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In The Last Argus We Give An Article

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from tho Nu-.v York WorlJ, " T!f ! tratic Ptirty and the I wbich not ondorsing the " passivepoli evidontly looked to ar favored the Doniination by the Dsrnocracy ii' the oandiáste to bopnt ia tha field by the Liberal U'.piibliottns : prdvided, cilays, that guch oauilidatea aod the platform vj"on whioh tKey shall be placee! provo salisfaotory to n National Oonventioh. But -.: National Ctravention is made a tiiu qua non by tbe 7irid, in ov.lor tbat tiio Domociacy may ;;t into the cainpajgn iix tho orthodox wny, and uadei rcguiarly choson I11 bo leadsra old school Democruts, Progressive Bcmocrnts, or Liberal Eopuböoan irooojni jBftg tlo oorruption of tho administration, the centralizing cica of their party, and tho necessity for a ohange. This week wo give p!ace to nn articlo from the Chicago Times, " The President}," discusíáng tho s:une subjuot, but takiag a somuwhat difieren! view. Tho Timen is cvidently oppoaod to tho holding of a Domocratic National Convention and the making of a uomination, in short is a fiill endorser and ulvucato of tho "passive policy." Tho Time also 8i?es in Judge Da VIS) the noininea of tho Ijibor Refonuers, "the coming man," more than iutimates th&t he should also ba nominated by tho coming Cincinnati Oouvention, and thon supportod by tho Deniocraoy intermedíate recorameudation or aomiaation by a con vontion of tho party. We can not regard tliis as tho bettor ooarso. It would bo battdr in our opinión to hold tho convention and act ;is i party thau to undertake suoh a huahwhacking raethod oí oampaigu. Basidea, we dou't bolievo that tho Nutional Committoo will assumo tho responsibüi'y of iu-action or ontering a default, and, ii wilíing so to do, dony their right. Lat the convention be held, and every Democrat wo tliink is in a mood to endorse auy action that it may judge, will best accomplish this end in viw- -dêf'eat Güaxt and re&t(rt6 the Government to it ' po&ition iinrferthe Conatiluiion. We may also add that tho Dcmocracy can not well stand as a body upon the mongrol, deuiagogioiil platform of the Labor Reformers, and if Judge Davis is to retain tho support of tho Domocracy lic must repudíate geyevál of its plaaks, McCleltax like or the Democrucy, O üeeley j like, must be pormitted to " spit upon it." We also givo iu Ibis Abohjs an article from a Republicau Btand-point, though not exactly frora the stand-point of tho adnimistrution wing. This article, a "Washington letter from SAMUEL BOTVXES to hi3 jouvnal, thi; SpringfieU liqntblican, concedes that the better judgment of the better class of Republicana in and out of Congress is that " tho intcrests of tho country and party" do not requirfl tho nomination and re-eloction of Ok.vxt, but that nevertheless ho is to bo renominated. Tlie articlo will bear a carrful reading and coosidoration iu connection with thu two already rofcrrol to, and. will aid in giving tho public a knowledge of the political outlook and situaticu to day. What is the matter of ' Our Blair ? ' Is lm ahnky and unsouncl or about to strike hands with the recalcitrant Senators ? Is he on iiis wiiy into the Democratie party ? ïheso interrogatorios tire promptod by the announcement thút ho has offered a resolution calling for inveetigation into certain charges involving the official aotion and integrity of Secrotary Robesox. Aecording to. tho ad ministration Senatoi"s this is the way into tlie Damocratic party, A Republican BhoTtld not question tho infallibility of any appointeo or oQioe-holdar unácr the Presidunt, trom a Cabinet officor downto tho Kev. Pktuoleum V. Nasby, " P. ?.r. at the X Itoads." Blair is troading on a ooucealcd ïuiuc, The Legislatura convened in extra session on Wednesday, with four absoutees in tlio Senato and soven in tho House. The Governor's message was reccivcd in joint conveiition iu the afternoon. Iii addition to the matter of Congrossional Apportionment - tho only subject embraced in the proolaination - the Govornor reoommends legislation relative to tho new Oapitol, as to tho abolition of certain fixed State taxes, an amondment of oertain swamp land laws. an amendment of the general r;álroad law of last session - relative to fonces, an amendmeijt of the school law - so as to próvido a way to romove officers of fiaotional distriots, and Bundry other minor matters, enough to occupy tho LegisUituro for tho twenty days its mombers can draw pay. Republican State Couventions Heero held on Wedneadsy in Keutucky and. Wisconsin. In e:ich dologatus wero electod' to tho Philadalphia convention, and the administraron of President Grant endorsed. In tho Kentucky Conveiition Gen. John M. H.itr,A.N' -was rocommended for the Vice-Presid'oncy. The New Hampshire oloction on Tuesday resulted in a lljpiblic:m victory, which astonishes no ono who had kapt an o on the oampaign. Thu whole power of tho Washington administration was brought to boar, and departinent olerka were not only oxcused to go home and vote, hut tccreordeivd to ffo - and "goed." 'V 'A '.WE yf as a coij) d'clat iu Erio liailroad affairs on Monday ; severaljdirectors resigned, othors wero elooted, ,T.Y Goui.d was romovod froni tho praiirienoy, and Gen. Dix elected in his place, ovur wbich tbere is great rojoicing.


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