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Common Council Proceedings

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CouNciL Room, Saturday evenlog, } Mareb Hn. 1872. 5 Councü met pursuunt tu cali of Ui Mayor. Present Mayor, Recorder, AM.Lelaud Borg, Manu, Gott, Peek, RbodM, Portci and Sinltb. Ou motlon of Aid. Gott the readldg of the minutes of the last meeting was po.npoued. Aid. Manu Imviug, rs directed by the Councll, obt:ilned the bond voteil by the city in uid (f the Toledo, Aun Arbor and Noitheni Rallroad, lrom the State Treusurer, delivered the same to the Council. On motion of AM. Lelmid, tbc Recorder was directed to count and report the denomlnatloiu and amount to the ConncilReeordec reported ooa hnndrad 500 bouds, onu bnndred ?2i)ü "jonds, aud three huudred $100 bomls, ainouotlng to f 100,000. On motiou the report was accepted aud ailopted. On rootten of A KI Gott tlic Recorder was directed to bvirn the bonds in the preseucc of this Councll, whicli ws done by the; Recorder as directed. Aid. Etliodea, of the Finance Committe., reported the íollowinií blll, which, ou motioOj whs atliQwed : %- C. B. Portar, $12.úO. Ou molion of Aid. Portel the Recorder was directed to have the proceeding of this meeting publishi'd in the city papers. Ou inotloff the Council adjourned. 8. M. WEBSTEIi, Recorder. S&ifytr for April lias a IialMozen lllustrntecl anieles Tlie -Mare Island (Cal.) NavyYarcl, by Jolin S. Wallace ; Curiosities of ■'lant Lüt, by James Kichurilsou, iut.e rest pg to ill lovers of Natural History ; Hldlen Treasuivs.ot' whieb we neetl only say bat lt is by Prof Schele rte Vere ; The SIent College at Washington, by Amos G. )raper, uu lumate ; At H:s Gate, bhaps: x - xii , by Mrs. Oüpliant ; and Etcliings, In which P. Grecu emulaics the Grand Duke, ïunts and kills a buBUlo. ïhere are a ïumber of sliort stories, scveral bright essays, aud a aumber of poems. The most notlceable, perliaps. are : Awakened Japan, by No;ili Brooks; With the False Prophet, a Iormon Wile s Slory, by Mrs. A. Knffens perjier; A Kussian Eister, by Eugene Sclmyler, BS'igunable ; Back-Log Studies, by Oharlts Duilley Warner, the foorth oi' ïis excellent series and the One Human {ace, by Tayler jjewis. Anions the poeins are: Cluistus Pacillcfttor, by Samuel Wolcott; Eister, by Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney; and Comnton Things, by 3. W. DulBeid. lu the editorial departments J. G. Holland has is sa.y on suveial topics, aud sys It vellPlus brllllaut namber aloses ttiethird volune. ÖCKUixKii & Co., N. Y. IM -4 ■ ■ Nortijekn Lanus; or, Yoiiug América In Jtussin and Pnissia. A Story of Travel and Adventure by VVilliam T Adam. Boston : & Sliepard 1872. Mr. Adams Is ve!l knowa to tlie young reader us " Oliveu Optícs," and his numerous bDoks of travel and adventure are familhir as houseliold worcls. The volume under notice is the second of a second series af ■' Yoang Amerioa Abroad." The first took the juvenile tourlsts of the Acadenvy Öfluadron " Up the Baltic" nnd introduced thein to Nonvay, Streden and Den mark ; this one carries Ihem tiju'oiigli Kus ■Slii and Prussh, the being a les kuowu KglOl) FecelvipgA!& grcnler atten tion. The author wriles ironj his own knowle gc and observatlou, and writos not only to be reaU, bat toinstruct. Ilis young frlends wlll give liim their usutl hcariy trelcquts. - For le'By Gilmore & Fiskk. The Marcli number of the AUanlic Month (y opens with iiuoem by Longfellow, The Bailad of Gainiilliun, and Mie other poenii are i'iié BrewlDg of fiomu, liy John G. Whlttler; The Brook's Messaje, by Kate Hlllard The Idyl of Battle IIollow, by Biet [iarte Iu the sei'iul linP;irton glvet auotber Installment ofhla life f Jeiierson, follovrlnu his career in the Hjuse of Burgesse# ; 'lunii-s Du Mille part IV. of A (Jomedy of Terrois ; Nithaa el Uivvtliorne part iv. of Septimius Feitt, or the Elixir of Life; O. W. Holmes part IV. of The Poet at the Breakfast Table ; and nu unnamed writer part ïv. of Diverslona of tlie Echo Club. B-'sides, we hive: Qilte Sj, by T. IJ. Aldrich ; John Brown in ijiassachiisetts ; liiïii'.iTAtion, by Edward Jarvis; Taine's Eoglish Ijiterature, by II. Jauus, Jr; Keviewa and Notes on Art, -Music, Science, and Politics. James It. Osgood & Uo., Boston. Tbt umlcrsineci is reiwly to reccive pupils in cultivution of thn Voice and in Instrumental Mumíc. 1ssons 'ivcn nt bis residence, No. '10, cor. of Thomrsun and William Strects, and nt tho housea ot pupils. Addros, Postofhce-Bui 6.11. J. E. SAOE, Teuchcr. llnrclxd, 1=72. 13GMÍ


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