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Coalition With The Whigs

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The Juckson Gazetce, Inving nnnounced and defended ihecourse of ihe Whiga in iliat County n nd -ptine ihe Aboliiion of Slnvcry ns o Whig jrinciple, mw oks the Liberty pony to unite wiih ilmui in support of the Whig party. That .j.ipernyi: # 'Wc do iut boom of liaving only "oneidta" nour polnuttl cret-d. wheti i( is necessiry lor iVi-ry re.'"rinT 10 mlvnnce jiist e far on every i)i;il a..d paliucn! grouiid n the sniiii of the age Icuniii'ls - und. wh-n n cris s in tho nff.iirs o Kir Stüie compela tvtiy gootl and lionent einzen ri u: hit lcsi emienvors to rid our State of tlie ïüghtiujf curs ut" p:o slavcry Luco'ocoism. nnd til lire uur Natiunul Halls f tt.c run rule ot SiMiihnrn dict'titn. t is iicertl to bt hoped, "uit Liicrty ï trtij mn toill twn in wik us. timl g re 'ia a. hft lo -ff.vt these great o'ijtcts." In anutlier article, the Editor save of the "Tbird Pnrty" men: "If they enn npprove of Whie poücy nnd nieoyu rs. snfficient t-tir entirt and lionsi support, wr s'i.-il! have mote clwrity lor ihcm i;i uture. Tho Wlugs nrr nmUInveiy n priniple and artion. We ncver go hackward; but tre nre on the advnnce. in nccordunco with the pint ol the nee. f 'l'hird Party men can go icith vs, in our eflorts to rid the Smte of tlii' i nrpe of Locofocoism. and in O'ir endcovors to knock the chains of slavery from ilie nmnncled Innlis ol three mil'ions ol Anierican Ncgroes. we cnu gire Ünm t'ie riglit hand of fcllowsiip-in l'Oticshi nf pnrpose tin i sirierrity of itetion. Il sceriiiinly beller for those who nre at henrt iilike in poliiical principie, to cembitu thtir efforts on'i tut ons, for in union thcro is strength against all oppo.ition." And agnin, in the same article: ';"i''e Third Party are pnpired to gn teitfi Wiigs iv n Consiïufitntfil mnnnerfjr the alolition of tlir.ery. they wili finil the undivided Whig pnrt}1 uf tho'Norih henceforth moving on in one firm nnd mlid phalnnx in the ennsft of true nntielnvery nni im:nedmic emnncipntiün." Hcre is n regular nnd formnl nfitntion to the Liberty party ;' turn in" wiih the Whiga - t') ''gire then a If" - to ligv e them thi? eniirand honesl support" - to ilgo te th t' en" - 'to lOmLine fffurts and action" wiih the Whigs - and they are promiscd, in return, ''the right handoffeUoicship." fcrul the aid of "'the undivided Whig partv of the North," in the cause of iíimTncdiutc ewancipation." Now we shüll not íly into a pnssion nt the as surance of the Whigsin making svtch n proposition, after all tlie insulta and abuse we have receivedat their hnnds, but wc will endcavor to ive their proposiil such nn answer ob tts grave importance demando. We shall gpeak withou: prejudice, as enndid and Ei.icere men. We would sny. ihen, in all k ndnees, to 'he Whigaot Jackson county, nnd those who sympatliize with them, thnt while we are grntified wiih their antislavpry coursc tlms far, we cnnnoi accept of their pruffefed polaical union for 6everut weighty rcasona, Which we will bricfly s:ate. 1. The Liberty men are not nll Whigs.- Nearly or quite hall of them never ncted wiih thni party, and would not support all its'ineasures and mode9 of lrgielaiion 2. The Liberty prty was designed to be n permavttt party, and to carry the principies ol Jnstice and Equi! Rtgh s into ai l Lejislation. We havo no tvidence tiie WLtg pariy will do this.3. The Whig pnrty s proslnvcry in (6 .iclion, in iis orgnnizntion, ond n 18 leaders. No Nnlional or State Convention has come ou forAbolition as a VVIii principie, imd Henry Clay, its Ii6l cnndidnte, declared m the U. S. Senate, and cndorsed the sentiment last yenr. that he rejo eed tliat neither of t! e two great parties had ilomj design or ;'?" at Aboli.ion. Tlie Whig Convention of Jacksan Couiuy and of two counties n ühio, are the only Whigbodies, so fur as wc know, among the 500 couiuiesnf tbeFree StateB, :hat have come out for Abolition as a Whig principie. 4 We do not know the diaracUr of Whig Abolition. Forinstance. the Whigs of Jackson County Bre pledged for Abolition; but should we unite with them, at their next Convention, fur aught that appearo to the contrary. we inight be ngain called upon to vote for Hexry Clay, or some other Slavebülder. os thi bis' means of provio'ing AbolUon. ''No unión with SlaveIiolders," is oír standard. Tlie Whigs must come ud to this, i f they wou'.d wflJk wilh us.5. We cannot iiniie with the Whigs be.cause h:y are a sinking jattj. While o pro-slavery party, they have substantially Io6t 'all the Slaveholding States but one. They are not gaining at all in the Free States. Thtir majoruies last year were smaller in every State in ihc Uuion (except one) thnn in 1840. The Northern Whigs are not in favor of Abolitton. as a Whig principie: anJ should it be proposed, all ihe Slnveholders would forsake ihem, and a large section oí the Northern Whigs vvould be disaffected and divide írotn the rest, leaving the party wcaker tlian they are now. Why, then, should we unite our destinies with a sinking party, which, at best, wouíd be only partially converted Ui our doctrines, and which would lock he ab'dity lo help us, even if it should have the disposiüonf We could name other reasons, but these are BufRcient to show that a unión wilh the Whig iarty, present or prottpective, would be unneceesary and unwise. Whlle tlie Liberty party will labor Ar the overihrow of the Sl.wk Power, as lts chief object, we beütve it will adopt acourte of policy on all the interestsof the country, die- tatcd by ihe itrictest equity and jusiice between ■ill cinsefa and all men, and fully up to the spirit )f the age- a courtO which will renderit a bless ing, not only to our country, but to the wurld. Underitabaiincr all the friend of real Progreïs and Reform can unite. Whatever is truly valu able in the principies of ihe Whig party will be rctained and made eerviceable, while its aristocratie tendencics and cla68 legialation wiil not be coun'eninced. We have no room today lor ftirther mnarks nor is it nccessnry, as wc have given to the proIo6ition of our ncighbor a respectful answr, embracing our own views, and we presume those of the great mass of our reiders.The town of Rome, in western New York, comaining a population of over 5000, has been built up by faetones for manufacturing onrs and pnddles from the nsli, ihousands of which are shipped by almost every vessel for England, France, Germany, Prussia, Sweden, Russia, and throughout all the east. The Junks of the Chinese are now all mnnnged by American oars, and the smal! boats of all Europeí nd Asia are now propelled by the enterprise ol the peoplg of the village. (t0 The papers antiounce ths suicide of Hon. John White of Kentncky, forraerly pvnker of ihe U. S. House of Represetnatïve#. He ebot himself with a pistol. At the tio)e of his deatb he was Judge of tbe lOth CiaJil.


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