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TO-NÏCHT ESCAPEDNIIN ■AT 'l'HJJ Ann Arbor Opera H0Use 1KIDAY EVEKING, ttARCB Ij Miss ED1TJÍ O'GORMAS, Rcccnlly ronvcrted to Protostautism and f i St. Oiieph'a l unvt.„ .f8"! City, Ne ■ iverhti STA.RT? tv! L'UIULLINÜ .;. I I i;. 'LIiwÏSI Limmhu.hadï J perieuce of tbi U'II'LINu CBipiSL iixcrsof wlifch ilwiU i oneat tlie rniwt intereatmt' anii lutructU ." U ■ 0 ■' "■'- at)', öho hlMKCRUl] 11" inii taciavcled hou in othcr dtii-i!, n,t iUI„ "fbemgll :[ihii ipukiini ïi ii coïut t., atUud. bhf sy-aia Ml points in the pveliti uomVa of i i " ordei oí üaily lite m ii Nuonor 11,, '■' ; ' ' '""laii. Llipbau Aylureut, tlie wuul i liiUt, i„ iïL ii be i,ajruv.a ;i ouuvoniiun ut1 iwu ]■„. L"?1, in iiostoii, an.l te ud (g i ►uverted to i'rot(.-stiiüí]í,ni. 8hei4lt''it 11 ' !' '■■ ■■ ns ;v ppeaker, nnd iicr ai Protestant parents are powcríul und oouvíbbB?" U Mit Edith O'Cormau is tho F1BST jí 'ri' "'0 üublitl' !o lady lecnü: Lied L ' eiocïitionist, autl uu ■ ,. a - .u lun?uii nen n the Icctoie twjiili ...'„ and XONE HEll SUl'KWOBSP tare u ü Barrativa, bimiile und truthiuL uo-rf ■ii lands, or aavrn. 'ijeunri '■'"■" '■ "hat is taking pSu bï.VÏ' ounelvea wm ciiim to Ij ■ cnii;iiteDcd. Ti íS?! l the public oOTept tv thoi can speah aa hl. etui fruii; pej aonu] eiwi'iL t!" : man has. daring tl.e pint ïp.r 1-, twico in I levelnnd. thn e tim. ■ in Galtiiaoí.iÍ!1 Portland tsburgh and si Ihe eeason. aha diw n or Olivo Logan, ri iJS" orowded bouees ns John B. Uoi'gh. Gno-half ïi ■ -s ure soinposed'of bdies. D; :': Tickets 50 conts. Xo extra charge 'fa „ _,, seats. Be snre to get your sv.aU nr.J ticke-tí T' iui.l the crowtl whicli , , ;.! ,ïsj, J J tipket ottiaj on the ■, rltSjS" 4nd r-s:voil M'ivta are ivow lor a;i!e ai Ciilm.. ' JMslto's lioük Stom. iet Doors open at quaitor past st-vcn; tocomna oigllt o'ciock. -:: 13'ioks crn' a hútory r her iife slso(Mi,rf her phuiotjmnlis. can bu had nt the l.all oo twï '.ure. "ttm. E;:it'l O'liurnsilil nül leo' uro n Jai t,on V,..' u-, ,.!■., lü-.'ünriïïff1 Wo li eili'y .'■ ; K .ijuujj, Thurwlay 21 liSJ 2: Bast Si J-'ïmiÏ M nday, 2 - ; üaifiimw City, Tutwda] Wednea l.iy, 27. ' u'i TNCOME ANÜ - SPECIAL TAXE3. U. S. ASBISTAKT AS8X8K0Ba OfriCt. 4ih Uiviiuji, sd 1)] A VN AltBOB -A.rmwil Taxes fop 1&7 I ara iiow ready to reccivo inrorne reto cialXax iLieen return lor purnoae of accommoaating Tax I-hjos oitwl 1 Ivfauon, whioh consiüts of the County of Wahtaii 1 wïïl be at the oittoc ui En h rost, 15 aSi sloie) ia tlio 1- OV YI'SIT.AXTI, Uu Uondaya, Ihe Wth and 25Ch inyi oí Mtitl, ir IN THE V,l tAGU OF MAXCUESIEa, "" Attho Peoplc'a Iiaui, Wednesday, tli icihj.IL' llurch, 187J, in OF 8ALIK1 O Thinadny tiie ilst day of Match. 