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Estáte of ScphiüÜa Stee UCHIGAN.Oobi Jt ■ 0 At a tession uf tlic Probuto ('o, t. of Washtenaw, holden t t S M C& city of Ann Arbor, oa TbnijH? H,S and soventy-two. n(I fflit Wl Present, IIir:im J. Beakes, Jud nf -n. In the matter ui Uw estáte tf IJS. ' ' ' ' ' '-''r of ti,, , testament ef s iil ilewiadcomeib i1 ül hKxecutor. 'Sít ijjj upon t ia ordc-jed, that ■„„, íSoa ft : Igned l.,r ex uiiiiuint' muí .■ e 'S? uf Baid deccased, md all otS re rcqu&t" tm of snid f.nnt, then (o i i "P!" Offloe, in tbt ity of a t? !?%■ County, and bIiow canse, rf'any tlioróu , M r.ot bo allowe,; uAhfttiS er onlered, th,t aaid Exeeutar irU ; -ll musid estáte t tl"0 hl said account, and tlie hi-.iñng tkouf 'i '' copyof this oidor to be pubushe . ■ nuwupoper printed and circo,,,' A Une copy., HIIUXJ BEiK ; ÍWWhJS, Estáte of Joshua UI! n STATE OF MICHIGAN, Countyof I At n sessionof tho Probate Coitt i'M?' of ■W.shi.amw, IioUm at thel...,,,..;;:','1, City ot Ana Arbor, on Buturíav ti, 01 Marcb, in thc vear ono tlwiin.j ut, QiriUD .1. HcukcH, JuJüi-f.f r be licensed to sell certain re.ll cv , V; deoeuwddisd Mizod tv.r the purpo, ai S t Uic procceda uf such eale umoni fliïi'ii Ueftthi """i Thereupon it i ordered, that Mond,. ,. teenth day ot April noxt,atten u'clwk ,ï' ! Í- :iuon, Ije asBigucd tor the liiüii,, „f and tlmt the legatees, deTbcea at,] ' of Mid diicensed, and all otliot iienüSJ-11 ■"' ' ed in said cstatB, . requned u ,". ;in of said Court, then to h tS It the I'robatn Office, in thc City of lnni!1' dunr tiinse, if any thoro be, wiiy ik ïï? 1 petatiooei shoiud nut be grantod: An;'ordcreil, that üiid petitiorr gire Douwt-' ■ lnterccted in said estáte, of thependencrof 'Blt! t.ion, and the hearing thereof, by caiisjnn13 thia order to bo publishnl in tlic JffeS,',"''! newspapcr priutcd and circuluting in S' four sucoeusive wceka prcvioiis to wiij rfnl. , , [Atrnecopy.) HLRAM .1. ) 13CS Jute rag, Estáte of Charles BurdeiT STATE OF MICiriGAN, countv of tóL At a aesoion of tlie Probate ' ort foti ' of WaJitenaw, holden at the I'i-ol.ale 0T "1 city of Ann Arbor, on TIn r,d.iy thefaii'"1' dayoi Murch, in tbc year one thousandSS?" ' tlr.d and suvtaty-two. """Htla. Piowot Hiram J, Beakes, Judge of PrtiUtp In the matter of tlie eiUate ol Charles !'■ i ceased. '"""■"■ On; ;i.d fllin the petition, dulrT ' EllwbeS M. Bnrden, praying that 11'WcTS sorne othcr sitabl! ] ,.. u. iiUWi..J ! ol !'- oBtatc of Bid deceascd TXeroupon it is ortlti-cd, that Mundav tv ■ I lay of April nost, at ten o'clock TttiXÜ? I be aiwijjiied for the huarins of sJ Mi tbat the heira at luw of said deccad S ■? ■ I intcrested in said estáte, nre reonirtd i I ;■ session of said Court, then to ï ljj I tbs Probate Utftce, in tlie city ol Atn il!1 I and show causo, if aay tl 'u thepclitionerahoulduotbe fraiitcil : ther ordered, tbat said uetitioner giti ■ ■ interestedin ai(l cnüiti . ,,r tlie mal , I said petitioa, aud Oie hearing thereof, by c' copy of this ord?r to be vjiblisïintl tie L$} Argut, a iiewbpaper printed and .ni.