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A Field Night In Parliament

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Lojídon', March 10. A remarkakble scone oocur, e J in House of Commons to-night when tjir Charles W. Dilko's resolvo to investígate tho exponsos of the Crown camo up. The Speaker called on Sir Charles for the introductiou of tho resolution of which h had alroady given notico. Visoount Bury roso to a question of pri vilege. As niembers of Parliament had taken the oath of allogiancc to Queen Victoria am hor successors, nnd as the membcr from Chelsea had avowed openly that ho was a Republican, he wantod to know if, witl a proper respect for the House of Cora mona, the member could bo allowed U proceed without ropudiating. Lord Bury was intorrupted by cheors ftnd shouts and thero was mucí confusión on al sides. Tho Speaker, as the House was brough to order, aaid ho saw nothini indo&sistent with the dignity of tho House in allowing him to proceed. It wns 110 part o the Speakcr's duty to interiore. Sir Charles then rose to put his motion amid great excitement and a storm o groans and choers. In a firm and mod érate tone of voico he called attention to the oivil list, and then movod for returns showing the duty of the Auditor, to whom ho makes bis reporta for each yoar sinco tho accession of Victoria, tho warrants issuod by tho treasury, with specifications of tho classes in whioh savings arose, and to which accounts those savings were transferrcd cach year ; also, re turus showing the income and exponditures of the Crown from tho Queen's accession to the present year. Tho amendments chargcd on the estimatos for feos on iustallations, for robes, collars badges, royal presents, tho conveyanco o distinguished personages, funeral of tho royal family, expenses in tho coronation journeys of the Queen, building and re pniring of pcilaces, court ceremonies, al lowsnoea to trompetera, waterinen, mar shals and chamberlains, and for service of royal yachts for ten years, and tiiiallj the returns of inooine from tho Duchie of Lancaster and Comwall, and of the to tal amount paid to the Prince of Wales. Sir Charles, having succeeded in reading his motion to the end, though fre quontly interrupted, proceeded to suppor it in a set speech. Derisive laughtei tras board in all parts of the gallerios, a well as on tho floor, during its delivery and the confusión at times was so grea that tho voice of the speaker was inaudi ble. He opened by saying that possibl; the motion ho ofièred wís unprecedented It was time, therefore, that tho precedan should bo established. He would diseuss tho quostion of allegianco at some other day. Ho denouncod sinecures and use less offices, liko that of Governor of Windsor Castlc, and trahted to know on whai principie of right Princo Teek and Prince Arthui wero allowed to oocupy lodges in public parks. Thcro was onee somc jus tificatiou in spending monoy for roya yachts,, for his late Majes ty, william IV. was a stiilor ICing. Nnw,. we maintainec four vessols of this dcacription, for wha reason 't Tlo abandonniont of tho antiquatcil palace of St. James was rocommen ded long ago, yet tbotisandst were spen thorcon aunually. He admitted that he had made a charge that the Queen pak no income tax. This ho had sinco learnec was not true. He thcrefore retraeted the charge, and admitted that he had beon inisinformed. He concluded b}r assorting that the civil list showed an increase o L10,000, aud that the taxpajers bclievec that a large portion of tho money was wasted. Aubern Herbert, member for Notting ham, seoonded the motion. The House had all tho timo beon ncisy and tumultuous. Gladstone rose, when order was resumed, and the members beoame attententive. Ho contradicted positively the statement that the civil list had been increased, and corrected Sir Charles sharply on other yoints. One who assumes to instruct the public, he said, must at least be accurate. He denounced as mischievous the speech made by tho membor at Xewcastle, and hintod that the success of his motion would bo equal to the success of that speech. In conclusión Gladstone urgod the House on every ground to rejeot the motion. Auborn Horbort endeavored to spoak, but his voice was drowned with groans and cries of "O, divido." Tho Speaker insisted on the preservation of order, when all the Conservativos and many of tho Liberáis left the chambor. Hcrbert attempted to continue his speech. He declarcd lio preferred a republic over a mouarchy. ïlere the interruptiou commenced again. The attempt was made to count out the House. Lord Geo. Hamilton called attontion to the demonstrations of persons in the visitors' and reporters' galleries in violation of the tho rules. The galleries were cleared, but soon afterwards reopened. After sevor:il attnmpts to adjouni, and varióos dilatory raotions, the House divided, with the tollowing result : For the motion, two ; agftinst, 274. Tho result was greoted with cheers and laughtor.


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