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J WnKti:, ITivt t..r. H. II. McD(W4ti 4 Co., Druit--:r Gen. AgMU, Iu Frxndiro, Csl., luid 84 CoinmorcO Uitat, N, V, MII.I.IONS (car Tcslimony i Ihcil Womlirlnl Curativo Uitreis. They rre Kot s vil I'ancy Drink, Marie of I'oor Rum, Wlikcyi l'rool" .Spllils nnd Kiln I,ijli(irs iluclnml, fipieed and swec-teneci to pícase tuo tast.'.cullca "Tojiicj," "Appctizcrs," "lk'?toror,"to., thatlcrïd the tippler on toiUunkenneftsrind ruin, bu tara ïUrue Medioine.inade frOftlttMKftttrfe KootH andlïcrbs of California, Uree froui nll Alcohollc HtlmuInnts. TiicyarctheOREAT HI,OOI I'URIFlKUntul A MFE UlVISfJ PIUKCIP1.B. a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the SyRtein, carrying ofT all polttonuun matter ttlltl restoring tliebiood to a hcaltliy conditíon. No pcrsoii can tjike these liit tera accorrtinK to diroetioim and reinain long unwell pravtded thetr bonea nro not destroyed by mineral polaan or othcr jr.c:iiis. and tlio vital urbana wasted bcyonrt tho )ointof repair. Tliuy are n Geutlo Fni-srativu a wcll nn. TuuiCf poa.sc3sinp, alfio, tbc pectili:trmerlt of acting na a poworfnl opent in rolievlDK Congestión or Inflauimntion of the Ijver, and nll theYlscaral Organs. VOlt FE.11ALE COJlrLAlNTS, inToiiKtror oM, nifirried orsïngïö, at thedawnof wuinanhooü vrat Ue turn or life, theso Tonic Bitters havr: no equal. Fol' Inllaininatiiiy amY ('hronic Ulieiiinalinin nnd out, Dyspepaln oí' ) ndiaenllon, üilioiis, Itcniiltint nnd IntnriniiiruC I'cvcr, DUflaaea of tho lilood, I.lvcr, Kidncys Bad Ulaildrr.thosellittcrsIiavciMienmost successful. Sncli DIficnscs are cansedliy Vitialed niooil, whit:li to generalij produccd by derangement of the Digestivo Orctin. DVMlMil'SlA OU INDIGESTIÓN. Hiadache. Pain in thoShouldcrs.Uoiifchs, TitUtutss of ïho Client, JDizsüMMi Sour Kructations of llie Stnmacli, lïad Taste in tlic Mouth. Bilious Attactts, 1'alpitatioD of tbo Ucart. InHamraatioD of tbc Ijuncs. Pain in tiio reffions of lbo Kidneys. and a btindred otber painfu] Binp IQim, ara tbo oilsprings of Dyspepsla. Tliey invijroruto tho Stomacb and stimulatc tbc torpid Liver and JJovrels, wljlcl) reader tbcm of mnKiualled efficacy in clcansin? the blood of alt impurities, and impartiiiff new life and visor to the wliulesystem. FORSKIMHSEASES, Empilona, Tetter. Salt Rheum, IJUdches, SpoUt Pimples, i'ufitulcs, lïoils, Carhuncloi, Kin?-Vorms. Bóftld iloa'l, Sore Eyes, Erysipplan. Iteh8curf, lis.roIürationH of the Skin, Rumor :unl t of tlio Skin. of wlia'-i-VT name or nature, aro Jtlerallv dufi ui) and cnrriwi out of tbc systcin in a Bhurt tjme by the usooi theso Uittera. Ono ljottie iu ahrh es-s wi.l convmco tbo most increduioua oftUelr curativc efTecTs. Clcanflo the Vitiated BlooJ wbenevi-r yoti flii.i iis impuritiei borstlog liirouehtuo Itkin in Pimples, liruptiona or Bnrcs ; cleansc it wlicn you Gnd it ob&tructed ftn'l slti.'rïiisli In tho veins: cieanso itwhen it is foul. and your fcelins fdU tcllyouwhen. Keep the litaod pure, and tbc healtü of tbo system will folloJT. l'in, Tn pc, mul otlicr W'orniK, lurkine in tii system of bo raany tbousands, are cffectuaUy destroyei and removed. Say a dlsttnaiiUhe4 pbysiologis', t.icre is scarcely au individual upon the face oftlto carth whose body is eiempt froin tho pr.