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tytw jpvcvtiscmcttte. Thü residenco nf the subscribe!1. House Ni. C2 ftnd ,wo lot oti Ilurou Bticet, Eus!. Fosacmion glTn the Iftol May ii deöireJ. luquire at the Abous Uwitu, orof C. II. KICII.TIOM. Dntcd, Ann Albor, Muroli 20th, 1872. ISNmJ Tyi 0 N E ï W ANTBD. riveor 8ix thousand dollnrá, or more, od u mortgagu of unincumtiercd reul ejttito worth tbrct liraeB tbc iimount. JCnquire of 1 m E. W. MOKOAN. A LIMITED QCAN'TITT OF PITRE XOltWAY OATS 60 mts. They ut the bost kind we ever raisod. Enquire at thiH othcc. DAY & FKRDON. Ann Albor, Murch 20. 1872. IjüBwJ QI3S0LÜTIWN. The co-ptirtnership lioretofon; existingr bt?tweon tho undersigaed, undt'i the oamc of Ilenion A; Od this day liiysolved by mutuul conseaï. All accounts and debts of (wil ürm will be settled by James lí. (iott, wlio alo:ie 1 aiithorizcd ho to do. Dntcd. Ann Arbor, Murch lUth, 1S72. H. NEWELL HENIOX, JAM 128 IJ. (UTT. The usdenrigntd, haring purchased the interest ol S. N. Ilcnion, in the flrm of Henion & (iofet, will Cit-Re out the ontin . stoelt of Dry (Joods. Oirpet; and tiroC'.'vies ftt priva'e snlc, ot grimt biiririiris tor th IKXt aixty daya. Aller that time tho Luluncc will be &oid at nno'ion. All iwrsons indebted to tho flrm will muke iiumediatc pnyment to me. JAMKS li. GOTT. Dted, Mweh l'Jth, 1S72. I4a0wfl TACKSON WAG0N31 J A Car Load of JACKSON WAGONS jut ro ceWod at Rogers' Agricultural Warehouse. Those who wrtnt .'ackson Wftj;011 'ia(l botter jo for tbem now at the present LOW BRICES I íis tnere is Roo-! to be abont eight dollars addcd to the preseut price on account of tho advance In pricc of Wagon stocks. M. EOGEKS. 1308m3 ÜARMERS' STORE. CARPETS ! WE WOULn BAT TO THOSK WHO WISH JTO PURCH SE A NEW CARPET This Spring, tliat wc are now recciving OUR SPRING STOCK ! ! OU' CARFITIIE! WHICH WE W1IX SELI. POR THIRTY DAYS AT LAST 11MS' 1111 ! Which will make a aavin-j of 20 or 25 percm.. D'ii't fuil to tü (Win a cali as we have TilE CARl'BTá. Ann Ariior, Mirc!i 22d, K-'. G W. HAYS Supt, 13G ml Estáte of Lewia Meore, Sen. TATEOF MICHIGAN, Coanty of Waanton, . O At a session of the 1'robntc Coart ft the Countj of Waahteunw, bolden at the Probate OUlce, in tin City of Aiin Arbor, on WVdixvtflay, the twcmy-thst ditj of Febrnary, in the jreai oae thouaand oight hundrc;l íiti'l -even t y -t wo. Present ÜinunJ. lV-jikt-s, oí Piobnie. In the matter of the 1-istatc ai' JLowiö Aloore, flanloti deceased On ronding nml fUmgthe peiition, tluly verifu d,of Eli W. Upoftf! pmying th.i', Wilhum' Chocver, or soine other uittible person, m';iy bc appointed itdmin- tstiutorof th; estáte 1 sílÍ'I ilcceasci. Thereupon it ia ordered," tinit Momlay, the lifteenth day of April ui't, at tüii o'clook in the forenoon, ho asaigned for the homing OÍ said petiüOQ, ;u J that the heits at l;iw ot iiJ drctviscd, aiiü all otlieif persons Interested in auld estáte, uro requixed lo nppcui at u scAwion of süd Court, then to bc holden, at the l'robu'e otlii-, in the City of Ann Axdot, and show j canse, if any there bej why the prayerof the petitionei i slumld itiHbegfanted r Atvl it is ftntherontered, tlmt SHid petitionergic notirc to the iK'i"Sín interostod in mid eaUite, of the pendeuqy of said petition, and tl-.t hofiring thexeof, by causing ;i copy of tliis order to to puhlishod in the lili-hyun strns, a newspaper printed and circui.'itinp in Sftuooiinty, three succcteivc wceke pTOTÍtgHM to said doy ot bearinff. (A'tnieoopy.) UIBAM J. BEAKER, ISöB Judjreof Trobute. Estáte of James Bycíáft. STATE OF M WA IIGAN, CoimtvofWashten At a sesflioq of tbe Probate Conrt for the County of UTnhtenuy, holden at the Probate Office, in the Ctty of Aan Arbor on Momlay the eihteenth dnj of Miircli, in the year une. thottsund eljfht hundred and scvcnt.v twp. Present, Hlrau J. ïfeakes, Jndge of Probnte. In the matter of (.; estnte of James Bycraft, decensed. Oti raading nntï AWngthe petition, dnly vcrlfledof Bdwftrd Bjcraft, pmyinc that n cerwu instrnmtüit now n file in thft Court, purportinj; to he the last will and testament ot sara deceneed, ni.