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Grant's Brother As A "tester."

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Tha oharges of nepotism prefcrred against Senator Schnrz by the Now York l'ines in connection with the appointment of hi brother in-law, Mr. Jussen, to tho ccikotorship of internal revenue Lor this district havo brought out a crushing Mr.' Jussen, tomporavily sojourniftg in Europe. Tho main charge - that agftiust Senator Schurz - is abso lutely refuted ; but, having the opportunity, Mr. Jussen has indulgec'.. iu Borne reminiscences of his official Ufe, tho trutfc of which is not only thor-,Ughly ostablished by places, persons, j.ud dates, but they are peculiarly fruit? al in disclosures conoerning the ïevol'atjon of the wheels within tho wheels. t'.iai run tho Internal Rovenue Dopart-:uent. We purpose to allude to but ore of these disclosures, which exfcibit Mr. Orvillo Grnnt in the light of a M tester." The story is an interesting one. Shortly aftor Mr. Jiissen had beea installed in his office, he made the aoquaïntance of Orvillo, and ono day was suminoned to Orvillo's store, when, after some desultory oonvorsation, tho latter coolly proposed to tho now collector to defraud the government, by permitting a cortain distillory to run doublé its registerod cajiacity - in other words, to oolleet tho revenue on half its actual product. That Mr. Jussen might not be utterly astonished at the coolness of this proposition, Orvillo hastened to inform hira that thero could bo no fraud in such a transaction, urging tlio disingenuous excuse that, if he deoliued, the governuiont would gain nothing, bocause it would collect only the revenue on tho actual product, and, if he consonted, tho governmont would itill get the same amount of moncy. As a clinchor, Orvillc proposed to mako everything right in Washington. In faot, Mr. Orville Cirant, in stating his proposition, put it upon a puroly mathematical and cash basis. His reasoniug was very much like that of Mephistopholes entertaining tho studonts in Faust's chamber : " If this bo so and that be so, then the other must bo so, also." As far as Orvillo stated his oquation, it was all right, but unfortunatoly one member of tho equation w3 wanting, and that, too, the most important of all - the little question of fvaud. Mr. Jussen, whilo admiring the mathemat'cal perspicuity of Orville, was too much of a metaphysician not to deploro the absence of tho moral features in the pbin, and so peremptorily and positively refusod to havo atiything to do with the ingenious plan to help Orvillo realize on whisky which had not paid tho tax. Tho story now begins to grow interestiug. Wo have sten Mr. Orvillo ürant iu the role of the Avtful Dodger. Ha now turns up as informar, and writes a letter to his brothor, the President, in which he denounces Jlr. Jussen and Mr. Blootnfieid, Supervisor ot' Internal Revonuo, as corrupt men and infamous scoundrels, and, in fact, stops short at no epithet in his denunciatkms of these official ingratos, who had rofused to entor his little ring and lot his frionds dofraud the government. Only give me the opportunity, siys Mr. Orvillo Grant, and I will prove that thesa men aro infamoii3 seoundrels. This iatcrüsting letter, our readers will reaiember, got into print about one Toar aso. Once more the curtain rises, and discloses a chango of sccne. J2nter Mr. Orville Grant as tho tester.. The ojv portunity has come sooner than ho expocted, for Mr. Jusaon had deomod it advisiblo to iafonu the Commissioner of Internal Revenuo, also Genoral Webster, the United States Assessor, also Supervisor Blooinfield, also Simator Schurz, oL the offer and the result. Now comes ürville again, six months after he mado his tempting offei to the infamous scoundrels, and after ho had expressod his dusire to prove them guilty of all the crimes in the calendar, and calis upon Mr. Jussen, and rolunteers the explunation that he had made the whisky proposition sololy for the purpose of testing his iutegrity ! - not his own integrity, but Jussen's. It will be a matter of cougr.itulation to the public to know that we havo a universal patent tester of official iutegvity among us, who can devoto his valuablo time, without hope oí roward, to the reforraation of tho civil service. Such instancos of selfdevotion to the best interests of the country and to tho causo of moral reform, ■with no hope of compensation beyond the approval of his own consciunco and the satisfaction, which always follows good actions, aro very rare in this naughty world.. Under 6uch an application of luoral tests the pi:ospects of our Internal Kevenue Departuient aro very bright, and as tho testor can " make everything right at Washington," perhaps he can influence the authorities to extend liisjurisdiction and give him opportunities to apply moral tesis iu the Now York Customhousi. Also, he might even be induced to offor his services to tho city and register the raorality of the aldermon and other municipal oflicora with his tests. Or- viüe is tho groot dcsicteiT.tum of our times.


Old News
Michigan Argus