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- Tlu; telegraph stated a few days ago that tb' delégate from Kenton couuty to tho Kentucky Bepublican Stato Convention withdrow : bocfluse of tho adoption of a resolutiou iffcdpjiïig all members of tlio convention to support the noiuinees of the Philadelphia Convciition. 15ut the telograph didn't siy that Kunton County is the county in whicli Covinrton islocuted; that thu paternal Grant, though stricken with discase, is still postuiastcr at Covington, drawing the salary but diseharging no dutics ; and that this persistent nepotism, this uuwilliiiijiioss to relax the grasp of a fauiily hand api n :i $li,0Ü0 office, is what alienatcd the ]icnton county Republioana and led them to leave the oonvention. - - In a speech on the tariff, delivered by Senator Sherman on Tuesday last, he said : " Froe coal and frec sp.H mean free iron and free woolons, whether we rogard tho duty on coal and salt as a rovenue duty or a protective duty." That don't soaro us a bit ; we can stand free coal - cheap fuel, froo salt - cheaper meats, free woolens - cheaper clothing, and free iron - cheapor nails, tools, machincry and railroad8. That's the card, Mr. Sherman. - Senator Sumner denies the report that he is to preside over the Cineimiuti Convention ; also tho report that ho had notified his colleague, Senator Wilson, that they must soon partcompany; and, also, tho report that he had announced hisintention "soön toassail tho President and the administration in the Senate charnber with ail the po wer at his coiumand." Anothorbateh of reporta will bo ready for his denial soon. - Gco. C. Maynard, of the Elentrical Departmont of the Woather Bureau, Washington, was tho man who did the dirty work of Zack Chandler, by writing to tho Hastingí Banner that Senator Trumbull was retained by Johnson in the McArdlo case, and that the $10,000 foe securedhis vote against impoachment. - J. M. Parker, a earpet-bagger whose faniily pet resides in Lowell, Mass., has boeu nominated by the President to be Surveyor of Customs át New Orleans, rice Longstreet, resigned, and to the great disgust of the native colored population, who wished the berth for ono of their own race. - Ex-Collector Murphy swore beforo the Senate Investigating Conimittee, on Mondaylast, that Tweed, Tammany ringmaster, had "for several years controllod tho Republican organization of New York City." What say our Eepublican friends to that ? - Zenas M. Priest, late Business Superintendent of the Syracuso and Albany Division cf the New York Central Kailroid, has boen appointed General Superintendent of the Lake Shore and Hiehigan Southern Railroad, vice Hutch, resigned. - The cltizens of San Francisco protest against tho cession by Congress of a portion of tho ïslaud of Yerba Buena to the Central Pacific Hailroad Company. Can they pa}' as well as protest ? If not the railroad company has tho inside track. - Bro. Shakespeare, of the Kalnrmzoö Qazette, Democratie, announces that ho has perfected arrangcraents to start a morning daily at au carly day, aud that the project is recoiTed with encowraging favor. - Goshen, Indiana, gets $2,700 a year for licenses sold to saloon keepers, and the coimty $l,50O from the same. Down there thoy are evidently bolievers in tho saying "thoso that dance must pny tho flddler." - Ono Randolph Stricklawl, of St Johns, a "playod out" Ivepublican member of Congress, bas loaned the glory of his name to the woman-suiïragers, and was elected President of their organization by the recent Kalaraazoo Convention. - American oysters sell in London at 36, and English at 72 cents a dozen. Can the English oysterman enduro that and not clamor, like a Pennsylvania iron and coal man or a Saginaw salt man, for protection 'f - A New York Times Washington dispatch says that the friends of James F. Wilson, of Iowa, aio oonfidont that Grant favors hisnominatiou for Vioo-President. Has Wilson recently giveu Grant a horso or a pup r - Dawes and Garfleld condouin the troatment of the recalcitrant Senators, but without cndorsing the Senators. Imitating tho feat of " splitting a hair 'twixt north and northwest sides." - Vicky Woodhull addressed a communist cclebration in New York, on Tuesday evening, and predicted the triumph of cointnunism in this country. Didn't 8ho mean coinnumity-ism ? - A Republican Stato Convention has been called to be held at Jaekson on the lGth of May, to fippoint 22 delegates to tho Philadelphia Convention, and to elect a State Committce. - It is now out that G-rant bargained for a second term boforo consonting to accept a first. It was nioney, and not lionor or tho good of tho country, he hac in view. - The Toledo Commercial hasbeon having spasras : eaused by a fear that CliiofTustico Chaso is to bo nominated for President by tho Cincinnati Liberal Convention. , - Deaths in Philadelphia from smnllpox have averaged 200 a week during the autumn and winter. No epidemie within half a century has raged as long or proved as fatal. - Tbe N. Y. Post snggests that the Democrats will carry Nevada if Jim Nye .lorsists in being a candidato for re-elec;ion to the United States Senate. - Kalamazoo has attached a now well ;o her Holly Wntor-Worlcs, and now toasts of having "as pure water as any place in the United States." - Senator Suniner denios the report ,hat ho is to presido over the Cincinnati üonvention, and keeps a close niouth concerning tho moveinent. - Jay Gould has followed his removal roin the Presidency of Erio by rosigning lis position as director. Tho whole or lothing js his niaxim. - North Carolina conldn't stand Gov. lolden and iiupcachcd and removed hini : mt Grant nudorsos and oflurs hiin'the mission to Peru. - Tho coming General (Jonference of ie M. E. Church is to bo petitioned to jrovide for the ordinatioa of womtn reachors. - Chas. Francis Adams has considerarte backing for a noinination by the Cinnnati Conveution. There is power inthe name. - ." Money niakes the maro go" runs au old saw, and monoy carried tho New Humpshiro oloetion: so the Deinocra s say. - Some Swiss engiueera have projicted a nilroad to the simimit of Mt. Vusuvius, modelod aller the one at Mt. Washington. - Öeorgo W. Julián, of Indiana, is a Presiduntial candidato. Tho California woman suffrage woruou havu nominated him. - The Jumel ejoctment case, so long in Irogress in New York, has temporarily tuiinintited in a disagreoment of the jury. - The Republicana of Ehode Island, in State Conventiou convened, have endorsed Grant and Colfax for re-election. - Tho St. Putrick's day proecssion in New York was a very large one, being ostimated at from :ü,(K)0 to 50,000. - Rx-Senator Doolittle openod the Conneoticut campaign, in behivlf of the Demócrata, at Hartford, on Tucsday. - Hou. Jas. E. Beebo, late of Jackson, died raceiitly ut Davis MilU, Mississippi.Ir is now announied, by a Washington dispatch to the N. T. Tribune, that Judgo Davis has not accepted the Labor Reform nomination for President ; that the telegram of "thanks" was the invention of a newspaper correspondent ; and that Judge DAVI8 disapproves of "soveral important plank in tho platform : " for which we think tho more of him.


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Michigan Argus