-y be admitted to Probate mul that he may be appointcd sole Execinoi' tbereof. Thercupon it ie orclered, that Monday, the fifteenth daj of April next, at ten oVlock in the forenoon beasslgned for the hearing of paid petition, and that the leñatees, devtsocsand heire nt law of said deceaged . and all other persons interested In cftiiJ e&tate, are requircd to sppear ataseesion of snki Court, then to be holden, at the Probate Olllce, in the City of Ann Arbor, aud show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petiiumcrRhouid not bc gnmted: And it is fartner ordered. that &nid potit oiHTive noticc to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of s.iid petition and the heartns thereof, bj caosing a copy of thia oroer to be publishod in the JHcftiqun Argv% a newppaper firintcdandcirculatingin said Countythree successve weeks previousto said rlay ot' hcarintr. (AtrnecopyO HÏKAM J. IÍEAKKS. 13ö;i Jaáse oí Probate. Estato of Anso1. A Ilokomb. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wafhtcnaw, f. Ö At u sesión of the l'rob;ite Court for the County of Washten.iw, holden nt tlie Tmbate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Tucstlay, the ninetecnth dny of March, in the year oue thousand eiglit hundred and spventy-two. Present, Hintm J. Beakes, Judtye of Probnte. In the matter of theestate of Anscl A. ITolcomb. deceased. On readinp and fllinff the petition, duly veriiied, ot Mnry L. Holeomb, praying thHt she and Jamen Lawrence or somt otlir suitable persons may be appointcd administrators of tíie estáte of said dewased. 'l'hereupon it is onlered, that Monday, the fiftronth day of A]iril next, at ton o'clook in the forenoon, be assicrnoil fov the henrinff of said petition, nnd tliat the , hein :it law of suicl deceased, and all other panonf intcrested in said eslate, are roquired Èoappearat asession of said Court, then to bo holden at tlir PtobttB OfflOBi in tho City of Ann Arbor, and how c;ini"e, if any there W, why the prnyer of the petitioner should not begranted: And it is further ortlei-od, thut saJd petitioner ffive notiee to the personK intereaifd in aatd estáte, of the wndency of Raid petition, and the i in? theroof, by canamg ft enpy of this oitler to be published in the Michigan Argus. n newspaper,printcd and circuiatinff in said county, three sucoeuivc weeks prcviouB to snid day of henrinif. (A tmo eopy.) Hl HAM J. BF.AKKft, 1S06 Judgc of Probate. ( Commissioners' Notico. STATE OF MICHIGAN, eoimty of AVashtennw, rb. a The ufKlersijrned, having been nppointed by the Probate Ourl for said counïy. CommiavtonerB to re. seive, examino nnd adjust all claims and demands of all MTfrons against theestnteof (Horfn B. (ioodinnr. late tt saiil county, doceased, liereby pi vc noticc that nix v rnontlis from date are alluwcd, by order of said b tnte Court, for credi tors to present thrir claims .-iainst j. he eatute of wid deceused. imd tlfcit tbcf will moet at he oiïiee of Hntchelder & lïrother, in thr city of fc unti, in said county, on Sif unlay. the Jilteontli dnycf Tune, and Wodncsdny, the eihieenth day of f er next, at ten o'cloek-A. m. of eneb of Raid days, o reoeire examine, and adjust said claim?. Dated, March 18th, A. D. 191%. JOHN R. CAMPBELL. KOKMAX BATCHBLDERi 1366T-t Commissioners. Finest A8sortment of Toilet Good in the City,by ï,Siruc;g{gig. I ]


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Michigan Argus