-senee of worms. It ia not upon tho healrhy clementfl of tile body that Vforni1! exit, but upou diteasm] liumora and stimy deposita tbat breed thesa ïinng raoiuten of diaeaíí1. No System of Mi-dicine, no vei'inifuses, üo anthelmintics wili freo the system froiü woruiB Uko these Bitters. J. WALKER, Proprletor. R. H. McDONAI.D dr CO, Drnïgiat8 and Gen. Aírente. Sr:; Francisco. California, and 32 and 34 Commcrce títreet. New York. WarSOLl) BY ALL PRUUUI8TS A.ND DtALKKS. Iupl IL I R n jP ï To pnv peñón prodnclng nny HedMné M to show one-thlrd as ïnauyTivimr, permanont coca " Lr Kitik's VEüKTAiii.i. U]n.r:jA-i'.; Kr.ui'uT ; ii' n firih trrtvard af $100 f.r any case oiclironic r lnfliintoryRheiimstUii. Nenralfila, Kluumntic Aeue, sciatlco. BiiüKhcBraatiHiiol the Kiducjsit will ndcurc. 'XhUBb uiniiiic 8yrnp iuiJ tjiitaroIjf rnif,ii)fiaanttotlic tnste nnd pinranteea freo frouiinjarious Drugs, ltis nut aackl Hedttaiia bntthcscientiflcprescription of Jos. P.Pitler, M. D Profêssorof Toxlcoloj!7 and Chemlitrj, eridnateorthece)cbtd DuWerelty of I'. un-ylvmiiR, A. 1). i-.ii?, whose entire profeselona] Ufo ha beer. levoted epecially to tuis dUejse. Thla preiaraUon andersolcmu "oathiBconselontiotiily Itclioved to bo thu ni:ly iipocitivc. rcliablc. lotalliblo speclflc ever discOTRGod. ..Tho pruul tiiat no otbor spetiflc exits fonpd in cverv comiannity in persons afflicted f,)rIM Bflffering. 1 riciant cnuld cu'i-c it, il' a tjieefl; dil , !' iwt be to,- afact that mn ally admRted. The oftdeceivc((-l!ifierur mav wleelyask. wbut secnrlty matic 8yrup will cure hiscase. The prol .tiitopaticntsii'-ainstimposition is in a tegally Btgned con. tract whichvvill hi forwarded wit bom churce to any sufferprsenüinsby lrttera dflPCrtptlon oí afllictlon; thisgiiirantcc wiilïtnte the f:ict ïiumbfr of bottlea warrantcd tö cari and In w of fiillore Jho moiioypald wHl le returiicd to thj patiënt. No otner.reinedy hasevorbecn ofleri'don such libcrnl and honorable terms. Medical advlce, vith certificaten from prorrtineut lli skiftiiM, Clerpymen, etc. , who hvc been c::red aftcr all other treatmouts bavefalled, sent by letter, gta tte. Affiitted cordiallvinvitodtü writo'foi advies to the piiuclpal offlee, 45 South ïourth Street. Philidelphia, l'a. Dr. Fltler's RhenmalicSyrup is sold by I)iug(;iet8. R, W. EllisSCo,,Sole AgentB.Ann Arbor, Mich. O E AR YE! E. Í. JOHNSON HAS A FULL STOCK Ot' HATS & CAPS I FALL AND WINTER. Aleo a large efock of Ladies' and Gents' Furs ! Hls STYLES A.&.JB THE LA.TEST. H1S GOOÜS THE BEST! AND HIS PfetCSS TUE 13 Jtac e:. m e:s rmrm Alto a ful] ü'ncot Gents' Furntshlns Goods 7 Smith Main St., Anu Arbor. PÜ.INTS P Al MTS Oils Oils Oils Varnish r Varnish Varhjsh Brushes Brushes Brushes MINERAL PAliTS, &c, LOOK TO YOUR INTEIiEST AND CALL ON B. W. ETJJS & CO., HEFORE PL'RCIIASINO GotoR.W,ELLIS & CO's' i for choice Winos and Liquorp 1 for Medical Purposes .


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Michigan Argus