-wibtiaic j ; connty, three aucceasivo weeks ï-i-.vioustoasii,, . hearing. wwJt! (Atiuecopy.) HIKAMJ. BEAKK 1365 Juiga of ti Estáte of Frederiok Jolm Wanzwt Qï ATK O1-' IÖCHIG A N , ( toual y ol VTuUmi , '' Ata&ewiOD ot the t'robate Courtiorthe . Washtennw, bolden at the Probató döiye, intwAi! of Ann ArLor, on Wedneüday, the tkirtKiiti ín j March, in tbc year on thouaand cight honañSi -two. J.'ix-hcnt. Uiram J. Beakcs, Judireof Probate In thc mattci of tbe estáte of ïodtnek Johi , zeek, di-cca On reading and filing tlicpetitioo.duly . lliu'in Wanzeck, praying that;1im1 t,nuB: sume otlit-r suitable person, way be a;ipointol j, istrator of the statte of fiid deceasod. Taercnpon it is ordered, that Jlocda. day ot Ajuil next, at ten o'elcck i HíTi! noon, bu issigued for tbe hc-ariug oí unid müj-k and that thc lieirs at !it'.v of snid deceusëd, and BL er pernons intoichted in Ú1 c-site, arewquir-, ion of said Court, thea t i hokia."'' the I'jobate Olficu, in the City of Ana ArtoTüj show cnuse, it any tbere bc-, why tlie praver tí ü tuld not bc grauted: And ■■ riered.tb) Baid petitioner giv. [nm interestcd in Baid i -aiL-, oJ the pendeucy of üíimií:-. tion, :md the hearing then of, by vnamgnmmMi-, order to bu pnbllthtd in tbe Michigan .irfit, i kik paper printc-d aud cireulotiag in M vmiity tkn ftncressivc weeks prerioua 1o said dny oj (Atruecopy.) H1KAMJ.B 1365 Judgeof Preditt, Estáte of Heman R. Gage. STATE HF 5IICHIGAK, County ..f fehlaw n Ataseaaionof the Probate Court for Uu ui ','i Uteiiaw, holden at the Probóte Ónice, ui ü City of Ann Ailw. on Thursday, tlic foi:i of Alnrch, m the yeai ouc tiwusund tiyit uötei aud Nveni y-1 v. ,-. :;i, ilütni J. Eoakey, JudíreoPím(e, In tlic natter oí thc estáte oi' Eramn ü. Out, doce.: ♦ tu and RutliA. Ga?. Aèsaiitn. of sh -ie inio Rourt anj !pftot tllit tïiey are uow propared to ronder theïr öniilacijrotu . ratont ipon ii ia ocdeïed, tliot ilonday, tü cihth d.iy of April uext, at ten oeMt w tu foren for examiniDg :i .t:i ,- BUC.h account, and tbat tl lii ir ml '( . I all otber pononi inureiiti j-iiiüd tu iijjpear at a h on ■ -. id Court, then lo be holuen t tk fubato OlñiíL-, i:l tin: t.'i'.y of Aliii Ariiir, n Mli County, aud how oause, if any tliere bc, slj tie said aerouiit siiould not allowed : AoditiiMH oi-dereil ihn' il nitela ivs aatiietotliept:ite, "i the pendoKf mü account, and. tbc Uaring thereof, ly t-.iu&iiigaffir; of tin order to bc puMished in the JicApan .th auewapuper pvinted and civculatine icsaiii Caurt!, thivi! siiucewive wetks pi-e iouö t" said Iav oí ïxuvt, (A triie copy.) HIKAM J. b Judgeof l'i Egtate of Leander LeBaro. STATf: UF MU.'HtiiAN.CountyofWasliteiiit. Al a i.-.-?io!i of the Probate Court forti nf Va-ii:cii:iw, holden at the Probate office ia dij uf Ann Arbor, on l'rinay, thc twenty-ihinl I ol Pebraury, in the year onu thontanái-lghi bi (roil and si-.venly-iwo. l'rescut, Hira:u .;. Ife:ikes.,lucpeof Probtlf. In the matter of the cstutc ol' Lcr.ndct UBiraJ, di-cea-cd. Cobl), Administrator of fld oW'i comesiuto Cnurt and représenle that he U H prepared 1 1 ronder ola flual account ae soch Ataïstrator. Tlicreupon It Is Ordreed, thnt TmsÍK. secoud day of April. ncM, at ten o'clock io ■ ,on i.eassiyned for cxamining and allcur!' Í Huch acconní. ano that the heireatUw ofMïi d ftlld all (ith'-i tu-rsoiiiitL-rcsttdiiisaiöeiU'.e, are requlicd toaitpcarataiaeMfsnsfmiaMxti'O to be holden at the Probate OHice. in ihctityoü Ai--. d !;,i-.v.