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The Telegraph As An Errand Boy

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Electricity is to be roduocd, from its proud position as a inossenger between tho contiueuts, to the humblu uses of doraestic lifu. It is to be mado au errandboy, to answer every household cali. A company hag boon l'oruiod, which proposes to establish offices at convenient places in Tiirious parts ot' this city and Brooklyu, whenco messengers can be sent, on dcmand, to any houso within tho respective districts. These offices are to be conneeted by tolegraphio wires with the houses of such persons as pay a certain ainount inonthly ($2.50) for tho benefit olferod by the company. The oocupant of a house, by touching a koy, will simply give notice at the offico that a mosseugor is wanted. The olKces will be nuuiLious, and so distributed that any house can be reached by a uiessenger within three minutos after the notice. It will be tho duty of the messengers to go on any errands requirod of them, to any part of the city, the persons eniploying thein to pay tho company fifteen cents for every half hour of service. Tho tolographic apparatus, consisting only of wires and tho siuull koy instrument, will be placed iu the houses or offices of tho subscribers without charge. The batteries will be at the company's offices only. It will be seen at a glanco that this system will bring many convonionces ; but all its advantages appreciatcd until it has bocome, as we think it will, a necessity of domestic lifo in all largo cities. Thero aro thousands of littlo services which persons in moderate circumstances would gladly pay for at the ratos named, but they caunot afford, or do not desire, to koop an errand boy or other male houso servant. But the plan promLses moro than mere convenienco ; it proniises safuty and comfort. It will afford security against burglars at night, and a ready means of calling a physioian or a friend in cases of illnoss. Il' burglars aro in the house two touches of tho key will bring a policoinan at any hour of the night. In cases of firo, too, tho system would bo invaluablo ; many small fires become great ones on account of tho unassistcd efforts of servants or mombors of the ftimily to suppress thom without a general alarm. Indeed, the more one oonsiders tho uses of tho proposed system the more they multiply themselves, and we coniidontly predict that within a few years we shall bo wondoring how our ancestors got along without it. Tho name of the now organization is " The American District Telograph Company." It hus general offices at 62 Broadway and 185 Moutaguo etreet, Brooklyn.


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