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Ladies' Christian Union

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At tho i: n il il ineeting (! Ihi: lulics Ciiristiuii L'niou uf tUla City, beid Mare] 7tli, 1872, tliu (bllowlog ollicers were elct$ fur the eiis'uin year : FreiuleiU- Mrs. D. S. Woon. Viea 1'reMent- Mrs. K. A. Beul. Seerttary - Mrs. C. G Clark. 'Ireaxurcr - Mrs. JI E. Morwick. Tliu Board ot Maaagem, ccuiïittlng ■. ladles trom the four cliuiolics. ïvprescntei. iu tlie Uniou is as follóos : Mcthodtut-yU-A. i. A. Be:il, Mrs. Uoys Mrs. C. T. Wilmot, Mr. Steelt. Lon'jregativiial - Mrs. D. S. Wood, Mrs M. K. Morwick, Mrs. JU. L. Hubbüll, Mrs J. D IrlsU. Baptist- Miss C. A. Wilkinson, Mrs. ' . Ililioi), Mrs. Proi. Woirl, Mrs. l'rof. Olney. Prcubykriatt-Mïïi. II. Tarrant, .Mrs. JunDlug8, Mrs. Ivuiup, Mrs. 0. ü. Clark. Tliu followlug reporte were subniitted 'or the yeur enditi{ .Marcb 1, 1S7S: i;:;.lïi: ukk's hei-oht. BXUEUTS. Balance In Treamry, Vw-ii I W, - . ♦HU."2 :: teived tpr -. : ■;iiïi) ifees, - - 6 75 i rVoïii j.i iv;itt: doUatlOllrt, - If)i..r-1 HeL-LÍoU írum ïbuulugiving uoilotiout, Bd ílom 111111:1111 nUld, - 1.').IH) l ;u.i:. iuuilbt uu niocey, - Vi.'-iö Totni, ..,.--- $4ij.8C Exrr.NUlTUUKtl. Drnv.n by Visföng Coramittew, - - $273.64 Taid boon] af iliüi siu;il WUlott, at Uarper Hospital, ------ ;f..(o 1'iU'l Srrutury's büok und Blutiunoff, ■ l 8.pU Total of expendttans, - - - 35i il Baluucü in 'l'iu.iaui y, - 102. 02 Total, ------- $l63.8ü AU of %uiri i-; napeotfUlly tqbmlttafl ' KIXTIJi u Al. Ni; K, Treasiu-er. SECUETAKï's RBPOKT. lo the ojjicers and mciniicrs of the Ludies' Vliinuuit Union : The fleetlog hours and changlog seasons have broosht us agalu tu on of tliose 'alt ing places n uur tiisicry wiiere it is Qttlllg tliut we should look b:ick oveu tlie yur vvblcli s past, aiitl :iak Wliat h:is its ruconj been, as we Icave it, ciad in a robe of {MtteriDg white, with tüe ycars tbut liave gouo bcfore. We shouM also laok foi'ward and gird oursclvcs for future usefulntss in our cho800 field of Christiau labor. In submittinir the fourtli annual rcoort. your Secreta:-}1 nouid as briefly as possible review onr vork. Our irjonthly meetings havo beeu Int crcusing ia interest and iiumburs. We have canvassed the ennre city, and our ejinimltcej have eutered most he.u-Uly into tuc wqrk ol caring tor the poor, looklcg after the siek mul ïuilrm. iinding employment for tliose neediog work, encouruging the iaint bearted, and wlth words of comicil aud.praycr dlreptlajf themto thesource ol s!l liclp, Our coininlltccs, In lookiug aftef and cuiin Tor the sick and ncedy, have made 245 visite, distribated 196 part woru gur. nnt8 valued at 1 15.63, 210 yards of cloth, 14 pairs ot new shoes, and 12 new outsltfe garnieiits. üroceries, provisions, wood and rent, to wliat ainount your Treasurer's re port vvill show. lt is true that beggars have goite from door to dour iq our city, tjut In nu.irly or quite evcry lustance they have bpcn those whom we were helping or tliQBP who did Bot neeU assltftauce, and we have bu.-n obllged to leavB thtm to f q I o y thelr pro(ession, ;is they very well upderstund we will not help strect beggars. U'it we bu;ievp that uo sutTtírlug or worthy poor liave been uegleoted, but so long as people help Street beggars, just so loog wll( our coni' iiHiniiy be iniposed apou, We are evcry nionth more t rongly convinced thut drankenness i the cuuöc of inost of tlie sufferlng among t:iu pior. u;i, noiv many neartbrokeu rlvea and inothers are we called upou to assist, whose natural protector i.s drunk, aud bis helpless fainily sick and starviug.. Uli, tliii curse of our land, wheu shall its devastations cease ? All