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los Stuck S. O ■ 'lobato Court fVïitOl, City of Ami Ai ",'! -. „V, .. in the year onetl " 4,, and :-■ ' iu 1 ' ' ■ ■ ■' prol , '"' renzin be petttfo ,ini , . ' [leo . ■■ . K'"-Ko! J i-= i :, at ten oMi, ;„„ ..""T-Hfn 1 .,..,.,.,,.,1 foi. ,i,,. hearing ot „. "..'"im. tl,,! ■'l'W penuniF int iwMfcSí"1 , at ;■ session of tuiid Court, thon totiSÜIfci l'rnl.atp oilic-, ii, f Ann Aiïïr5'J"fc ■honld notbagrnnted : And it U fhrtheVo&! Slil1 l11 -i inüÏÏ 'll iii in-itJr "" % hearing tin ' 'lll t: I Pblihlinthc.,i 'itïïï5ï3 I . and circula! , onnty, toni , preTOm&to aid düy pi h ' n6l (Atraeonnr.) f 1362 Jdgfc Of ÍS .te of Ornon Stiller 1 OTATE OF MICHIGAN, CountytH Wait V : 1 f,)V ,u7, 1 of Washtoi - . , ' ; of Ann Arbor, on rri-Uy, tli mmh a? f ' k ruaiy, in the yt.-;ir one thousaud ti-ht huL V Present, Iliram J, . ' ■■Of Pxftd ' lu the matter aftliei ,,A .r; . OMMCt. uuc.k Martin Gray, adm il -;.; Hm '■■ uto Court umi reprew uto that be i.i üow L, rtnder bis tiaabieeouut as such iróraiiüstrïit! teenth d o u o'úcek - forenoon, be aaaigncd for pxnmhtmr -mi I18 ing t, and that l-.-iis'iiti y:']t] iwwl hII nt her persons intwtoÜÏ ■w ■ oppenr at A 2 " in tbc City of Aon Ai bow ml f5therebo, trhy the said account hoold mltiÜ1 ; lowed: Ati aAÍ f trAtorrivQ □ ■ ons interestwl h r tuto, of the pendcni y ..i . :iJl(] thfejr1.11 ,. Üiereof, y oausisg uoopy ai ihis oidor tobe tS3 - 'm ' ' printed wrf -" latio ■ ■■'; , three snoonrtve wwkiSi!?" ' to saïd doy of hoating. '" "-1 r (Atnwcopy.) HIRAMJ.B] . 13G2 Judge of Estáte of Caroline Kr-ttncr STATE ': M [Cfl i i oí WíwIiÚb Ai asesaionof the l'robatc i'ourt fot the Jo!' 1 ut' Wadhténaw, holden al ü:- J 'k:mIo otüoe m P cdty i Ann Arbor, on Tuewlay, tlie thiiiLS I 't February, in V.. 1 iln'1 and M-vi-iity-two. " Proseni BiramJ. Beate, Judo of P in the raattor - tin K'-md p 0 ceaaeü. 'i (íotilieb ï1. Uaoser, nrlmitii-----.r of .-,;' coiü' ..n.; i' pro ote 1 bat he is now i pared to render liis ftuul account ts such adninwi tor. Tlwxouijouit ia ordercd, thut Mondaj-.they lu] "i March next, At ten o'dock in i perso ■ d m Raid estáte, mc rtipijj pcar ;it u sc to he li IdK ■ ■ citj of Ann i lounty. innl sbu cause, it' any tïiure t, whv tW-i&l [, acopunt shot ild not be allov ta fiaS ot ered, thot mA Administrator giv nolht Wfc I' rsons int'tiesii-d in é . !m said :i count, and tïn ' 'uwri s, oop3 jI .1-.";''7. :l newspaper phnted -::- iniS ,J OOUnty, Tl. ■ ■ -ü.-l daT rj i heno id {A tiTtccoy.) IIIRAM J. BEAKE8 :' ' J.i. r, Estáte of Thomas J. lirooks. OTAXEOP MICHlUAN,Countj of Wnshtnu ;)- At n aeasion nf 1) ■■ I iri fortbefoóh 'r of W . holden at tlio l'rokite 'ftire, aiii ■" i :y ol Ann Arbor, on Katnrday, the ier?ti dn of February, in the yeai one thousandcighthnM p" and eereaitT-two. Present, SiramJ. Bcakes. Jmicc of ProbstA, In the mottef of i).