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The Trial Of Wagner

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The trial of Hknuy Waoskk undcr au Inforuuitlon charglug htm witli the mur der of his wifc, Heniuetta WaghEII, d uring the night of the?2d ol Octo'uer lust, wiis commenced in tlie Circuit (,'oiirt on Moudiiy. In calliiiiia jui-y the regalar panol vrag exliaustud, and au order made for smnmonlDS tweuty regalarl; drawn jurofa to appear at 9 o'clock a. M., Tuesday. On Tuesitay Ulfiuvy WMCompIpted as follows: Edward L. Boyden Qeorge Canfleld, Morgan Q'Rrien, Homer Cady, Juuius Short, Manly Holbrook, John Ömlth, Thomas Smii-tliwart, John McElroy, Jüuliel Duf fy.Norma'j Clark, Chauncey Fosdick. The oase was opened by the Prosecutlng Attornoy, who stated wliat is wéll knowa to our readen ttmt on tlie niglit oí October 994 tut one IIenuy Wvunku, wlfe kept a fancy store at No. 4 Washington Street in tlii.s city, killed his wifeaiid cliüil. Waünek sume time d uring that niglil wout to the jatl, applied lor aduiiltauce, was adnilttccl, rematoed thore until mornins, was let out at his owu request, - liaying assitfiied no reasons for his condqet, - came up town, met his brother, and told liim thal he had killed his wife. Heaud his brother went to the store of Giíuner & Seyler, and to several other plices, told the samo story, and dolivered, QQ the kuys to tlie store, in the back prut of vhii;! he liviil wheq tl)c nur.ler was conimitted, requesting ihem sent to Mr. Ui:i iicir, the awner of the bulldlug, Ollicer Leonakd was iniinediiitely ciiled ai)il With others went 10 tfie building, and found Mrs. Waoser lying upon tUe door de&d, having been ütruck BCVoral timen .vita a Uatchet which lay near byj and also fouiul in the bed a son of the deceasert, between three and foar years old, still alive bqt wlth wouuds from ivhichhe (lied in a few hoars. The witnesses put qd the stntid by tiie prosecutlou substanliaU'd these statfincnts, ;incl ulso tihpwed that from very near the date of inarrlase, In the Jaly precedía g, the partios had not 11 ved toether In a state of peace. Kvldciice was also intro duced to show tliat the prisoaer had as slgned to his wife a martgage on certain property in (Jermany, and tbat labieqaently the wife hadexecuted a paper re assigning the same to the prisoner In the event ofherdeath. Alsu that on Suuday erening - that of the morder - the prisoner had gone to the resldeuce of one JJiss M k.HY .ln.i:v, vlo had urrangod to rcniuin In thu stuiv un Moiv.lny, to piu'uiit Mrs. y.o ser to go to Detroit, and notifle'l lier that Mis. Y. was unwe.l and would not yo uutil Tuesday. WitU tlils tho prosecation ri!8ted. The case for the defeilse was opeucd by D. Cuameh, Esq., who ndviscd tho Court and jury that tlurc would be no coutcst as to the malii facts. Tlioy would HiiNltiEiT-v W-'-üxi-.k was killed at tlic time and place chargud, and that she was killed by the prisoner, IIenry Waonbb The defcuse woulij be the normal unsouiuliK'83 or insanity of ihe prisouer. At this time, the case being slill Id progresa, we shall make no abstract of the evldence produced by prlsoner's counsel upon this point. We may, however, givt it aoother veek. Prosocntiisg Attorncy Uíil ís assistoil lv Judge Beakks and C. i. Gkant, and the prisoner is defended by Messrs. Lawhejkce & Frazieb aiid D. CatUBtt. It kis no! beeu our custoiu to resálate tlio conree of the Akous by the praise or censure of others, - though being mortal we by 110 !jie;uis ttpuru t'ie oue or covet the other,- especially by tie praise or censuro of those who havlug neither capital q out business nor Interest in our prösperity, woulcl yet díctate our conrsc to the promotion of tbelr owu schemes, regaraless of the best interests of the party unri the bighest nnd bollest iuterests of the coinraunity. Neliher have we puraued the legitímate course adopieü by other jourualists and gi von our-readers, through.oar columns, tkeir oten oplDlOD ol our paper, liut nffw thilt the chronlc gramblera are again excomumiilc:itins us fronj the party aud threaterring u with business anuihüation, i'or poü or other short-comiugs, or for uot accepting the two articlej ín their creed, " free whisky is die essence of Deinocracy " and "a barrel of beer will secure more votes thnn a chiirch," t gives us ploasure to copy a paragraph rom a business letter recelvcd a day or two ngo from one of the olclest and most reliablc Democrats of t!i CoJnLy. lic w rites : " I ani pleased wlih the views of the Aucus In regard toour present political positiou, and also in regard to temperauce In the city. I heard n little censure from one or t.vo, but tiiat has died a natural death. ' So mote it be.' " Thuuk yon I). W. P. Editor oí' tu E Ajtous: Will yon anuounce that the Most Keverend C. II. Bokges.s, Bishop of Detroit, will nrrive iu An Arbor oq Saturday, the Kkli nst., on a visit to the Pastor. The Most Keverend Prelate will, wc uuderstaud, officiute on Sunday, the lvth, iii St. Thomas' (Cathoüc) Cliurch, and on Monday, the 18tU, lio will preacli the pooegyrlc of Iré lan.l's great Apostle, St. Patriek, iu the above named church. We have heard the Most Iícv. Bishop preach on two or three occasiona, aud have no hesitatioii iu laylng Uial he is oue of the most accomplished and polished pulpit orators amongst his Uight Hev. ürethreu ou tlie Episcopal bench. The citizens of Aun Arbor who can a f tend the services in ët. Thomas' Churcli on Monday uext, will enjoy au iutelluetual treat of the higliest order. The High Mas will commence at 10 o'oloek, precisely. A. B.


Old News
Michigan Argus