1872 itibtr. ui C. II. WalUo, Esq., inthe Ylti.AW; OF DXXTBB On Friday, tho 22J day of Match, 1872, attkoSa:1 A. I. UruQe, Esij., aud at Lhu liuukiuufiicetáG' 1'. ülazier, jDi-, in tiit' i' CHEL8EÁ On Satnxday, tlu 2;id day ut' Mareb, 1S;2. Tax payen in t!.e seveial [im-ts of ihú lünna,iíi do not íi tocóme to Anu Arbortomal ;■ ial Taxes, can maketteirnni one of the above meationed placea. Lveiy jeitt failfng to make rotunm by the time roqoi I lilty Rrtta!,ísj{ot;j ia adtiilioii tu LLü propaz tax. i'.. .1. HAlU'.Y.AsüUUDtAMlüt. S5wi Estáte of Frederick Joh a Wanzeck OTA!' E OF MU I M ■ . X. o.mty uf Waihteui. m i At a áüdsion of the trobute Court for r, holden at the l'robatc Uto.Oí' Ana Albor, on '■ ., ia tho yeur oue thouaaj l're fud -; o of fVoiate. In the tu Ltu.4 oi thccsi - l kJciuFi U;i readiug nul ülini,' j.'.-iiriun,1: .. some othfi .-uiiuol-.' pei"bon, may I UUtttor of the ctn Tht-ieunou it is ordered, lliat Mncaj-, tlieeuh day ot' April next, ut ten o'i-Ioet in uoun, bo uösigued lor tho hearing of and th.u the heira at law of said ■ y oí Aun Arlor.Jt LJ any therc bc, wby tii ; ■ orden ■ . Quucutotbefoai tioa, iiiid the hearing tliareof, uy cau&sg i order : . . I circulating i succeesive weeka previoua to suiil I r copy.] HM )S6A Judgeof PniMlt be of Charles Burden. STATE QF MICHIGAN, oonnty of WuUeMMAt a seauoo ui the Probate Court for the 7 uf Wftühtenaw, holden at tLu J ■ city of Ana Arbor, on 'ihir-ciiy, tbc íomtK'day of Maxch, ia the year onetboosi dpud and ttereuty-tivui FrMt'iit Hiiani J. Be.ikes, Judge of Trobate. Ia the matter of the esmte ui CharJedlitiido, ■ . On revding and tiling the petition, dulyTeriw-Elizabeth M. Burden, pruymg that How Ltti c litable pereou, muy i appointei tdcoiatrator of ï) ■ . ued. it is oxdereti, tlmt Mimday, ü ap2 lity ui' Ai'iil no.i, :it. ten u'cluck in the fom be aibdgued tor Ih ; íaiíl peütica. - that the heira al l:iw oí sud deccascd, Aod all ■■ pafBQiia iutcrested m aaid estáte, ara required ü ; peai ai b .--. ■:■.! yi siud Court, then to be to?'' the Probüto UiÖcc, in the city of Aa Ar: cause, if any there be, whytlttjWWj . i tionor sliould not be grnnted : Aüd it i - th t ordered, that '-.oáx tí w i. i-i.jLN interested iü said estáte, of the pawW suid potitiou, an;i the hearin-_p thuroof, by d copy of thia order to bo pubiishe-t in the X&'!. i spaper printed and i-ircuktini ooooty, Üixee succes&ive vreelu previoustosuiiwï (A trqecopy.) ÏIIUAf -T. B 1865 ,.rri vte of J'oshua Downer. C TATE OF M-ICIUG AX, County of WhtnjM[ O Atasessionof the l'iobiit1? Court for tkiwg of Washtenaw, holden ui the t-robte OffitfJ City of Aun Arbor, on Satimíay, tlie 2[ of Maiih, in the year oue