-1 Btnte of XhomuJ.lMb "" deoeftsed. IJ' Charles II ïfenapf, Aumiïiistrjiior of aid ptstf !!l como into court anl ieprjtt that he ñ . lu pared to render nis ttnni account as Buch AJdiíuíiem. or ei" Tliereupon ' 'ie ordered, that Tnariiy, tif 18 twolfth dny of Mni-ch next, a ten oVlock ia ti ?" ftmnowk] 9 :i-i;-r:rl ter exumiaing nnd aUor 1S iiijr ffueh aoconnt, and tbat tho heirs tUw -f ■ mid deceascd and nll otJ imciw (E in snid ostnte, are required to appcar tí i w. ■ion if said ('(.int. tben to bc holden at úw ft bate Office, in the City ol Aun .rWt iii Connty, ai i ise, ii" ny thfft'Vp, whyilí ttiil neHninf nhVmld not be alkrwed : And iï isfntktr ordeml tltats ii(t AOmiuiütrutor give ïtüticetothejo. son; intei : 'T dmi t account, and tlie henriug tlicrrof by 'i;ui&ibgi(ow ■-■_ of tlii o' , ■ ■ Ii . 'I ■ , in .iryvi, . a newspHiwr prinfd Hnd ciroultiting mauSowf, " three succesaivr ■ foiiaf, 1 (A trun copy.) 1IIUAM 3. i'KAKFg, l."5 Judgeofl'rolste. n Estáte r Henry CnnfieW. tf QTATBOFMIC [K .--?m,. K) O At n t-. for U Couiiy :o of Washtenafr, hol .■ ■■ ■ ■ it.iitht city ol Ann Arbor, on .. the tvttik dy ie of February, in ■. . ycai one tiiousund oi-rlit hnnèoj e and seventy-two. , Present, lürara ■ r In tho matter ot' the catate of üiiiit CtofrH, ij - Charles IT. T orofstidn comee into 'onrt and j . .■ Ue ii w ( ' Thorrn;. ; íwíJftí 1 day ot' Maren next, ut ten u x? assiimed for exnniining and vúi wat, and that the heiis.i. ). iSlwbtr i -npr! ut a osion of said Court, thee to lo hoidenit tk s Pro! in the wtj oi At i) Arto, iml ' uuni y, and show couae, i: any there be, why the sai account bhoiild nat ht! ikiiowwl: And it is foft ! eroidered, ■& pei'.-'OJjs intereated in - i the pOHMntyoi suid account, and I oopyofthifl ord t be published in SUckifH ( .;nts, q Dewspapev pri v-iumÜ ■ . - - . . .■■■ - OI QtRlg. (A true oopyj . IIIIÏAM J. EKAKE5, v LS6] JmU'eot rioW. Estati' of Rufas Kníght , 1 A ETTGAN, ccrnnt] ofViwhfefitA t3 At a sessiou of tlie Probate LourtAn tlieewn:! nw, Uoldun ivt tlie l'robnte Offiee, is Ün f city oi Ann Ai iday, the ftith day # - Fedraary, in the year oae thoubund eigh ton and aéventy two. r Present, íLn-ítm J. Beate, Judge of rrolwt. t In the inuttcr ol the catate of liufut Ko%bSi g dci-f On rcudin? and filing the i'ürion, Lnly vprillefl, Lnmim ïvmght ir.l Harriet Knigltt, K.t:iintiij:,pnr il big thoy may hcened to sell fcrtainrwlrt! :i whereof eaid tieccastd d r Ifce puipweti . pnying leg hed ty hi iuat 'nèï anfl iöi . e Thereupon ü is ord', í riM Mond(iy,tbeWW . day of Maroh next, at ion o'clock in the tonwWt ., bo asaigncd for the hearing; oi said petition, iidui e the l ■ i :it itnvfif siddcwi , and all other . fsona intereated in snid eetste, atT Z qnired to appear at nseesionol suid court, tiicnto lioldcu. nt the Probate Office, in the dtr of Ani bor, ;ml Bhow canse, n any Ihere be ffKy Öï of tl ■ I nut be pranted: And tí fui-íi:' , butsaid petitionergive i:o:itt ite, ot tho ptmltncy" Bttid titjon, and í!k hearing tlierfof, by cnumff oopy ol ttu's order to be publibhed in tue Wttof1? I Arfftts, a newapaper printed ami rawoWibj in" j eounty, four buc essn e w wka .i.ldy heurinti. t (A truecopy.) HIRAM J. V13(il Judgeof PwW Estáte of Ezra Corumin. CÍTATE OY MICIfKrAN', GountJ of ]iiena. 