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The Citizens' Ticket

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Pursuant to uotice tlic eltizens, irrespcLi ive of party, beid a mass meetiug on Frl day evenlag last, to noiniuate candidato for city and district ollicors. Tlie Court beinjt In ession the meeting organlzeri by electiiiK Hou. Tnos. M. CoOlBY Chainir.m and Richard Bkaiiak, Esq., Secrctary and ailjourned toFircnien's Hall, wlilcli w:ih (lensely packed at tlie tap of the bell, Ieing a large numbm' of anxiuiis ones " out in the cold." Business bilng resuined at the hall, a conunittcc of four from each wanl - twonty foor In all - was appointed to recomincnd candidrttes, whleb commiUcc iiuniediately retirad for consultatiou. DurtQg the absence of the cominittee the meeting "'as addreued by liev. Ur. Uockbk, who strongly cndorscd the efjbrts ol thu Council to regúlate Uin trafilo In liquor.s, etc, and called upon all lovers of lavv anti order to rise above jnrty for a brief perlod and iiiiitc in malntalnliig the authoiilics. Dr. Cockeii was (blloWöd by J. Austin Scott, Ksq., Itev. L. R. Fisk, Jas. McMaiiox, and J. G. IjKIasd, who took similar grouuds. President Anokll was cailed out and excused himself ou the ground of living a new corner. In due time the committee returned and reportcd, recommending the nomluation of o.iiulidutes as fbllowsi For Mayor - Sii-as H. Dou(lass. For Recorder- Stephen M. Wkustkk. Kor Justice of the Peace - Full term- Bkaua.v, vacancy- James McMaiion. For Supervisors - lst andSci Wards- William A. Hatoh. 8d and 4tli " - Alonzo A. Gresory. 5th and 6th " - J. Austiu Scott. For Collectors - lst and 2d Wards- John Keek. 3ú and 4th " - Nelson P. Hill. Sth and ih " -Eli Manly. For Aldermen - !st Ward - íosliua G. Leiand. 2d " - Hfury Kniuse. 3d " - WlHttoB W. Whedo. 4ih " - Moses Kogers for full term ; Elijali W. Morgan for vacancy. 6th Ward- Moècs SSeabolt. 6th " -Wellington I) Smlth.; tor Constables - lst Ward- Charles Boylac. 2d " - Joseph J. Ellis. Sd ' - Jortln Forbes. 4th " - Willlam üorelius. 5th " - Newtou Fclch. 6ih " - Maíqtiií 1). Miller. The íour candidatos marked wtfh a are uow holding tlie same offices for whicli .they are named, and ren rcnoiulnatert as a direct eudorsement of the posltion thcy have oceupied during che stonilj' ear just' drawing to a close. The report of the committee was accepted, and the several candidates named nomiuated unanimoiisly. Mayor Douglass was tlicn caïlfed ont and in a pointed speecli revie.ved liis action for the past year, and xa.e liis fellow citl zo to anderstand that if re-elected tlie same pollcy woulil be pttrsucd until a bet ter one coukl be devised, and that DOthlng woüld be left undone to establisli and main tain the reputation oí oiir city as a Uw and ordur'community. The meeting was aleoJÍAre96ed byJadge COOLBT, aller whicli it adjourned. ïc Reporter was especially. fortúnate in h&vlttg the pleaawe i'f attendlng tlie festival givcn by the Good Templare, on ThuraÖay eveuinjj last. It was. indeed, of i veil,ty, a time and place wkere tlie full iutent and pnrpose ói :i " fcasl of reanon andflyw of iotd" wan had. THe nörnber of tiesta ' preseut- althOQgl) n especial eff.rt h-ul been made iu the way of pabllc notlce - was ; neariy two liundre 1, ain m wii m, Lifgely reprftsented, were tbat better poction of thu hunimi fimlly, - the ladies; and-, 6f coarae, alvraya opportune, where tliey are wantln-j thcre will be very üttle of lliat ComjDodlty known as the flow of sou 1 ! fcr, luöéeti, in the opinión of yooc mojest, MtlfluKi "'t' cent reporter, tliey are to the stoical, cold and Indlffjrent liege Igrtls of cartli . w!nt the locomotivo is to the train- a poêitive, yet piséive piecc of macliinw,-- all powKi'ful to move and draw all who ful! within t'ieir wake! OTtlu represen t'ui re i of t'.;e dilfirent pu'pits In our city, we were pleasM to ujlici, Rovs. Hubbell, Flsk, Haske'.l, iinú Doffleld, who respectively made extended and appropriate, as well us tellltigremarks, settin-,' thegreat subject of temperance before tlieir andience in an entire new drcss-quite acceptable to even thosefastidiously literary gossips who have long since denoanced tte' subject as thxead-i bare, the cause a failuie, and itslecturers a u 1 advocates great bores. After the remaras of Uie Hev. gentlemen, the chalr man air)ounc;il an original pocra, by J Q Wing, Es ;., entitl -A "Pandemonium." After thj a r.'ises, supper was announced, and the appetiteE, alpe idy made sharper bydelayanl the Intellectaal repast gtven the mentil man, went to work to regale tbe inner rnan, r.ud the bivalves, whioh were In great abuu lance au.l prepre;l iu a style in whicU eplcmes do ,inost rellsh, toy;ether wlth coffee, cake, etc., etc., put away with a rusto that hungry inortals kjioiv how to assujï'c. lusic was iurnished bytheladics (vúriug the ttvcnlag, which was very gootl, aiul which lont ackUMonal interest to the occasion. Great credit is !ue the ladlea of, the committee, to ivlioin was eutrustecl the gettios up - as wellas management - of the entlre, which, by common consent ws (foclaretl a perfect success, and a happy time long to be remembered by all who rvere present. __ The trial of Henky Wagner, coarged vvith the mnrder of hls wife, was complcted on Frklay last. The case was given to the jury by Judge Uigby at J}4 o'clock A. IL, in a charge coucecled to be ciear and fair. The juey was out just two hours, and Uien carne luto Court and rendered a verdict of " ííuilty of morder in the firs; degree." Satnrday moruing he was sentencei to soll-. tary confinemeut and liard labor for life, and was taken 'tip to Jackson on Mondny. In the case of Philip .Tuoxs, cunvicteU oli burning miichincs to defraud the insurer, a uiotion for a ne;v trLal wa denled, and he was sentenced to the State Prison for Z% vcars. Qeo. M. McCoy was convicterl of larceny and sent to prison for six months. Two or three judgments were rendered on default, aml GkrrUKB Weiïbiiucht and Matthew Albkr admitted to cilizenship. - The Court adjourn;d on Saturday to May 7th. In tho appropri.tte place will be found a cali for a Democratie City Convention, to bo held at the Court Ilouse on Thursday evening, March 28th ; and also for Ward Caucuses to be held the preceding evening, Mareh 27th. Theso caucuses should be largely attended. Mrs. Sibyl Lawrence, wife of Jufle Lawrekck, and one of the most estimable women of this city, rtied on Wednesday forenoon, of consumption, havingbeen long a patiënt sufferer. Her funeral will take place this afternoou at 2 o'clock. Her a"e was 53 ycars.


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