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The Newest Thing In Railroading

The Newest Thing In Railroading image
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ïho now sleeping coaches tor tho Erie Railwny wiU proba bly be put ontlio road when the sprmg time-table takes effeot. ocura wili run to Chicago without ohange, notwitiigtanding the great diffeisnce in tlw gauges oi' tho roads over wliich tiicy aro to ruu. Over tho Ene Koad they will, of coursu, run on wheols 'of six-fout gauge, At Buü'alo the cars will run andei a boistisg machine, which will lift the ears from the broad-guujie tracks. Should thisnewest thing in railroading,bo successful, it will relieve the public trom many annoyances from varying railroad gauges, of whioh there are fivo (ineluding tho " narrow-gaugo "( in tho country. Tho attempt sc-uie years ago to mako car wheels movablo on thcir . so as to accouunodate difieren t gauges, iL was tliought at the time would fíll tho roquiroment, but it has nol tii:;itoany gieat extent ou paaeengercar.-v but it has tosoiuo extent on-frejghtcars, tho shifting being done by running tho oars ujion gradually convorging or ing tracks tho narrower or broador gaugo is reuched. Then the wheels are again locked. At eloven o'cloak Wcdncduy tho Misi;iv r bridge ot'tlis Union Pocilio Keu!, ttt Omaha, was tested. A truin OOnsUting ot' u locoinotivc and ton flat taxi; loüfiud with sloiic, eaoh car bea; ing thirty tuns wi igiit, was run ncroF the bridge and back. The tost was perfectly satiefactory.


Old News
Michigan Argus