-rnisrirauj!bnrli why tlie said !ia:tuitshould not brallowed: AriM further ordered, that s-iid AdininitratorsÍKiiKt tothcperíonsinicrcetedin said ctle. of lb P dencr of said account, nnd thc hearing thereoi. dt cnnalng a copy cJthiï order to bc paBlhieit Michitfuu .1 ryutjü nevspaierpriiHi danüci.fiE11 In ald County, thrce successlve n-ecks prevwul sailnay ol Hearing. fAtr:ie couy.l II 1HAM J. BEAKES, UfB Jildse of PtoMMEstáte of Horaco " QTATEOP MICHIGAN. Connt) of Wfliln O Atasessionof the Probate Court for ibiCow of, Vashtinaw. holden at the Probate Olilcc, City of Ann Arbor. on Monday. tlie inH!'!" d'iy ol Febiuary, In the year one thoasini W bunureiianil Seventt tw-. lürain 1. UeakeSjJudgeof Piob#l In the matter of the estáte of Horaco welt deceaM-d _ Thoma Ninde, Adminitrat'-r of s" e"1!!1 comeB into Court Hnd represent ttlat he is ik P i:-,ri.d lo rentier Uie linal eucü Admiöi11 tor. . i, 't'hereiiponltisUnicred. thr.t .Mnnd.iy, thlJ[ nrtli day of Mafch next at ten o'cl"Ck iu tke OT noon, be asslned for exHniinini; and llcwBIJJ? nuU ihat thc heirs at law of 8!d '!?, and all other per rted In Mfra "2ti n-qnir, d to nppaml ai a scsíion of Baid ('ourt, wW' be holden at the Probate Office, n thc City '" Arbor, In said County. and show cause, if "J '■,. bc. why tho said account .hould not be)'"?! And it is further ordered that said AdmM ire tioticetoth.e persons interested in saio 'r oí the pcndenCT of sa'.d acconnt, and 'll0e 'ji,. thcreoC. by èattsinè a co]y of this order tö ".■-! liehedinthe Michigan Atqvs, a newspape' p. aud clr'culatlng in said County. three MC"'' weeks urevionato said day of hrarinf;. _.. fA trnecopy.) BIKa.M J. HEAKES1808 JtidgiofTroM. Estáte of Charles Stuct, Sen. STATKOF.Mlt.-iniiAN.tountyrfWaslitOT'" Ai scsMoii of the l'robate Court for tbe W" of WaitKuMiw, holdan a( Probate Otüoe, o" of Ann Axbor, on Monday, the rw"" ,Jj of FebruarJ, in the year one thousand cight huM' ■:' y-t vo. l ::: J. Boakm, .Tndpe of Profcate. Ju matter oí tho Jisute of Charles Ktucii M-' ed . .vufiid rf On reading and Rlingthe petition, duif T'Sj Charles Sbier, Administrator, i iray ing that lic ".j le licensed to stil certain real estáte whprtot m .':li'l M ii '1. jiA :r.'.n it ïsouleretj.that Monday. the twentj-1 day of March next, at ten o'dock m tlie .]0Tt assigncd tor the hearing of said pf"y Mtf that the lieirs at I.w pi aid deeeawd, ai"i ' u persons intcrested in said es'.ate, ure rfquircitoaKrw of sid Couvt, then fo 1-e hol.lin. Probate office, in the. City of Ann Arbor.nn' bé, whyrheprnyerofthepeOBTC bhould not bu grantcd : And it is iurther oraeMO-rJ, ■uiiil pötitioner gire iiotice to the persons inteI'T't)M tate, of the peudencj of suid ix-titum. -'" j, ïearinir ther' .„rf niblishcil in the Michigan Argüí, a newspa?,1' .'ji ind cirrulariüpr in sai,l couuty, four suceesBli : i d.t ut hearing. „.rms 'Ihr notes and book áccounta of Mr. Pcnj. ' jj ronowinmy haada for cH.llection, nnd ""r .1-. demanded. liut'tr-1"1 .-.ts will be raado tliereon. Anu Arlor, Jnmiarv SOth, 1872. ' „rM, ÍEACY W. ROOT, AM-. Go toR.W.ELLlSA CO'f for choice Wines and Liqu"rf for Modical Purposes


Old News
Michigan Argus