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Tho anti-slavery d:scussion n thia State eeems to be stcadily onward. A correspondent ol the Albany Patriot writea from Baltiinore: "Wo can buy unti-slavery documenta now in this city at Shuriz &. Wilde'o Periodical Bookstote. The following are for ale; Review of West IndinEmancipation, by n Virginian; Bacom's and Pecks Pamphlets; Woyland nnd Fulleas Leners: and "Slavery in Maryland," ly John L. Carey of this city. Editor of the Bultimore American. Fredcrick Douglaus's Narralive is now circulating and being rend in this city, and five hundred copies nre still wnnted here. Thcy would be rend with avidity, and do much pood. And thus Garrison, who is proscribed here in persou, would be heard in Baliimore. in the burning language ot'his Prefuce to the Narrativo. Dr. S ewnrt. a noble-mindcd philnnthropist, the owner of 150 slaves and n plnntntion, is now writing a pnmphlct on slavery and emnncipatiun, nnd in favor of the fmcdom of the slnvcs. Dr. S. is a brother of Gen. Sfewart ol' this city, of wliom your correspondent some months since stnted, ihat "lic eold a colored wonian by whom lio lind children, wiih lier olisynng," his own flesh nnd blond, to Hope H. Sinter. No wonder Dr. Siewart údipgusicd wiih sliivcrv. when his own hroihcr is such a monster of iniquity. We nre ful! of hope in thie State. The "Saturday Visiter" is our leader. Pray for us, till hope is loit in viclory."


Signal of Liberty
Old News