our lii'ii'ts ia tin: nasi to suppress In any degreu tliis awful slu, liavc scwi'üil in vain. In valu we hnportuued our city autuoritieu tu enforcé the law prolilblting the sale of intoxicating drink. lint at last we are glad to know tliat ne have a Mayor wiio w.ll do riglit, who wlth the uien associated with iiiiu in bis oilicial c;tpacity seek the best 'ooú of our city. Aud as Cliristlan woinen of-Ann Arbor, let uot tlie little iuliuence we can eïert be witliheld, bilt do all we eau to sustain a correct public sentiment. Let lis reineinber that a pebble dropped Into a h:ke will cause a ripplethat will'extead to the fartlier slwre. To the different congregations wliichcoutiibuted on Tliauksgiviug day, aud to kind frieuds who havo renilered us efficiënt lielp by furuisbing part worn garmeuts and bed diug, our thanks are tendered, with the hope that they niay always realize that " it is more blessed to give than to receive." Oue for whorq we have cared for moaths) a sick, ho.-ncless, ulmost friendlcss young colored man, bas, dnring the last few days, paftted away. We hope and trust that he has goue where the weary are at rest. Almost bis last words were he lult prepared to die and was only Aaiting. He gaveevidence of being a sincere Cliristiau, aud what we have doue for him, we did for the Master, for he was indeed oue of Ilis "little ones." While looking forward to our future work, shall we not, Cluistiau friends, realize the great respousibility of beiug almoners of the means God has placed in our hands, aud appreciate the blessed privilege we enjoy of behifi pennitted to work in auy part of Ilis viueyard. May we be enHbled to labor joyfully, uot despisiug the humblest task, aud as we eudeavor to labor in the (leid given us to occupy, with earnsatneea in our Master's name, we frust it has uot beeu iu vain, and tbat while we have assisted the poor and ueedy, we have also received tbs blessiuji of Ilim wiio said : " Iuasmuch as ye did it unto one of the least ol these, ye rtid it unto me." We had hopcd that tlio ill manncrs which iu times past have disturbed tlie lectures and other gatherlngs at the Methodist Oiiurcu, had been effcctually reproved ; but the conduct was rcncwcd on last Tuesday evonlng. If these young ladies aud gentlmen winh to know whether the lecturer uoticed them, wc eau Inform them that lic did, that lic was annoyed, was almoat ready to speak to them, and that only a kindness to them, iu admirable coutrast to their pollteness to hhn, prevented him. Do these yomig ladies and gentlemen mean to persevere iu thls rudeness until they are publlcly reproved by a stranger, or are requestud to leave tlie house ? lf so, we would suggest that orders bc given to a policcman, to euforce the State liw against disturbers of public meetings, without regard to persons. However, for the honor of our " beit society," we would prefer to appeal to the good sense of these persoug, and inquire, what return somc impolitencss, crjual In degree if not the same in kind, in their own parlors, would meet with ? Ill mauners in public is onc of the surest ïr.arlcs of vulgarity. ACDIESCE. EjpKVX Cmjpi.aintö.- In diseae pf tbo kidnoys i.(ii;i'iNK gjv8 imiiiütliato relief. It ha oever ■ i - ui.' mIjwi it i takun rcgularly, nnd dirw:tiuiiH followed. Tn nmny coaoa it muy takr Mretal bottloM, cspeoiiüly osms of long stiimlin. Tt nots direoüy upbn tho BOOKOttons, oleansin niM strengthaiiii;:, maoTing all (TVHtruotioiu and impurities. A ereat masj ooxi tattíf) tooasn of long stuidlng having been perfectly (mréd by Vk(i:tine, oven after trying" mtiuy of the known remedies wliich uie saiü to ha UlpIlWflJ ior tbis,


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