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Inebriate Asylum At Binghamton

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The New York Tiines says this institutiou has bceiv eelf-sustaining for the first time (Juring tho year 1871. The surplus of inoomo over expenditures was $2,039, ■while in 1870 tho deficiency was $.5,046-. "Whou Dr. Dodge, the present Superintendunt and Physician of the Asylum, took of it, IS uionths ago, it was fer from nourishing financially and had only 54 patient.3. During tho last yoar 244 patients wero admitted, 230 wero disohargod, and thero aro now 88 patients in tho Asylum, showing that an increased number of pationts have been informed evud aro willing to take advantage of the benefits which it confers. With regard to tho success of the Asylum as a curativo establishment or reformatory, whichever it may be called, the report says that, of the 2IJ0 pationts disohargod during the year, 184 "ware disehfirged xrith great hopes of a permanent roformation," and 46 were " dischargod unimrroved." But in this latter elass a large number wcre, doubtless, patients committed for a term of threo months by magisörates. This is a most encouriigiug exhibit. Inebríate Asylums hare an important advantago ovr any atiempt at home cure. In the social circlo a confirmed inebriate is regarded as a very groat sinnet, if not as a criminal. He roucives little sympathy from bis immediato family, - loss from his acquaintances. His eÉforts at reformation meet with, at best, a stern rather than a synipathetio oncouragoxuent. Too often they aro snoered at, and too often the unfortunatc viutim beecuoe restless tuador tho microscopio scrutiny of those alxut bim, and, from being restless, he becomes reckless. In an asylum the caso is totally different. He is treated with the utmost consideration, as a gentleman. With tho osception of tho officials, all aro patients Hko himself, suffering from the samo disoase. He seos overy day aroand bina thoae who aro already much boneñted by thetroatmont. He seos that thü discaso is curablo, and a gush of hopo thrills througli his own shattered frame, and he no longer oonsiders himself lost beyond reclaim. Tho Superintendent, the Doctor, every one with whom he is thrown in contact, do all in their power to foster and dovolop this impressiou. They associttte with him and speak to him, not as a man under the ban of social degradation, but solely as a man suffering from ft terriblo disoaae, which it is their dusiro and in their power to cure.


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