tUüUüOiia ? b drad und wventy-twi - Pwaent, Hirooi J . Boakes, Judge of P1, Iu the matter of the estáte of Jwbm W1 deceascd. .j ün reading anci fllinjj tlic petttion, duly te2, jSUcanah P. Dovrner, Executor, ptaying hJJ' be licensed to sU in.ain u..! - eddied wfized for the parpóse ofanW'7 i'iticeeds of such sale uaong the po' tU'd thexeto. v u, Thcreupon it is ojfdered, that Monáy, w " tcontli day of April next, at ten o'clock L, uoonx be aaadgnea tbr the hearing ofsawJ and that the legatees, deviseM aud ttlIllB tof said i ,i.ï all other person J" ed in said eatate, aro required to fj?r, t a BCssiun of said Court, then to t JST the Probftto Office, in the Cfty of Acn ArW. j aho.w cnuse, i f any there be, why l!:cF;l-'i peiitionci' utould "not ba granted: ifSS 3i-dered, that said petitioncr give notice to tw f, jitereated in suid estáte, of tho pendencio ipr íon, and tíio hearing thereof, by oíiu'Mí , ïli ibis order to be pubUshcd in tl.c -V''ííJ q&i lewspaper priated and circulating; n 'S, tour successive weeks previous to wiid t'ayci JA'SLCüwr-) ""gt Estáte of Scphionia Spear. S-TATE OF MICH n: A-N", Cunnly of '"f"?' i sessionoi ths froWeCouö ljrJK,i,ji í W len at tho l'ro'jftte 0B.ii raty of Aun Arbor, on Thursday, eJVí23 of March, in the year on tlieusanditag"1 " nd scventy-two. nt, J. Bi-akrs, JisJfroof I'rw, In the matler of the estáte of Sophr3Mt decvaaed. , , a i Gilmnn Wa itor of th l! ' TSrv nt of s;ik1 deceased cuinos info '",'" JTfcj . th:i: lio is uow prc-iuvrul tu uuW iiLvutuu as unen Mcrurgr. ihnrtp! Thereupon it is ördered, that Monto', V 1 day uf April nwit, :,t tem o'clofk " "■ aseigucd for examining and ."""Si uoount," and that thu legatees, deviscesjj' „. i Jt tow oi eaid deoeased, and uil othw PJi i. in siiid estáte, avo requivea w on Of Mü Court, thon to 1 MWf" , il I Offloe, iu the city af ■'■"",Ar f:St 'umity, and show cause, il' nny there '"-'■ account ahQuld not be allowed: A r onU-i anana interi i tntc, u' "'f ■ nut, and the hearing thereo?, %. tulJf, : i tour "C Irotu, 11 uewspapei printbd und circuí M"j M ounty, thi-ee öuccesaive weeks prcviuus Real Estáte for Sata, CJTATE OF MICH li.A N. '" ''['"bW' C) in Che matter of the Fútate ol ":u' ". „ersf f uu order gTantcd to the underswnefl, JJi nthdayof March.A. o. 18ÏJ, there wu' re6t,tthVliwfcat bjdder. at premisea hereinafter l' .faeSíí; , i-iniv of Waihtenaw, in id ' ""'■',, .„o'dt", „. thu üath day üf Apri!. A. P. 18. " „ofcr inoon of that day, (sul-j' '".i;. y morteage or othcrwise exibUBg ' ; iath "fM.M deceued) the fo 12551%! state to-wit: Tho west half o) "" ,7„ one ""'l ! terof ectioiitweiity-tlure.intowi'P „„f! ane X enst, cuitiiiniiiK vipnty ai"


Old News
Michigan Argus