mandsof al! ftenona agaisafe the estáte of James Moore, Ken., ate of Rïiitt oounty decoased, liproby jrive notioe tha1 six monthi ïiom oatn an allowoil, by ovdov of nid l'robnte (Vurt, for (TfHnrs tf jirpwnt tht'ir clnims aint the estáte of said dooeasea, and that they will meet at tl. rcfi'Untv of Willúin .1. Bnglish, inJVl;mchestei in tyrfd county, on Satnuiay, í Iií1 fourth lay.f.f May, and on Mondiiy, the twelftli toy ff AuprtM m i at ten o'clock a. m, of cneh of said days, to ivccive, examino, and adjust sjud claims. Dated, Feb. I2tii, A. J. is;:. JOHN BTTIÏTIS, 1S61w4 THOMAS HOLMES, Coram is&ioner?. Commissionors' Nofa'co. STATK OF MICHIGAN, county of Waantonner, pp. The andenigned; having been appotntea by tbc Probate (Jourt tor said county, Conunisaionen to ïooeivo, examine and adiust all daimn and demanda oi nll peaona againat tlie estáte of Charlea liehr, lato of flüid county, itecensed, hereby givenotíoe tbat .i. months from date aio allowed, by ordor of said Vrobate Court, for creditorft to prosent theirelainuagainBi the estáte oí mkí donapd, nnd tUat tliey wiU meet at the store of llaoh & Abel, in tbr city of Ann Arbor, in said county, on Saturdny, t)io twooty-efixenÜl dayct April, and Monday, the ilfth day of Angnst in'xt, ut to&o'olook a. m. o1" eaoh of said day, to recabe, rxaipiiic, and adjual .-iii[ claims, Dated, February 6th, A. ]. l72. EMA1ÍUBL21ANN, ri:iEiï hTaBEL, 1361 w4 Commiamoninfh Commisioners' Kotice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of WahtUMW, W. The UT)ii(T3Ígiied, havinjf been anjiointed by the Probate ('oiirt tor snid ominty, CciAJpbjrfioners to reccivp, fixarnino nd adjust all claims and demanda of allpezsonaf?Ainstthe entate of Curoline I). Freer, late of Baad romity, deooMod, hereby pive noticotliai six montliH LeOR1 dato nre allowed, by ordt'r of aaid I'nii' -ii ■ i onit, i"T orediton to present their claimc against the estáte of said dooeaaed, and thattbey wili meet at the Offico oí tlif rmitny ( '!. rk. In the city of Ann Arbor, in sald oountyi on Batnzday, thé i'liirteenth day of April, and Tuesday, the thirtionth Hay of Aupust next, at ten o'elooï a. k. of eách of said days, to reoaivé, cvamino, and ndjust stiid claims. Üated, Fftbroary 13th. A. i IH72. JOHN .r. EOBISON", KDWAltD t. SIjAWHOX, 1.1Clw4 Comniisáioners. CommissioTicrs Notico. STATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Waabifinaw, ss. Tho anderngned, having been appointed by the Probate 'unrt lor paid coimty, Oommtatonera to rtceivo, examine, and adjust allobiims and 'Iemands of atl persons affainst the est-nte of John Shaufrhniftfi, late of aaid oouxity, deoeased, hereby jive notice that six montbs Erom fchai date are allowed, by order of said Probate Court, forereditors to preoent their claims against the eatatc of Baid deoeaned, and that they w ill meet :".t tl. r'.sidcmtf of Michael t'o wan, in AnnArbor, in said county, on Saturday, tho thirteenth day of &prQt nnd on Wednrsday, tho fourtoonth day ol' August nexti at 10 o'clock a m. of each of a-iid days, to reroivc, examine, and adjttat said claims. Uatod February Uth, -. D. JT2. HETHCWT M. MOWRY, SELUEN W. h-nHTLKFF, 1362 w-i Commissioners. Commissioner's Notice. DTATE OF MICHIOAH", county of Waahtenaw, fs. ij l lic andenigned, havlng beon appointed bythe Probate Court for said county, Conununioners to reoefae, examine and adidfct all elaiiaa and demanda of .all penona agninst tho ostate of Uatthew Srliaible, late of said oouuty, deceascd, hereby givn noMoe that bi'x months from dato are llowed By order of said Probate Oourt for oreditors to present f luir claims againrt tl it4te of said deoeaaeA ;""' that they will meet ut the tesj lenoe of said deceased, in aaid boiínty, on sturtlay, the twTnty-si;vnth dity of April, and on Saturday, the seventocntli day of August, next, at tin o'clonk a. m. of each of said daye, to receive, cxnmino, and adjnst snirl claims. Dated, February 17th, A. D. 1S72. OEORGE KKCK, JOHN BCHAIBLE, 1 W2 w 4 ContraisiMoncrff. IVTOTICB. Tho notes nnd book accounts of ?ir. TT'-nj. F. Rïoe Rn DOW in my hamis tor collontion, and nnmediftte payment of tho samo is demanded. If not Aid mhhi costK will be mudo thorron. Ann Arbor, Januanr 80th, 1872. 1359tf fBACY W. ROOT, Assigncc. Go to R. W.ELLIS & CO's for choiceWin6sandLiqunrf for Medical Purposes .


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Michigan Argus