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NEW SPiHNG GOUDS FIHLET i LEWIS. Are uow rectiviiig thu moat complete and BLEGANT 8TOGK QF FUVE (0(1 IN THE I.INB OP BOOTS and SHOES EVER BliOl'QHT TO THIS CITY. AVISO THE I.KCMsIVK SALE OF THE WOBR OF ALL THE FlIlST-t I.1SS MAXCHCTCBERg IV THE COl'STRY, WE tA.V OFFEB TO tiSH ÍÍ5TOSEKS GREATER INDUCEMËNTS TILAN ANY OTIIER HOUSE IN TUIS CITY: We carry complete linea of work from E. C. III KT, HAY liUOTIlKKK, STBDWELL BROS. In CIIILDÜKVS FIVE SHOES, of which we hvu by far the larcaat and flucst nssortment orer bruuu'lit to Ann Arbor. Jf:is. SI. Uurt's Uent's FINE HAND. MADE Boots aud Shoes, unequaled orStyle, Durability and Jiuisii. John V. ïSurt's Boys Fine Shoes, and in faot a Completo Stock of ?INEsnd PLAIN Goods, saitablefor thisraarket, 1809 JEW GOODS FOB early mum urn - - - . WK HAVE JUST I1KCK1VSD TWO HUNDRED PIECÜS NEW SÏYLE PRINTS A Few Pieces Ilandsomo Dress Goods. Twenty-Five Piecos Cottonades. AJÏD n.WE ON HAND, BOUGHT BEFÖRE THE LATE A8Ten Bales Slieetings, Three Caaes Bleached Goods, Stnpe Shirtiiigs, Tickiugs, Battiugs, A full stock of Domestic Dry Goods And as usual offer thera for MONEY UNDEI4 THE MARKET. JOHN Hf MAYNAED. 1334w4 fUBNITÜBËT 187S. PRI8ON FÜRNITÜRI SAIMÖOMS 241 AND 24S MAIN STREET, JACKSON, EVIBCH. Our Stock t l'nu&ually Lare and Complete, nud Einbracci vrcry Varicty of FÜRNITURE ! ESPECIAL ISlilTEMESi'S ARE OFFERED. Inspect Our Goods and learo the Prices before Purcliasig eav-jp-p. BABY 1MRUM4ÍKS A SPEfaga# IALTÏ-A LARE ASSORTMEST pSfir A.B SEVERAL SOVELTIË8. Goods Deliverüd to R. E. Depots and packed by ouk8elv58 Free of Charge. RANSOM & KNAPP. 1363m3 jyj o n e y. TIlc BcbscribcrB aro st moet all times in a ellnstion to furnish partiet with money In eaniB of Flve llundrcd to Flve Thoasaud Dollars on unincumbered iarraï. COLMAN, ROOT KINNE. Auu Arbor. Jan. lt. 18T2. ISSStf JOITSALE CHEAP ! HOUSE and LOT No. 32 South IuKftllrt Btvcet, Aou Arbor, luquire o! N. EASTWOOD. 1363W3 Tll. 0, A. LKITEK CONTINÚES TO PüT UP AND FILL Physiclans Preseriptions, At all houre, at No. 1 Oregory Block. C. A.LEITER & CO. Ann Arbor, Dec. 22d 1871. vm GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO's for strictly Pure Brugs and MediciüLes,PaintB,Oils,&c.


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Michigan Argus