1 O At a sessioco) e ■ ourt ior the Ccmw of Waslitimw, holden at the ProbutR OÖcf. mj" " City of Ann Arbor, on Friday, the nw c of Februury, in tlie yoar one tliouaand eijhttaiw dretl and Beventy-two. Present] Siram J.3eakes Judge of Probate. , 1 In the mntter of the estai I msa inoompetent, t , . ! On ronding nnd fliing tlie Jetitionf duly tPnwV 1 Neison (."inumins, (iuardiun, praying that he l i be lioensed u stil certain rel estáte ïifk'upngto1 1 incompetent. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, Lhf t;'ïr: ' day of March next, at ten o'clcckin the FoiíbcéOjíJ , .'issifrned for the hearing of caiil jetition. imdthattw : next of kin of said incompetent, and Hllothotpeff111 interested in said estáte, re required tapieiJJ" 1 aion ('t eai l a to be huldeuat the Prol Office, in tin nn Arbor, nnd show caim& any tbei-e be, why the prnyer ot tt.c ïctiiioncr s"j not bc grantéd : And it u ■ ■ r1 ?!! jM'titinner ive notie; to the pery-ni intowstt-d i " estat . ■ ncy i said petition, and ."t! ïng thereof, cy causing a copy of this ordieTWj piibh'shi d in the Michigan Argus, ncwe] and circulatinff in said eounty, tlivee sucoeivc provmuH to said day of h . . (A trucopy.) J1I1IAM .1. BEAK i:(il JiKlue of Probate. to of Cornelius Lauglttia CTATEOF .MlíUHíAX.Countyuf WashteDfl Ö At a sepsion of tl Pvstmte CffüTt ior the toa niy OÍ Washtenaw, holden ;it the l'iubate Otlicc.inw City of Ann Arbor, on Saturfay, Üie tblri." ut Februavy, in the year one tuougnnd eight b did mul aeveni y-two. airara J. lir-tkof, Judipof rObate. In the ï.vitt.r qt the estáte ot ( cruvliui Laaitw deeeased. .„ i ( On ceading nnd ñling the petition, dnly TcriSWf'J Williara Burke, Adioini 't aii nifiv be lioenwa to sel] rite real estáte where?L deceafied died peizod for the purpoe nf (listriD thoprpceeda of such sale among the persons inw eftteu in ;útl estáte. i reupon ii i- mlTcd, Ihai Monday, 1 ' , oext, nt ten o'clook in I nnon. ' ' it ntfc una that the heirs ni law o ■ ■: in safd ewtate, ore '■ÏJJfva pec at d Bession ol i I to , L ai he l'. ■ - in the City of Ann Atd, jj show cause, it any there be, wliy twe pryMH petitioner should not be (prua-d: Anditwi" ordered, Oiat said petitioner git notice w tnfl ',„;. itéd in said estáte, of the rK-ndrm1) "' : tion, and the hearinsr tb H2!i raer r.. be i he Michigan JJL Dfiwspaper printed and circulating in h:ihi l' four suoo salve weeks Trevios to wiil da Bherifif'a Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, eounty of 'WMhten' ' Byvirtueoi om ;i '' "' '. _,{ he se.'! sf tx ', r WMhtenair, ig". ' ""l u"'„, Ind iof Sfpl r' ' ' tenf ,.f baniél UOate, 1 Jid, on the jJJSi November, A. D. 187, for wrinl "f -''"!' '.''. i upo all the ritrht, Ii hu in the following deMiihea wit; Tb ei! twenty-e : 'V'"f „f f"1 oathmxty-onerodsinlenirthoi thow 0„. Mutlnreat qnarter of seetion mimhr t o, ' . tfn Bhip No. two south inrangesix east, '■'""',■ 0r tl acre of laúd, be thc same or U-, " M,a ,! rnnd boing in the tofI1„,' fruiiM. ai! ..,-. conntj oi Washtenuw, and State of mji0Ili land I ïhall eïpoe foi ealê, Bt pu.'l' r ■ t.ollIt (o the highMt bidder, al the soutli door ol 'Tj„ A ityof Vnn Arbor, on tlie " STareh, A. O. 18T2, at 11 o'olock k. m. ot , '■'?" Cted, Aon Arbor, JJVbBB. ■ 1357 By Jon'im Fobbej, Irolci--1"'1


Old News
Michigan Argus