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tCTEDIRECTORY1_ .ornl-r Mann and West Huron Strect._ ZZstS & WORDfcN, QO.-Yth Main i-trcet, "vpr Goo,l.: Csrpet and Crocerlee. " 13Mtf "TSbOWW, Anent for the Fiuklc & Lyon I hSot Sewlng Machli-c They are filent, fiM. ____ ííírHAEL HIKRüV, Roofer. Fire nd H ffittr I'rool. Feit and Comnwxtion Gravel i put on to order and warranteï. Bedei,ccon Kn Street. Ann Arbor. . ,, w r.M.'S A CO., DruwistH anddcalers U, "l'.ioiï,Oas,lc No.2 South Main Street, il irtwr. _____ - H. JACKSON, Dentiet, _ucce__or to C. II. . Purtir Office cumcr Malo aud Huron stre.ets, ,r thVrtoi of B. VV. EII1.A Cj . Ann Aivor, r.rnÊTÏKEAREy, M. ., Physician and U . Sifr-eon. ÓIHce. M ,-cMilcuc, corner of Hu.iiiii l)ivïion Street, ftrst door east of PreyriiuOhnrrh , Ann Arbor. Mich. _ ïTt. JUHSQV ReilW íi1 1Ia'8. d CP. E. Kars.Stniw Öood. ÓedW FormAms Gooda, J, No 7 Siiutli Main street, Ann Arbor, Mich. SírTHEBLXN A; WHKDON, Life and SHrrluuranc Apenta, and desleí? m Kcal Bátate, jjcronijatoí ftree. ÏÏH'IS ' KISDO, in Hardware, Lgiom Hiiuse t'urni-hiu Gouda, ïlnWare,&c {,.11 gupth Main gtreet. ' ' iTÜTH ï AIi:i., noal'Ts ia DryGaoidf Oró J) cries, íc c..Sfo Soaü) Jlaiu .-tree.l. Aun tibor. . ílAWSON & SON, Grucerx, Provisión and BCwnmiHlon Mcro.hant. and déniers in Water liií',Untlí':laicr,iindPlaBi.crPrÍ6.. No. 1 Bant ifHon Street. . [TsiTÜDHEIír, Wbolosale wul üetai,! UeaAer Vin uily Mtda i'lothlng, cloth, CajiLiaermí, iHtineü.andGe.' Fitrojsliini; Goudg. No. i South Mi Straat. Wtf. WAÍiNKK, Dealer in Renriy MadtK'loth'in- tloths. Cassimeres. Vostinpi. Uüli. 0p, taks, Cupet !í;igs, Lc. M goath Mln street. ill.nflRi: te FISKE, Bookscllers audStaU Honen M---rticl Uw and College Tcxt Books, iiliool ud Mimxtllsucoiia llyokrt. ,5?o. 8 Xií:U) Main Kt, Grcgorj Block. Aihi Alr. i'IM.V.V LI. WIS, Dealers luBoote.Shocs, I Unlters, Sijjpcr, c. S. ï Kant U.ï.rw ttrect, lic . iv: ÏTOAH W. OHKBVBK, ATTORNEY AT LAW ! Oieewith E. W. Morman, f:(i8t side of Cououse , 13=1 ■■- - - - ■ ■ ■_ ' Tcíttiar "f Mturic. '"es iustrucüou on the PIANO,. VIOLIN AND GUITAS, No. .'" Soutii Main strcct, Oloore'a PIANO TÜNIftG, lie f jcíslily and catisfactiou gunrnteed; ieockYk y. I USSWAftí & GROCERIES, J. & Donnelly. ItrelüitnrealarêPBtockiifRfookctj.ölaaswHre,1 Vádfire, ''t'.ttcry Groccries, c, le, 11 tobe j)14itaQusially low prlcea Nu l'i But Huriin Street, Auíi Arlior. uatf vj,, a i, pevtttiijuf I JOHN Q.ALLJ" fRESH AND SALT MEATS,LAK, SAVSAGES, Ec., rtcruolicited nnd promptly flllcd with ttiebest nit In the market. 31 East Washington ntret. loArbor. SqtU.ieth, 1S00. 1286tf Mapufacturer of 'rih:i-:s, Bi tciE?, i.i wa.o:s, SPim U K,OS. ii TTfiRS,, Kt. I Wfctrk wntranted f the best matcriar. Ucpalrrc;dine promptly and reaaonab'e. All work wjir ■ -(t trive perfect sati-faction. C? S m,h Main' ■i. lMSyl V aüksIëyT" tJÊRÊSL Knnn(jctr.or Sarriages, Buggies, Wagons, ■ WDSLElGHSof every stjle, made of the bont Tili aod warrauted. iloree shocinp and ReP'S done pronvtly and prices reseonable. I "rot Street, ucar K. R. Depot, Aan Arbor.Mlch. ■' )R. (371T PORTEE, DEUTIST. 'wintheSAVINGS EAFKBLOCK, Ann Arbor UlOpirations on the Natural Teeth 7i3üRPAS8BD FACILITIES AND EXPBRIENCE ■ni ARTIFICIAL TEETfl, , TO GIVE KACH INDIVIDUA!; ' trtttftkt proper aire, thapef.alor, firmnettand na al expretsio. 1244 P 7ÏËNKÏNS & H.RANDOLPH WHITE,"M. D. DEISTTISTS. ;'&NER OF MAIN AND WASHINGTON ST'S. All Operations petformed in the Most Thorough and Scientific inanner. fltrous Oxide Gas constantly on haDCi, 'adiainlatered wlth perfect safety. 1320-yl. YEN YOÜ WANT FINE PIIOTOGRAPHS, GO TO Sam. b. revenaugh, No. 30 Hurón 8trcet. pfiOPLE'B DRUG STOSEi I R. W.ELÜS& CO. A.2STIT ARBOR


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