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J Q. A, SESSIOUS' INSURANCE. AGENCT. His Companies Are Sonnd. piIOiNIX INSURANCE CO., HARTFORD, ÜONÍT. (WTMTAi. AND ASSETS, Jult 1,18T1 ....(1,781,000 CHICAGO LOSSES 740,000 TJIK PIKFSIX Is the bent conducted i re I itsurnncc C'ompnny In 5 ui f -er Stiltes. Alvrnyg priidriit and oiind, tind alwafs prompt in payincnt of los en. INTERNATIONAL INURANCE CO., NEW YORK CITY. The flrst Compauy to pas the ordeal of thf New Yorklnaiirnnce Commissloners bídco tho Chicago Fire, comiDg out fron thescToro tent TRIUMPÈCAnSTT ! Associatei Press Dispatch,NoTcmbor 2,1871, THR INTEBJUTIOXAL INSUBiHCE COMFAHT. The Snpertntemlcnt of the Ne w Yoik State Insurance Department, who la maklug a careful offlcial esnrniimion of the Wew York City Comptnioe to-day.certiflei thnttht Iuternatlonal Cpmpany' Jürt' of $1,500,000 are securely inrested, and its capital of $600,000, after providing for all llabilities, Inclndinf; the Chicago Ure, is wholly nnimpnired. This Company a poying all its Chicago lossen and issonndand reliable. PoHclesiêsuedat fltirrates ai my otf.No. 11 Kast ilnron atreet, Ann Arbor, J. q. A. SESSIONS, Agent. 1847tf. JTURNITTJEE ! 187S. PRÏS01V FURNITÜRE 8MR001 241 AD 243 MAIX STREET, JACKSOIM, SVSSOH. Onr Stock is CiuifciiisHy K.arsrc aud Complete, and F.inbruces every Vuricty of FURNITÜRE ! ESPECliL lI)lí 'K.TIESTS ARE OFFERXB. Inspcct Our (Joods and learn the Trices before Purclissinjí. ÍV, BABY CAKKIAr.S A SPEC IALTY-A LARE ASSORTMEST Goods Delivrred to K. R. Depots ako Packed by Oorpeüves Freb of Charok. RAKSO & KNAPP. 1363m3 yyWÏ. WAGWEk"" IS NOW BEADY FOR TUE FALL TRADE Haring Receiyod a Large Stock of FALL AMD WINTER GOODS, mcurorNQ CLOTHS, OASSIMERES, VE8TINGS, &C. of the BEST STYLES and QUALITIES, WHJCH UE VTILI. MáNUPACTURl on terms to suit. Alsoa full line of READY-MADE 0LOTH1NG AMD Gents' FUKNISHIEG Goods. BSSrr STYLEi ALSO LADIES1 AND GENTS' MOROCCO 8ATCHELS No.Sl South Mato Street,- EnetSide: CALL AND SEE THEM. 1VII.I.IA.1I AI.MJt. Ann Arbor, St? ,1ST1, LOVËJOY, TOBACCONIST ! Deals in both FINE CUT AND S31OKINO TOBACCO, SniaíF, Pipes, &c, AT XO. 7 EAST HUROX STBEET, íícxt to the Express Office, ANN AltBOIt, fllCII. 1345tf T)R. C. A. LEITEH CONTINÚES TO PUT UI AND FILL Physicians Prescriptions, At all hours, al No. 1 Greijory lïlock. C. A.LEITER & CO. Ann Arbor, Dcc; 22d 1871. 1854 Finost Assortnient of Toilet Goods in the City, by


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