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Local And Other Brevities

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..Bemembcr the High Sebo umor r.hibition this evening. 1 Medical aud Law Commoiiccracnlswc 'dow„ for n-xt Wednesday. Butdf Sunday is calenda Tof March I one weck from Sunday next, aud Good fübj for Uie 2th- fïMay next. ' xhose " balmy airs -of spttog" rtoold begin to bow themselves, flou-t Muroun.i these puts vei-y muclily. „Thelectore'by oKflHo öu 's'1? kttnlng was the vcry best of the season. Hlssubject as Wii.i.iam Wiliikhfoiice, tutbrltilmit penpovtrail sf fox, üu.uíh, fnsKiDAx and other prominent cotempn„ries were jrouped around tUe ceutral llgThe-EscapertNun" faïlcd tó tt in K, ,p(iearaiice at the Opera House on Frieveulng last. Probably becauae our dtliens tlid uot hite at thescnsatlon- prosjticttgfeUi Vnè oumerouslj as was expetted. -The celebratlonof St. Putrfók's dny bf our Irish frllowcitizens, on Monday UK, n8 a succes. We hear the eulosy pronounce.1 by Bishop BorOEs, at St. Ihomiis' Churclu spoken oí in high terms, isdttie school aihlbltlon at the Opera Jousc gave general -f atiiTaction. _A man was heaid to reinark the other diy, that " should the cltizens' ticket lií'succíssful. fir8 woilel STOW iu tllK dreeUof Anti Arbor before their term of ojee expres." Wel!, woaldu't H be better brgrms to row lo Ihe streets thaa for dronken men to line the ;itters ? _ Col. W. GoodhüK rcpovtecl "hiin.; the Akmiki oflice a few rtftjw ano, utl rrquested ns to gay that he and liis ioo4 bad closefl a.contract for clearing anti piíllng the flve Wn of itUe Toledo, in Arbor n1 Norrtérn Railroall lying beífwn the Salino Ktar, at Mll.n, and tlic Sacón. They commence work on Monday I nat. Goodiiüe kuows liow to do it. - Two calis bave broii positií fór aicMblcan City Conventlons: onc by tlic Jjly Committec for next Tliursdivy even Iiij, Ihe 38th ; and oneby tlic'Chairinan A ttc:vcral Ward Commli-tees for lait even lig. We are nnabie to discover that eíthcrls In tlie interest of-the 'Liberal Reprbllcin Convention" to be held ut ClnclnnaÜ. - On the SOthdayof March, 17T2, ore iondred yeara ugo ]Mt Wcdncsday, Thomas Jkkkkkson p'anted "hi latir wop of peas." If it wasn't 65 or 70 wan tMonticeüo Ihat day than lo our city century later, Wednesday mornlng last, the peas wouldn't have tluinked Thomas Jiffekson to plant tl.em Think of the nercnry, MurcliííOth, marking from 4 to 7o Mbuztro, with a keen nortliwest wincl la den with íte süvers asêliaTf, as needles. Wiew ! A laeoe Repuhlioan meeting was held ïaHangsterfer's Hall on Wedneslay evcningcalledrto endorse the City Coramit&e nd con'demn the action of the bolters ot"irregular8' ia calling a secotid convention to be held frst. JAMES McMaüo.v m called to tho chair. The action of the City Committeo hiiving boen stated bv its chairman, R. A. Bea.l, the meeting was addrossed by Judge CoOLEY, ïon. Chas. Tku?p, 3"ioifiont iA.xgell,, 2t. L. R. Fisk, Prof. Tkx Buook, and ïrof. Palmer, who ignored all committes and endorsed the eitizens' ticket, ïessrs. Cramer and Dean justified their ot on in calling the "irregular" conventioa, aud Mr. E. D. Kinxe assignod bis Monj as a member of .the City Coiniitteo for joining in the cali for a con''eation on the 28th. Somc spicy things ere said, and the tone of the meeting s decidedly opposed to a Re.pubKcan tet being nomiuate'd, and in favor of tte Citizeus' Ticket. The "irregular" Kpiiblican caucngeB we held on Wednesday evening, deleK'tes elected to the "irregular" city conientian, and tho following ward candites nominated-: ? Aldermen- Ut Ward- A. A. Terry. 2d _G. y. Hauser. ■M ■ - William.Allaby. 4th ■ -Edwin "Vantterwrker for 'uil term ; G. .Fauth for vacancy. 5th " -GeorgeH. Ehodes. tth _w. D. Sraith. W Ward- Chas. Boylan. 2i _John Field. M " - Albert Scudder. 4th _Wm Corselius. 5th " -Nathan H. Pierce. tk ■ -Thos. L. Hewitt. - Report -ays that the caucuses were y attended. The Chalrraan of the last Democratie }ty Convcntion failcd to announce the CiT Committee prior to adjournment. If Ppoiuted after adjournment, as It was 'kte 1 vronld be done, the nanu-s were not aded lu for pubücatlon. Ae Ward Committees, so far as pub'iShed, are; Jm Ward-J. H. Morris, P. Marshall, J. J4 "'i-d- Jn. N. Gott, Etiward Clark, PLutz. D Wlne2ar, II. -Paol, R.1ward ! Wardn. Beahan, L. Gerstncr, S "bíter.


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